a new major war on european soil when ?
A new major war on european soil when ?
what gets me about this "argument" is... what in the world made them think there would be many big wars after ww2? it was pretty fucking decisive
That image si retarded, it looks like the inter-war was as long as WWII
wtf is this piece of shit
>Balkan wars unmentioned
original EU members you idiot
>wars are slowly becoming less common
>EU just so happens come in near the end of the process
it's better to have war than being conquered by Muslims without even fighting back
The cold war was still a major war.
Anyway if the next major war in Europe will be a civil one, there is 0 point to attack our neighbor in a globalized economy.
there was war, and a fucking ton of it
Cyprus, Greece, Yugoland in General, Bosnia, Kosovo, not to mention the various separatist/ terrorist movements...
Adding to that the EU started out as a trade deal for coal and only became a political entity much later. What kept us from war was the Soviets keeping their part together and the Americans throwing heaps of money at their half
>Netherlands holds a nexit
>Merkel has a fit
>mobilizes an army of bull dikes and Isis fighters
>marches into the Low Countries as usual
>Poland,us, Russia and uk fight Britain and France
>also destroy Isis as a side show
>ww3 is victory
Netherlands in Indonesia
France vs SEA in general
Suez Crisis
civil war probably if the EU doesn't change it's tune quick smart
Are you sure that's not just cause the world is getting more modern and now relies on fixing conflicts in other ways other than war?
uk fight britian and france?
>Cold war
>Iraq, Afghanistan
Peace in our time
Except for when we bomb other countries teehee
That's just it.
The Brexiters want to end the globalized economy.
I miss typed meant Germany and France
Unless Scotland and Northern Ireland become a new Union separate England and Wales
Indonesia and Egypt are in the EU?
in 2023 the Caliphate of Londonistan will begin its conquest
>Yugoslavia and Ukraine aren't Europe
wew lad
İnşAllah we will fight with you on the field Mohacs again.May the good one win fellow mongol
>The Brexiters want to end the globalized economy.
Not only futile, but untrue. They just don't want to leave decisions relative their competitive angle be dictated by bureaucrats in Brussels.
Next friday.
Part of Netherlands
refer to this Its peace until you do what we don't want you to do
Pretty soon.
>Syria collapses.
>Iran/Lebanon follows.
>Israel enter the Gaza strip and Golan heights.
>Saudi invasion of Iraq and Iran.
>Russian troops enter Ukraine.
>Balkans end up in all out war.
>Balkan Muslim vs Christian conflict pours out over Europe. Gang fights everywhere.
>Turkish aircraft in the Balkans and Southern Ukraine. Infantry deployed in Caucasus.
>Greece betrays NATO deal, launches attack on Turkey.
>Germany collapses.
>France in turmoil.
>Sweden in disorder, gets help from Denmark and Norway. Loses Gotland to Russia.
>Belarus and Baltics ally with Russia against Poland and Germany.
>Britbong forced to fight for the EU and NATO.
>Europe is forced to choose between two dominant trade partners once again: Russian Gas or US/Saudi Oil. What will it be guys?
>(You) bring out your granddad's rifle and >get shot
>major war in cuckland on the horizon
That would certainly explain why we'd want to draft women all of a sudden.
The Suez canal was controlled post 45 by EU founding members
so were Indonesia and SEA
the point is that the person who made that retarded picture suffers from a severe case of actual eurocentrism while probably being someone accusing others of such
just because European countries stopped killing their neighbours does not mean they stopped killing others, including their own young in any way
>we draft womyn army to fight the eurofags
Fix'd it for you you gypsy trash
>Correlation and causation are the same concept.
t. OP
where was the EU when Russia annexed Crimea?
It was a peaceful referendum, just like yours.
Cold War?
Balkan War?
Ukraine War?
>no wars in Europe since NATO, and UK, France and Russia having nukes
Really makes you think
Didn't half of EU participated in Iraq and Afghanistan wars?
The peace is because we are democrats now. If anything EU have raised the mistrust between countries, with immigrants and debts crisis.
Balkans, Ukraine and those far east European nations that nobody gives a fuck about?
>Forgets about Yugoslav wars
>War in Ukraine
>All caused by EU fuckery
Hate these faggots desu
You shifted EU's founding date decades to the past you fucktard.
Only Slavs are killing each others lately.
>implying nukes have nothing to do with the lack of wars between powerful countries
the EU was founded 1993
So basically the good guys lost in WWII, the evil tyrants won and are now ruling the world with an iron fist, thus no more wars are needed.
Good to know.
Too much peace is toxic anyways.
>he thinks the EU created peace
>not NATO
stay poor
>Baltics ally with Russia
E.U. will start to crumble, and secular balkanization will set in thanks to Germany.
Turkey enters.
France and Netherlands and some others get scared, hint at exits.
Germany and Turkey go full retard and start trying to impose restrictions and laws - E.U. version of the U.S. Civil War commences.
Could actually happen if they would keep their hands away from our clay, but that will never happen
>france calls out HER army.
France btfo.
Balkans war.. Falklands war..Ukraine conflict. All 3 of them the EU could done a much better job. inb4 Falklands war doesn't count.
>calling your country a dude
nigga that's gey
Just a reminder that if we'd stayed in the EU, we would have been forced to merge our armed forces with the rest of the EU, leaving all our overseas territories such as the Falklands completely undefended, as the EU would never fight to defend them
5 Years.
Just wait till someone writes a peace deal with ISIS giving them legal territory.
The only thing they need is peace with chinks.
No Balkans, entire thread discarded.
There is literally no point for a war on european soil when you can fight by proxy in some desert shithole.
>millions of europeans died
>people are tired and ruined
>empires died
>everyone join NATO against the gommie menace
On another note, we also created a shit union
It makes me uncomfortable agreeing with this post, Mr. Goldstein.
Spain is more likely to war itself than Portugal. We'll always be chill.