I can't remember what was her name again Sup Forums?
Jo ????
I can't remember what was her name again Sup Forums?
Jo ????
Other urls found in this thread:
Jo blackcox
>get killed for remain victory
>leave wins anyway
stupid whore died for nothing lol
Jo Lannister
Jost Cox
>my grave up senpai
Jo 'blows' Cox
"Smugface cunt who was killed by the EU in a false-flag and sacrificed by the Jewish blood God Jahwe but in the end died for nothing"
Mi5's faces right now
You're a moron m80. Fuck off out of my country.
Jew cocks
Jo "Big Black" Cox
Feels comfy.
Jo 'Pain in Vain' Cox
Jo "died for nothing, bullets for free" Cox
What a despicable cunt.
Dr.Cox I'm MI5
Jew Blackcocks?
Her name? Jo Quisling.
Why do all female leftist politicians look so fucking disgusting? Is it because they are bitter that nobody wanted them when they were younger that they now plan on destroying civilization?
Need to shop Tom Mair's face on him desu.
She totally looks like Gollum
It proves that physiognomy is true.
Look at her smug face, the evil grin, the hatred in her eyes. Spiritually and mentally, rotten to the core.
These false flags really do have to go. On the off chance (read: 0.01%) that it wasn't staged, I'd feel bad for her.
Jo "no pain no remain" Cox
wew that was really pointless
I bet this smugface does not feel bad for all those Brits who get stabbed or raped by the non-White mass invaders she invites.
>Gets false-flag murdered and it doesn't change anything
You sick cunt. Kill yourself, do the world a favour
Jo Cocks
>when not even blood sacrifice can further your globalist agenda
Hahaha, Auscuck cannot handle the truth and the banter.
jo 'remain dead in a box' cox
Probably this disgusting evil witch is burning in hellfire now
Jre Cox ladm8
Jo "I suck muslim" Cox
Jo "died in vain" Cox
Lay off guys, her husband was nice enough to launch a donation campaign for his late wife's boyfriend's family
>HOPE not hate, who seek to challenge and defeat the politics of hate and extremism within local communities across Britain. All white people who don't like mudslimes are immediately Hitler and should be treated as such. Sharia law MUST come first.
>The White Helmets: volunteer search and rescue workers in Syria. Unarmed and neutral, these heroes have saved more than 51,000 lives from under the rubble and bring hope to the region, and brought said survivors right back to the UK with them.
Jo "die like a pig" Cox
>Tries to make money from his wife's death! ;)
Take a load of this kike
Jo "I died a traitors death for a failed referendum and all I got was this crappy T-Shirt" Cox
I think now this cunt looks even more like Gollum, matching his skin colour
Who gives a shit, brexit is happening brothers
Jo “but we banned guns" Cox
Jo Kerr
Joe "Failed Flag" cox
jo 'without firing a shot' cocks
Jo "Orient my coffin towards Mecca" Hijabi Cox
callous.. but true I hate everything she stood for and she would like see a Muslim family housed in this country rather than a homless white brit family but still feel bad for her kids she was basically a well intentioned idiot
>"Today is the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. More difficult, more painful, less joyful, less full of love. I and Jo's friends and family are going to work every moment of our lives to love and nurture our kids and to fight against the hate that killed Jo. Jo believed in a better world and she fought for it every day of her life with an energy, and a zest for life that would exhaust most people. She would have wanted two things above all else to happen now, one that our precious children are bathed in love and two, that we all unite to fight against the hatred that killed her. Hate doesn't have a creed, race or religion, it is poisonous. Jo would have no regrets about her life, she lived every day of it to the full."
- Her husband
Jo "UK leaves EU nevertheless" Cox
Jo "in Britain guns are banned" Cox