Why aren't you Germanic, Sup Forums ?

Why aren't you Germanic, Sup Forums ?

I don't know if I am, and don't care because I respect people of all genetic backgrounds.

Hard not to, being American n shit.

Why is Germany Germany if Sweden and Norway are more Germanic than Germany.

Top ten questions scientists can't answer to this day.
When I'm no longer eating ramen noodles for dinner I'll buy a 23andme and find out.

"Germanic Y-DNA" is a lie, the truest of Germanics live in Denmark, northern Germany and parts of the Netherlands.

Because the name relationship between Germany and Germanic is an English thing.

In German Germany is called "Deutschland" and Germans "Deutsche" and Germanic peoples are called "Germanen".

The same goes for nordic countries where Germany is called Tyskland and not German-anything.

We may all be Germanic countries but there is nothing particularly more Germanic about Germany than about the Netherlands or Denmark, in fact the origin of Germanic peoples is Scandinavia and not Germany

Probably because I don't have germans in the family.

Excuse me, I think you mean Danic

Why do you guys speak so much English in Berlin/big cities? It totally ruined my one chance at my Sup Forums knowledge to shine. Some chic told me she spent her summers growing up in Germany at which point I told her "ich leibe deutschland" thinking I was in, but she just replied that she didn't speak German because she didn't go out much and they spoke English when she did.

I'm something better.

Only 0.6% human.

Anglos rule the world.

t. guy who is probably the product of lots of incest


I don't know why it's called Germany in English, but in the past the word "Dutch" was very commonly used to mean any of the peoples from the Netherlands all the way through Germany proper. There were many different names for German people. In fact, even Shakespeare uses a French-derived word to describe a German character (Almain).

>Anglos rule the world.
Ahahahaha. Wake up Neo you are crap.

>Why do you guys speak so much English in Berlin/big cities?
We don't.
Ordinary Germans speak German all the time, they might speak English to you when they realize you're a tourist/foreigner but if you ever made a couple German friends and wanted to do stuff with them you would have to speak German if you didn't want to feel like the odd one out.

People are not going to all switch to English just for the convenience of one person, especially since English speaking skills vary widely in the German population.

I'm confident in my English skills but I know a lot of people my age who are pretty bad at it and would certainly not like to do long conversations in it.

>but she just replied that she didn't speak German because she didn't go out much and they spoke English when she did.
How about this: She lied to you and made something up about living in a foreign country to appear more interesting.

Alternatively she might have stuck exclusively to an English-speaking expat community and never had real connections to ordinary Germans.
But spending a long time in your childhood in Germany and not speaking any German is a kind of dubious claim


pick one

it's another episode of
>germanics try to take pride in other countries success

I am though

Finns are Mongolic not G*rmanic

germanic people are subhumans

I am a celt

Fuck off wh*Te subhuman

Because I'm italian master race

Cause i'm not a cuckold.

Tyskland is the same word as germany.

Deutsch and tysk have the same origin in the word for people "tjud"



>I haplo

tfw Scottish/Italian
tfw Turbo Germanic genes on display

but i am desu