British are stupid. Without EU they cannot survive, it's a fact, countries that aren't in the EU are poors and don't enjoy a quiet lifestyle...
British are stupid. Without EU they cannot survive, it's a fact...
non tu
retard: the post
He is right, you cuck
Yes, but they did not piss off anyone and got trade agreements with the EU. Britain wont get shit-
Fuck off Ahmed
OP = nigger
>Be like Switzerland
>Don't get to get involved any Middle East blood feuds
>Don't get to enjoy the rich illiterate North African diversity that continental Europe is going to experience
Sounds like a terrible loss to me m8.
So many retards not getting the point :^)
You're a fucking idiot. The UK has been a fucking Empire for longer than any other, and this is the fire rising.
Pack your bags, Pajeet. It's time you went back to Bangladesh.
That's true! Don't even come to Switzerland, we are so poor! There is nothing for you here!
Yeah dude, it's a disaster to not be in the EU
david cameron used norway as an example of why they shouldn't stay out of the eu.
fucking this, is it just shills or what?
>implying pirate island and mt. jew land are the same
Now get back to protest
Time to get your own border, we will erase all shitskins from Calais. Enjoy them more in Bristol fags.
>Without EU they cannot survive
The UK was a powerhouse long before the EU and will be a powerhouse again long after............whiile you cucks enjoy the slow painful death of the EU experiment.
Have fun.
Hi from Fortress North America, go fika you cunt.
>Switzerland and Norway
>Best living standards in Europe
>Neither in the EU
really makes you think huh?
>What is sarcasm
i sure as fuck hope so
You're right OP, we're doing poorly without the EU.
I fear for the future of my children and grandchildren :^)
The UK is a small, irrelevant country, and besides, if they leave the EU will fall apart.
The UK shouldn't leave because now they get to have a say in how the EU votes, and besides, they're such a small voting block in the EU that they won't be able to negotiate a fair exit.
Are you seriously so dense that you don't get OP's point?
Will Britain make EFTA great Again?
>so many people not getting OP's point
>Switzerland and Norway are not in the EU
>very prosperous country
seriously Sup Forums you don't get it? The eurocucks can be forgiven but anyone who is a native English speaker or not autistic should have gotten the point that OP was making, there spelt it out for you idiots
I mean look at Iceland for example,
>Not in EU
>Dictatorship, citizens cannot vote.
>Really fucked up economy
EU was a mistake.
Bring back Yugoslavia.
Oh man.
You have internet in Norway ?
Since you're not in the UE, i cannot begin to imagine the horror that is your daily life.
Hopefully you'll open your borders soon and enjoy diversity like u- oh. Right. That evil man, Commander "Hero of the People" Anders Breivik ruined any chance of opening your borders when he slaughtered the next wave of leftists comarades.
I weep for you.
Genocide and collapse into oblivion will never come to you like for us, in the UE.
> European Union was a mistake
> Let's bring back an union that sucked even more than EU
Wew lad.
And now shut the borders and watch mayham unfold.
Lets hope you can eat jew gold.
Switzerland has basically all the benefits of the EU without the responsibilites. Your argument is retarded.
Dipshits missing the point
yeah sure if you follow diplomatic relations for some decades and manage to virtually have all the advantages of being in the EU without being legally bound to all the disadvantages
yeah then its pretty fucking OK not being in the EU. Being kicked out within 2 years surely isnt as nice, but we will see. but im 100% certain the rest of the EU will be hit less hard by the consequences than the UK / England will be
The way things are going the next refugee wave here will come from the North. Can't wait to send all the German cucks into camps for asylum processing.
This happens when you don't suck at negotiating. We're a tiny irrelevant country and yet somehow your glorious EU treats us with more respect than actual member states, even if they constantly try to get us on Merkel's neo-fascist train ride.
W-what's going on guys, BREXIT made Sup Forums more retarded than usual?
Switzerland is based as fuck I love you all. Literally the kindest Europeans I've ever encountered. You, Norway and now Britain are the last hope of Europe.
OP point is moot, the situation is completely different
one was never in the EU and the other is being kicked out, imagine the same with two dudes and a Nightclub, the comparison doesnt fucking work at all
Oh wow, okay I'll do it
has anyone realized this is an ironic post?
can you give me swiss citizenship
>Retards on Sup Forums too dumb to realize that Switzerland is not an EU state, nor will it ever be one.
>Retards on Sup Forums too dumb to see the irony of the text an image and realize that it is lampooning the now dismayed "remain" camp.
The fact that nobody is getting OP's sarcasm is what worries me, regardless of his argument being flawed
UK isn't "kicked out". They voted to leave and will do so in an orderly fashion. It's a complete non-issue. The EU needs British services and goods and wants to export their stuff to the island as well. Brussel can do nothing but bark. Brits will get a great deal and do fantastic on their own outside the union, just like we have done.
Fuck the EU, well done Brits!
>Sup Forums is smart, said no one ever.
Sup Forums is generally filled with the working class/blue collar folk who work mildly shitty jobs to survive. Cashiers, plumbers, tradesmen, oil drilling, etc. They have regular 9-5s and are generally uneducated.
There was a poll done on Sup Forums a year ago or so. The average education of a Sup Forumsitician is about HS graduate. We have a lot of people who """""""read"""""""" and are """""educated""""" on current events.
The amount of response those "response or ull die :DDDD" image macros get already hammered home the retardation of Sup Forums.
Learn to ignore the retards, or use them as a props for your propaganda when it suits your needs.
That's why I said more retarded than usual
Everyone is getting "the point" you fucking sperglord. The real point is Switzerland never joined, while the UK left. Europe is gonna make a fucking example of Britain: enjoy trading fees up the ass bongs.
without the EU British will survive
Without the EU shitskins will not survive. You are literally the Low IQ niggers of the EU. You have to get taken care of like the Niggers here in America.
How does it feel? As a Man. To know you have to survive off of the scraps of a another man?
As has been said before, the UK will strike up individual deals with individual countries. The UK is still a strong market that people want to be in, the UK will still want to be part of other markets.
Not much is going to change.
Ha ha butt hurt frenchie no more british subsidies for your farming faggots hahahahahahahahahaha.
enjoy your cultural enrichment kraut
Nice bait fucker
the krauts secret plan to give the UK special status has been leaked.
europe needs britain more than it needs europe.
>sandnigger defending retards and the EU
Enjoy shitaly, you sure are doing well :^)
>imagine the same with two dudes and a Nightclub, the comparison doesnt fucking work at all
What the fuck are you talking about, you barely sentient Swiss retard?
As opposed to all those extremely open minded and well rounded, stable individuals emerging from 3-6 years of taking drugs, getting black out drunk and having awkward sex with liberal arts degrees.
I respect blue collar workers much more than I respect faggots like you and your ilk who think college is a rite of passage to be a condescending, classist fuckwit.
>London, center of financial world
>Great Britain, cannot survive without EU
The EU is finished and the great globalization experiment along with it.
thats how it is for all of us outsiders really
>British are stupid. Without EU they cannot survive
Congratulations to you Brits!!!
aste the air of freedom
Will not happen EU needs Brits more than other way around. Don't be stupid Italy.
>Britain will get a deal like norway if they leave.
>still has schegen area
>still has single market
>still has to follow eu regs
>3 euros have been deposited into your bank account
I take that back. Very sly Mr Frenchman
>Without EU they cannot survive