Way to go lads, you ruined everything

Way to go lads, you ruined everything.


The sky is falling.

>british born foreign children

Haha cry me more tears you leftist dicksucks.


My god, what have we done.....................


Huh, sounds like this person was doing quite well for themself, unlike everyone who voted Brexit.
Learn to deal with it kid, everyone else had.

The UK put xenophobia and racism ahead of itself because it refused to be subservient to a pan-national superstate with no accountability and a history of incompetence and failure.


>yfw people getting a taste of "democracy"

>there is no diplomats between independent nations?

Why doesn't the UK just set up free trade agreements with some of the other European countries? Kind of like Canada and the US. Are the economics the only downside to Brexit?

>immigrants are terrified and crying

Tell me again why this is bad?

Boohoo bitch, get off of the way of progress.

>she wanted to go into foreign diplomacy

Did I miss the part where Britain abolished international diplomacy?

>immigrant staff

See: low cost hamsters.

Traitors should be hung.

There is no guarantee these trade agreements would be good Now people have to cross their finger and hope British politicians won't sell Britain for corporate interest

But they will.

Everyones acting like now they are out of the union they will never trade with anyone again.

NZ nearly has a free trade agreement with the EU and we dont have to fucking be in it.

The EU would be hurting themselves as much as UK if they didnt let the UK trade with them.

The schadenfreude is ambrosia.

>can't go into foreign diplomacy when not in the EU

if that bitch is that fucking dumb, she SHOULDN'T go into diplomacy


That's just it mate. If the trade agreements that replace the EU ones aren't working for the British people they can VOTE to change them by electing a new government

>Budget won't last to the end of the month to make rent and eat
>Only dropped to same rate we were at in feb by 9:30 and better since then
Feels good to make people into retards, destroy the concept of diplomacy and magic away all the of jerbs!

oh fuck off. my mum was an immigrant and she just had to fucking get on with things. she didn't just sit around wailing about how unfair the world is

This woman is so fucking stupid I can barely bring myself to read her bullshit

How would brexit reduce the need for diplomats, its the opposite. I guess she means she had cozy EU job lined up through nepotism and now has to make something of herself.

And the world keeps on turning.

Anyone who is foolish enough not to be self sufficient deserves what they get.

I'm so fucking glad to see pajeets and goatfuckers getting rekt

>Good luck dealing with Russia when there is a fragmented Europe.
NATO is more important in keeping the Ruskies down than the fucking EU

thats what i fucking thought lmao - even retard leftists dont read what they write

>My roommate is crying because her career relied on being a parasite fulfilling a useless role that is now gone


>I live overseas

No one cares about you then. Fuck off.

There aren't 400,000 fucking worthless E.U. bureaucratic positions to fill anymore.

I wonder what sore loser moves Soros will pull after his humiliating defeat?

>Britain leaving the EU
>All the indianpoo and mudshits go to the US and Australia instead

fuck you fucking smelly bongs, contain your fucking poo!!!

>tfw fucking Australia has a free trade deal with the E.U. and will have one with Britain

How dare poor working class native Britons preference their own needs over that of my rootless cosmopolitan parasitic family. How dare Britons exercise their right to self-determination without first consulting my immigrant mother first?! Don't they know it's in their self-interest to compete with my mother's 50 cousins for diminishing wages and increasingly expensive houses while subsidising my coethnic immigrant's wanton fecundity!? Why didn't they think of my housemate who wanted to be a part of the eurocratic parasitic class!? It's just so UNFAIR.

>Britain just left the EU
>gonna have to renegotiate trade agreements, treaties, etc with all other countries
>my dream of being a diplomat is ruined


kinda like my wife's son

all in on hillary.

Probably another false flag shooting

Also, the standard leftist response to the working class who can't make rent or put food on the table is to laugh at them and call them racist. Now this pseudo petit bourgeoisie brown bitch can't handle when it's her class that is thrown to the dogs.

She didnt want to be one of those boring actually working democrats, she wanted to take lots of free trips to Brussels to talk to primary school children and booze around

>(she wanted to go into foreign diplomacy)
She probably shouldn't if she thinks foreign diplomacy begins and ends with the EU.

how does the pound losing value mean she can't pay her rent?

if her rent is 400 a month and she has 400 saved, whats the dealio?

Fucking rekt

I was just about to post this after seeing it on my timeline as well.

That diplomat part smells like made-up tumblr sob story bullshit. Tumblr almost always manages to spread some sort of fake story to grab attention and free likes/favs during times like these.

Remember the one where a New York muslim taxi driver supposedly cried because nobody wanted to do business with him shortly after the Paris attacks? I still crack up about it.

She lives in the Netherlands, but it still doesn't make sense. How is your income in pounds when she lives (and presumably works) in a country that uses the Euro?

So exactly like the EU already did?

deport them all
no feels

this many times over

if you aren't careful you will end up like norway, or even worse off than norway

>the money i save at the start of the month isnt enough for rent and food because of the pound went down a little bit
How much did you save? 10 pounds?

You have to remember, the EU is basically a graveyard for politicians who are no longer liked in their own country. Were will that poor girl go when she shits on the electorate and needs to find a new job?!?

Probably on benefits living with her Syrian BF in a Dutch council house.

>Don't they know it's in their self-interest to compete with my mother's 50 cousins for diminishing wages and increasingly expensive houses while subsidising my coethnic immigrant's wanton fecundity!?
one of the best things ive ever read

There's just something about seeing Germany posting dank Trumps that makes me feel like maybe all is not lost, and there's still a chance to fight globalism.

I'm pretty fucking happy today, guys

I love you Sup Forums
