>mass deportation of Poles from the UK set to begin
>mass deportation of Poles from the UK set to begin
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Send girl, you can keep the dude.
The fuck it is you nobhead
NOT EVEN ONCE Has Exit said this, not even once in 10 yrs.
Polish have nothing to worry about, everyone in the UK now is to be given British citizenship.
So the Polish here right now, well welcome to the Empire ;p
As long as you apply for it right? I was wondering now what to do to stay
I hope they deport the Portuguese's as well. Bring everyone back home.
>everyone in the UK now is to be given British citizenship
Nobody ever said anything about that either, fuck off are they. If you were here under EU freedom of movement then prepare to be deported
If we could exchange them for "our" shitskins somehow I for one would be more than happy if we could take "your" poles.
They should all be obligated to change their pole names for English names
The need the poles to improve our genepool.
But Polish women are QTs
I'm not sure how many of them will want to be called Mohammed
The fuck you on about m8? They're literally deporting all the poles right now as we speak.
Boris said didint he?
Either way, we will not be deporting anyone, let alone the Polish here ffs, they are here working, we need them, we love them.
We love all Europeans
>mfw checking facebook and all these portuguese emigrants in the uk on suicide watch.
Why start with the Poles? Get rid of the shitskins first.
Holy shit, Corbyn is that you?
you are full of shit and you know it.
It's not set in stone yet but he said if they have been here 12 years then they get citizenship.
As a pole, I've lived and worked here for 15 years, (moved here when I was 11), have an English wife and a kid on the way. I love this country but I cannot justify paying the 1000 quid fee to become a citizen. I may need to now, to actually stay here.
I think you're just full of autism.
probably not. I imagine there will be amnesty. then you'll all be properly assimilated into counting bongs.
Based Poles are always welcome they are one of the few groups that has actually integrated
You will never find us all
Good, send them back. We need to build our country stronger. If all the talent leaves, we won't progress.
Oh wow, you fearmonger now to create panic amongst Poles living in your shithole and force them to apply for your shitty passports?
Nice trick
Because, unlike with shitskins, they can't have that feeling of superiority to Poles.
Because we just left the EU, retarded amerifat
correction, it's their shitty passports. this is how shit works.
I've lived here for 9 years but not continuously for the last 5. I had a year or two break between 2013 and 2014 Will I still be eligible for a passport or residency card?
poles integrate well, just look at all of the polish-americans
>If all the talent leaves
I'm sure all the Sebas will joyfully leave for Poland to work in Biedronka for 2200 xD
Stop it Nigel, don't give them false hopes.
Natives before outsiders mate, if you can't pay for it then pack your bags. But ideally you'd Anglicanise your name, pay the bill, and raise your kids as proud British citizens
Where is this meme coming from? No ones going anywhere
Polish diaspora
>But ideally you'd Anglicanise your name, pay the bill, and raise your kids as proud British citizens
Many Poles will find easier to move to other EU countries or even to Poland than this.
>mass deportation of Poles from the UK set to begin
I thought you voted BREXIT because you wanted your country to be sovereign and independent again. Not because you wanted to remove the only people who still work hard.
Although I would laugh my ass off if the UK managed to handle leaving and stabilize its economy only to flop the moment they kick out all the poles.
It's true, though, there are a lot of poles in the USA, look at all those kazykoviczw names in the movies, tv, etc. Actually slavs in the USA are 10% of the white population(~6% total pop).
Well good luck to them poles but that particular pole's unfortunately gonna have to cough up some dosh .
Then fuck off, what do you want? Pity?
You came here from somewhere else, we were just fine before you arrived and we'll be just fine when you leave. You need us more than we need you. You're entitled to nothing. Now you can either suck it up and do what the British people ask of you, or you can fuck away off to wherever you want you to go.
You're all Juden, idiot.
you can't deport 850,000 Polacks without a fight, m8
>Now you can either suck it up and do what the British people ask of you, or you can fuck away off to wherever you want you to go
You think the police keeps track of where all those migrants settled?
yea, i always figured britains iron industry was its strongest asset
>Finely england will be a califate. Like the profet alwys promisd.
You deport eu citzens. We deport english back to there shithole.
I only try to say that Poles move to UK for jobs and money. They don't take pleasure from living amongst dirty niggers and muslims that infest your country to surrealistic level. Finding a job with similar income is possible in all other Western EU countries, you are not so exceptional
Nothing happens untill article 50 is set in action you dingus
only if they stayed long anough to abtain personal resident status
I hope we keep the grills they're usually hot as fuck
True but 'kurwa' doesn't exactly have the same ring in german.
webm totally ruined
Turkey is an irrelevant country, our country and Greece can bankrupt your shitty country in a month and there's nothing you can do about it.
You're too dependant on Europe, half of your exports are in Europe.
Perfidous Albion strikes again. Yesterday you said fuck off to all Europeans and today you are saying that you love all Europeans.
B-But then Tesco wont sell Flips anymore, I need my chocolate crisp puffs.
>implying the Poles are the reason the UK economy is so successful
Then why is Poland such a shithole?
Send them to Ireland.
I laughed my ass off when I read about it. Based Polska.
Szkoda ze nie mam zadnych polskich przyjaciol tutaj.
Learn some economics m8. You didn't have Communism for over 44 yrs.
>Then why is Poland such a shithole?
Terrible politics.
But it's not that bad really.
it's poland lol
yeah its not like Britain can't enter separate agreements with Poland now that it has sovereignty.
East Germany did. Estonia did. China still (supposedly) has it. Japan had two fucking nuclear bombs dropped on it, South Korea was under a brutal dictatorship within living memory. All have thriving economies now.
What's Poland's excuse for still being a shithole?
Previous government.
It's always the government. When your gov steals billions, you can't progress. Look at my flag, I know what I'm talking about
>country overrun with sandniggers and niggers
>sharia law taking over
OK and what people make up the Polish government? Could it be....Poles?
Jesus Christ finally!
Shame that they probably won't come back to their country...
>East Germany did
They had west germany to pull them up. If not that that they would be a typical post-commie shithole
It's basically on similar level as Poland
The country in which half the population is starving, shitting in the fields and can't write.
>Japan had two fucking nuclear bombs dropped on it
And how many dollars did the americans drop there after the war?
> All have thriving economies now
So does Poland. Not large, but not small either.
>What's Poland's excuse for still being a shithole?
It's not a shithole. It's a typical EE country.
>polish diaspora
someone shoop farage and two slavs and pakis in the relevant places
shoo shoo cockroach
>implying we can only pick one race to deport
Please kick off the italians
>implying you'll deport anything or anyone
reality is a bitch
Its over no more cleaning toilets in free great Britain
As a Brit living in Poland, am I fucked now?
as long as you have white papers that you worked and lived in UK for 5 years, yes you can apply.
>tfw the Poles will all come to us for work
I'm fine with that. At least they are hard-working Christians.
t. Pawel Szsczczsczczczzcseswy
Yes, take your top hat, hop onto a lorry and drive back before we'll melt your ass for yorkshire pudding.
Deport all white euros to make room for Ahmeds and Mohameds from Pakistan and Bangladesh inshallah
You probably aren't at all.
Previous PO government was an EU puppet and if EU told them to kick you out, they would do it in a blink of an eye.
However, its PiS government now and if they hear something like that from the EU, they will simply tell them to fuck off.
dont know how much money the EU and US dropped on poland the past 25 years
And they've been well spent, you can send more if you like :^)
And don't act like a victim. The EU was your goverment's wunderwaffe, by which they colonized half of Europe.
Unless ofc EU goes retard and starta blocking UK citizens, then there might be retaliation
90% of the government sicne the "fall" of communism in Poland was the same people that were in the communist party during the commie times. Most members of the parties after the Soviet union fell were commies trying to stay in the game so they could leech of the government and they did for a long time. Political scene in Poland is stagnant, only during recent elections new parties with fresh ideas and no commie links joined, they're still minority and the PO-PIS duo does everything the same just some minor differences between the two. I know that you might say that we keep saying it was gommies fault but it really was, half a century under a regime that doesn't allow you to prosper unless they tell you it's okay and still every one was pisss poor back then. It will still take us at lest one or two generations to catch up.