The fact Brexit won is the greatest argument against the future of democracy. How can we advance as humanity when conservative, lesser educated portion of the people are allowed to vote in a patriotic, narrowmonded fury? Today is a sad day for anyone with knowledge about international politics.
Democracy doesn't work
Go suck merkels cock you globalist piece of shit
This is pretty much what your standard, non-educated miner voter sounds like.
If you think government spending/programs/etc work or are good for citizens, you are beyond uneducated, like "i haven't ever read an economics book or statistic other than das kapital" level of uneducated.
This really isn't the place to ask since it's filled with ironic shitposters, memesters and genuine sturmfags.
Yeah, your government programs only benefit your special interest groups. Government is a rotten husk.
I see more genuine stormers in /po/ than here. No shit
If you think that giving small elite power over several nations works well anywhere anytime, you should just fucking kill yourself.
>it's only democracy when it goes my way
Stay cucked my mongolian friend.
>Two different groups are competing
>The regular citizen votes
>The majority wins
>Not democratic
Wew lad
Miners have actual experience in reality unlike faggot students in their liberal bubbles
Would you rather bow to the will of the bosch? It doesnt work for everyone you know? Some countries lost their industry, agriculture and fishing fleets.
No one ever talks about it, because its not politically correct.
thats what you sound like
>Hours ago, on the Sup Forums section of a kazakh horse milking club, when remain was leading
>Currently, on libtard safe spaces everywhere, after leave has won
>democracy doesn't work because I didn't win
Going completely one way or the other on this issue is ignorant. All economies are "mixed" economies and desu the "two hand" (visible/government hand and invisible/market hand) system that China uses seems to be pretty good.
The last time we went for a pure free market we ended up with monopolies, two world wars and the Great Depression. Have you even read anything besides Wealth of Nations?
>>>implying education ensures people vote sensibly
Then why do people studying (((humanist))) stuff vote like ignorant idiots living in magic sky castles?
but truth is that the brexit is based on muh feelings and nothing else.
Brexit is a means to an end.
Once we are out of the EU and all of politics moves to the nationalist from the globalist we enact stage 2.
> Today is a sad day for anyone with knowledge about international politics.
Today is a great day. Congrats to the people of England! National sovereignty matters.
Libtards actually believe that the market can solve all of societies problems by itself without the land turning to some dystopian 1980's robocop's detroit.
So we should get rid of public education so people are even more ignorant on political matters.
>pure free market we ended up with monopolies, two world wars and the Great Depression.
The Federal Reserve(A government institution) caused a stock market crash in 1921 which was BIGGER than the depression's crash, but because government did not intervene in it the recession passed within just one year. When the government implemented all the New Deal programs after the smaller crash later, we got a 20 year recession.
Fuck off cunt.
>your post
And the truth is that EU has to take a long look at how it enforces laws and demands on its members. How is it possible that bureaucrats from Brussels with no knowledge of farming can make degrees that affect farmers in Scandinavia?
Trade and travelling are great things about EU, but the almost dictatorship like control it enforces on its members is a load of bull. They have no right to demand that a country HAS to take rapefugees in
It's actually the exact reason we all live in republics and not democracies. People are generally dumb and short sighted. Obvious troll is obvious but actually correct.
Oh people voted the way you did not like. There for democracy does not work. Democracy is one of the best ideas ever though of, since it does a fairly good job at trying to work for everybody. It doesn't allways work the best.
I find this the greatest argument for democracy. The will of the people will determine the future of the country, instead of being run by authoritarians like yourself who "know what's best".
People like you always come with a passive thought that you know a bunch of shit about the world. Which you use as confidence for yourself to base your postings off.
But you have no idea how wrong those little things are that make up your base. You basically have only about 10% of the total picture of what higher educated still, people like me have. Barely even 5% of what the older generation of my intelligence level have.
That is why they want to lower the voting age. So arrogant retards who think that the passive "knowledge" that you got from the kikes, is the world, the truth...
There are liberals who I know off who became full 1488, kill all kikes and basically said the same thing as I am saying. That they were fed incorrect information.
Also, government schools(which were first introduced in Prussia) in the 1870s were the ones to instill the massive nationalism and respect for government into Germans to make them volunteer into the war. Look up Otto von Bismarck.
It's funny how democracy isn't working is popping up all over the leftists sites now.
Man, like this isn't going to blow up in their faces.
I totally agree with you on the most expect that calling refugees rapefuges is just not alright, but overall you got my thumb up.
butthurt toilet scrubber
>conservative, lesser educated portion of the people are allowed to vote in a patriotic, narrowmonded fury? Today is a sad day for anyone with knowledge about international politics
^ How to lose
Libtards and elites. Translation: smart people who understand how the economy works trying to protect the mob with pitch forks from themselves.
>Sup Forums is in favour of democracy
>It's only democracy when we win
Go away Mongol
It's their loss, the Transhuman European Union will prevail.
Painu vittuun, Stubb. Ja vie se kusipään persvirnistys mukanasi.
Except as a Republic the EU is a total and complete shitshow.
FYI: I don't work in the UK.
Is ad personams all you people can do?
Liberty > Democracy > Your idiotic authoritarian tyranny pretending to be a republic.
your mad you didnt get your way
WTF are you even talking about. I hope this is just bait.
What 20 year recession are you talking about? The period from post WWII to the 1970s is largely recognized as the golden age of capitalism because of the tripartite agreements between labour, government and business. They used counter-cyclical policies combined with broad social programs.
he may be surrounded by people he hates and scared to go out at night, but at least his tea is cheap.
takas takkuun siitä
By what criteria do you believe yourself to be part of the educated and informed segment of your country?
LOL... because we all know that government is capable of solving problems.
>What 20 year recession are you talking about
The great depression itself.
The ballot should have been: vote to increase UK payments to the EU, transfer financial jobs from London to Frankfurt and break UK apart - yes/no
The elite only exists by the grace of the common.
There are no 'birth-rights', one thrives as long has his surroundings tolerate it. But do not expect it to last forever, it can be gone in a split second.
Once the elite stops providing enough to keep the general public happy... well, they may get decapitated.
>New programs caused Great Depression
>lrn2histroy m8
the great depression lasted until 1942, so not quite 20 years but close. its also agreed upon that had the new deal not happened it would have ended 7 years earlier. these are the facts, make whatever you like of it.
How do you explain the 1921 recession which ended in a year without government intervention then?
they didn't caused but they made it last longer. jesus chirst why am I educated a burger on his history.
Just you wait.
We're gonna #Fixit next!
It the opposite. When the eu fails tje last anti democeatic juristic instance over eirpe will fail. Goverments when all goes right cn then take back control over banks and corporations in their border.
Just go get shot you EU faggot
Lemme fix that for you:
The fact Brexit lost is the greatest argument against the future of democracy. How can we advance as humanity when ultra-liberal, supposedly better educated portion of the people are allowed to vote in a non-patriotic, self-destructing fury? Today is a sad day for anyone with knowledge about international politics.
oh wait! that's not what happened lol
Does that mean leftists love Thatcher now?
>dystopian 1980's robocop's detroit
or more simply, detroit in current year.
fuck off soros
New Deal was enacted as a response to the prolonged depression dude. Several years after the stock market crash
>conservative, lesser educated
I agree, only us champagne sipping socialists should be allowed to rule, when our parties come to power all I will do is rule, everyone else can do the work of the country.
Democracy is terrible, I agree, but it isn't due to the thing you said, but because it's the dictatorship or majority.
>Democracy doesn't work because sometimes people disagree with me on important issues.
Get your crying back ass to your safe space on Tumblr you fucking pathetic ponykin trans fluid something fucknugget.
Don't worry, that's already a work in progress.
Brexit was literally a vote for democracy.
Had Remain won, it would have been a paradoxical democratic vote to take away democracy.
Getting into the arguement of "lol dumb people" doesn't end well for you.
Society can't run on just lawyers. The portion of the country that was doing the real work and labour were tired of the shit. They said fuck you.
Everyone has their place in life. There's no honor in proclaiming your degree like it's some fucking special thing. The only thing that got you there was money. Money loaned by the welfare state to cushion you to said degree.
And who worked and toiled to provide those tax dollars? The peasants who you rode on.
Enacting the Class Warfare card will end very fucking badly for the upper middle class, I assure you.
based jap
Hoover created the Hoover dam, nearly doubled taxes, and massively added tariffs to the economy.
Every time shit goes against their world without borders ideology the first thing they do is lament their inability to force people to go along with their delusions. Instantly,they deride the proletariat who they believe they advocate for
>Democracy is great but only if the peasants vote in my favor!
Globalist shitbag
>financial jobs
Literally fucking nothing mate. Cya. Real jobs matter.
The people spoke, faggot. They didn't want to be in the EU and its refugee accepting bullshit. Deal with it, faggot. Or else I'll tell the Russians to invade and kick your ass again.
Bring it.
>this is litterally what pro-EU people actually think
Would you be saying this if Brexit lost 49-51?
>democracy doesn't work because my side is right and we didn't win
Yeah fuck off. Sure, we can talk about the merits and failings of democracy. But NOW? The very moment it doesn't go your way? You wouldn't care that 49% of the population had to live with the decision if the shoe were on the other foot.
>A couple hundred "well-educated" politicians who will live comfortably no matter what they do know what's better for a country than the millions who live in it
No, he's pretty much right. It's funny because you think conservatives are dumb when you're indirectly advocating for a return of medieval feudalism.
KEK is with you my japanon.
Talk like that will get you fucked up real quick in Murcia.
fuck off commy
Sure. The New Deal was a bunk deal but what about the Keynesian policies (counter-cyclical tax/spend and social programs) that worked quite well for the next ~30 years?
How anecdotal.