Explain this Sup Forums

Explain this Sup Forums

Your name is probably Muhammad.

Doesn't say anywhere in that picture that NHS will be funded 350 mil if britain exits.

Not an argument Juan


It literally does

Can't Barrage The Farrage.

it literally doesn't

Vote Leave was the official campaign, Nigel wasn't in it.


Doesn't neccessarily mean the full amount of £350m to be used solely for the NHS every week. There are other services that have been made to suffer such as education and police that could do with a good chunk of that extra money that we'll be saving every week.


right. The woman in the interview asked about this 350 million being given to the NHS.
Nige said he cant confirm that, before he can explain that hes not the fucking prime minister and doesnt have any say over how it is spent, the interviewer chimps out.
also we dont have that £350 million yet because we havnt even left yet (and wont leave for quite a few years), most the dipshits on facebook spreading this crap seem to think we are already out, we still have to pay this up until the day we officially leave.

It heavily implies that the 350 mil will be spent on the NHS. It's blatant misdirection and extremely dishonest

Farage isn't part of Vote Leave.

It doesn't say he's going to fund it with the whole 350m.

He's saying what we could do.

Of course, we all knew he wouldn't be in power after the referendum. So assuming that this is what the government would actually do is retarded.

The implication there is no greater that "some of this money we saved will fund the NHS". But regardless, that wasn't Nigel's bus.

>ask Nigel if he can guarantee the money will be spent on the NHS
>asking someone who has no more power over this decision than any of us

I seriously doubt anyone who voted leave is actually getting wound up about this, its all remain being buttblasted that they didnt winso they are trying to convert leave voters by spewing bullshit

It literally doesn't.

Nigel isn't part of Vote Leave

wut is nhs?

>let's fund our NHS instead

Zero reading comprehension

Actually it does not say anything similar, the only thing you can get from it is that such money may or may not go to NHS, also Farage is not the government, yet is safe to assume that current government is able to fund the NHS with that money.

National Health Service. Funded by tax to provide "free" quality healthcare to all British citizens, it's very important to us that it works well and that we can be proud of it

Would it be a bad thing to get a tattoo of the union jack?

> No it doesn't say all £350M will go to the NHS, it is suggesting the NHS is one of the outlets where it could be spent.

Literally thick as fuck.

>Would it be a bad thing to get a tattoo of -

It doesn't state that the total £350m will go the NHS

You're the one that's illiterate, Cletus

With their attention span they will start blaming leave for poor economy not realizing they are shitting on EU.
Going today to spi some ale to celebrate. Too bad only baked beans I could find were made in Germany.


The sign says that farage wants the OPTION to fund the NHS, to be ALLOWED to. It does not say that he necessarily will.

Obama said he would close down Gitmo!? What's your point.

It says lets fund NHS instead, implying using that money towards NHS, not necessarily all of it you kike.

But that's what Farage wanted to sell, it's the "say-but-don't-say" trick.
Also that number is wrong, but that's another thing.

Whole brexit thing is based on lies, anyways.

Farage is not a part of the official leave campaign.

>make 1 bil / week thanks to being in EU
>pay OUT OF IT .35 bil / week
>lose .05 bil / week due to bad deals with EU
>fund the HNS with ((( more taxes )))
Wew lads..

Brexit and Remain both used dodgy economic stats, it's a fucking election

If you didn't vote based on ideology, you're a retard

>magically get £1bil/week profit

>romanian economics

>we do X, let's do Y instead

The contents of "X" are completely separate from "Y" in that sentence. You'd only be correct if it said "we do X with Z, use it for Y instead".

>bongs in charge of their own language

do we know that this is what nigel said though? it's just some slogan on a bus.

>British education

Farage was never in the official vote leave bloc, right? That's more on Boris.

Oh, I understand! Thank you!

But he actually didn't say it.

Yep, your congregate benefit was that high, if not higher. Think of all the bussineses dude, not only what the (((state))) paied to EU budget.
>some germanbro please help me with this ugly separatist

it implies as much and you know it

but fuck health care lets just wank off to pics of farage drinking beer

No, it doesn't. You should really work on your reading comprehension, son. Maybe if it was in Urdu you'd have an easier time.

>fuck healthcare
where did I say that?

had nothing to do with this, or Vote Leave in general. He was part of both Leave.eu and GO

The UK makes nothing out of the EU. We have a £30 billion trade deficit with you cunts and pay £11.5 billion per year in membership fees.

Go pick someone else's pocket, you gypsy cunt.

So which one is it? Literally or "heavily implies"?

Implies is the most honest view. But not heavily implies.

True, it's idiotic to use both, but to say it literally says so is the worse of the two.

I dont get the problem, its probably true.
More money goes to the EU than just membership fee's.

jesus christ, it's not wrong.
UK sends EU 350m a week, and they get back about 160m a week. It's shoddy advertising but technically true.

>Are Nige
>Part of Vote Leave

Stop lad, you're making yourself look foolish.

>pleb-tier english language interpretive skills
Thank fuck you aren't a solicitor in a common law legal system