>if we leave the EU we'll save £10bn a year
> £124 BILLION wiped off value of UK companies within 10 minutes after results
If we leave the EU we'll save £10bn a year
do you even know how markets work?
Yah UK is fucked. I wonder if cameron will commit suicide if UK now breaks up.
Can you imagine being the pm who caused the collapse of the UK?
Freedom is priceless, nigger.
>being a dumb portocuck without the slightest idea of economics
i know why your country is an african tier shithole
Medipack, how has the independent mountain kikes reacted to Brexit so far? Germans of course are cucks, but i wonder how the Swiss are taking the news of EU cracking lightly
>listening to the country that wasted all their gibsmedats for roads
Freedom from what? Freedom from free trade agreements and access to the common market? Gee, you sure showed us. Can't wait for the collapse and bongs come crawling back to EU.
Tell us more.
Probably shrugged and went back to making cheese and keeping foreign money like they always have.
They were the first to start measures to keep the swiss franc strong. The jews got this.
Oh. Thee. Fucking. Irony.
>caring more about made up currencies than keeping terrorists and war criminals from killing your country
Literally meme money controlled by software brokers.
If EU stands for the free market, why won't they trade with Britain?
Tá calado Diogo
Some of us are celebrating it with a few beers and sieg heils
Unelected EU officials have the right to tax and arrest citizens of its member-countries without consulting their leadership. They're also planning a military demand, meaning once Turkey joins they can make Greek soldiers fight and die for Turkey's interests.
It's the New World Order but done in a passive aggressive "progressive" way.
>meme money
>implying those "losses" are real and permanent
hurr I'm sure it will never go back up
That will pay for itself in 13 years.