Well Britain, it's been fun. Us Scotfags will have another referendum and it'll be a guaranteed majority vote for independence. The union has been broken. Ta-ta BoJo.
Goodbye Great Britain
I've some mexian friends i'm sure they will help me rebuild Hadrians wall.
Goodbye UK and hello New Great Britain
>post yfw Scotland votes "No" to independence again
Scotland isn't economically eligible to join the EU.
>I-its not like we want you in the EU anyways
What is this image trying to convey?
>Spains going to let Scotland join the EU
wew lad
You already did us the favour of fucking up Labours safe seats and denying them the majority government, so you did good, son. Proud of you.
I'd vote for you to leave if I could.
>Scotts voting to leave a union to join a shittier union
I hope you guy's aren't this fucking stupid
Scotland is the most cucked "country" in the world now.
>always vote against independence because cucks
>master votes for independence from EU despite complete cuckery across Scotland
>Scotland will vote for "independence" just so it can re-cuck itself
Shameful. Enjoy your heroin.
But you guys are already reliant on handouts and the EU won't let you join as such
>SNP eternally BTFO
>Thinking that you can have an independent Scotland WITHIN the EU
>Being this deluded
Pick both. There are NO independent countries in the EU, that's the WHOLE POINT of the EU - to remove sovereignty, independence, civil liberties and, ultimately, even fundamental human rights.
Gibralta voted almost 100% in favor of EU. They need to be in the euro market to survive.
Say bye bye to Gibralta, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
"""""""UNITED""""""""" """"""""""KINGDOM"""""""""
Have fun you cuck
What do those haggis niggers love so much about the EU? Gibsmedats?
Looking forward to seeing St. Andrew's cross above my post :^)
>Scotland voting to leave the UK and switch to the Euro
>they unironically leave a union and currency with the country that it sells 90% of it's exports to
Why are you people sop obsessed over Gibraltar? it has like what 30k people?
Scotland is fucked without westminster
Better than being stuck with Jude-Bolsheviks in the EU lol. Enjoy death by 2030.
Most likely so they can move freely into spain? Now brits are out its be somewhat a pain?
>Scotland will have another referendum
No we won't m8. Not enough people here actually give enough of a shit about the EU to go to the bother over it, and if we did have one (which would only piss people off), it would be a vote to remain. Again.
The Union Jack is such a nice flag that I'll be sad to see it go.
The English and Scottish flags are both shit tier, to be honest. The Irish flag unremarkable, with slightly below average colors.
The Welsh flag is cool, but nowhere near the Union Jack.
The Union Jack was probably the coolest flag in history. RIP in peace.
not shown in the jpeg:
>black eye on continental europe
>torn up vagina and asshole
>smoking crater on its face
>face covered in semen
not shown on ireland:
>pissing self from alcoholism and shitting self from potatoes
not shown on scotland:
>cold as shit and nothing but sheep and a few castles
ironic, i know coming from this flag but still you can see the trend here
they don't really seem to be any better than england now don't you think?
england is just tryign to dump this better and better itself
at least its doing something lmao fuckin scotland nice fucking place i see you're worth keeping around at this point
>implying you don't need britain more than it needs the eu or even you need the eu
europe is fucked, britain included
enjoy your garbage shithole filled with dumb fucks who dont even speak english and cant integrate
ill enjoy my sheep and tourism here away from all that 2bh
if only it wasnt all being sold to foreigners haha
gas the chinks newzexit now
We're England and Wales
We're England and Wales
Fuck off Scotland
We're England and Wales
I want the Irish to leave the EU solely because the map looks a bit weird with Northern Ireland not being part of the EU
Just like the battle of Trafalgar, like Waterloo, like WW1 and WW2.
Britain has got what it wants and screwed Europe again.
The union sucked.
>England gets rid of shitty dead weights
But yeah this must mean their downfall indeed, uh-huh that's it
>that pic
Fox and grapes much?
We're England and Wales
We're England and Wales
Fuck the Gaels
We're England and Wales
Will Scots really put up with another referendum so soon?
You'd think they'd wait a decade at least out of common decency: does the voters' not mean anything unless it's the one the separatists want?
>2016: The UK leaves the EU
>2017: Scotland leaves the UK; Northern Ireland demanding an independence referendum
>2019: Northern Ireland unites with Republic of Ireland
>2025: EU dissolves - UK trading with the world; parts of Europe looking like Yugoslavia
>2026: Scotland wanting to rejoin UK; Ireland looking for union with UK
>2027: UK of Great Britain & Ireland reformed; atheism across the Isles detracts religious tensions in Ireland
>2030s: Commonwealth of Nations becoming ever close bloc; exploring space and shit along with great Europe
lol enjoy not being able to move below Hadrians Wall without a passport, cuck
you scots have enjoyed trying to call the shots with your referendum fail attempts....well we English and Welsh only needed one shot... and we've voted out.
i hope that oil price goes up for your sake.... enjoy using your euros ;)
Enjoy the mudslimes.
>watching tv news
>a woman for gibraltar is speaking
>"we are screwed because some rural racist english people wanted to leave"
My sides.
Referendum to join EU so soon while
France, Netherlands working for referendum and
literal German Nazi party growing in polls
>Us Scotfags will have another referendum and it'll be a guaranteed majority vote for independence
You say that like it's a bad thing. You've consistently proven you'd rather cut your nose of to spite your face. I genuinely hope Scotland goes because watching it turn into Venezuela 2 will be comfy as fuck
>UK of Great Britain & Ireland
If Scots are retarded enough to vote for literal economic suicide then let them.
>Kingdom of England returns to the world free from the dead wood its been carrying for 300 years
>we'll just get referendums whenever we want
Your last one was 2 years ago, you aren't getting another this decade.
Don't forget London
>does the voters' not mean anything unless it's the one the separatists want?
Pretty much. I guess that's why they like the EU. They keep making people vote until they get the answer they wanted too.
Westminster isn't giving them free reign with money, the EU indulges the SNP's stupidity.
g2bed Hull
It would be particularly retarded given that NL and France are due to leave within the next five years. They'd be joining a failing union.
I sincerely hope this happens, but even if it doesn't, I'm still happy just with the UK leaving the EU today.
>Scotland leaves UK
>Oil price still low
>Scotland gets bailed out by the EU within 2 years and the debt spiral starts
...and the UK will start trading with Australia again and shit all over you. You lose a huge customer, scotland. Your loss.
seeing how all you did is leech our money I am glad to see you go. Hope you get some refugees.
pvv kankermongool
suc6 met je mbo
They are. They alrady fullfill all requirements for it.
It will be fast integration. They just need to close the borders.
Scotfag here and you are delusional if you think we will vote to leave the union. The support for it isn't as great as it was last time.
And wanting independence to join the EU is one of the most retarded things I've heard today and I've been watching the BBC for most of the day.
Thanks for taking the first step, we'll be following shortly.
Me build wall for 10 tacos and a green card
Since there is no Question that Dont deserved its own thread thread, im gonna ask here. So whats nikkei have to do with brexit?
>2019:Northern Ireland unites with Republic of Ireland
There's fantasies about the future and then there's just plain fantasy, man.
>pvv kankermongool
Ali donder op met je projectie. MINDER MINDER MINDER
land verader
All the companys in england moving to scotland.
All the english loosing there jobs
Wew tryhard.
You sheep shaggers will be no major loss.
>We're England and Wales
>We're England and Wales
>Fuck off piks
>We're England and Wales
The irish want out too.
Why would the scots and the irish want to stay in the euro? They literally bring nothing to the table and would only lose their shit.
>5 million people
UK pays 17.9 billion pounds into the EU (half get's rebated back into the UK) so that's 8.9 billion pounds for gibs me dat for countries like Poland, and you think they want Scotland a country that will take more than it puts in to join the EU??
just fuck my shit up family.
EU is broke without England.
you better off sucking the tit of Boris than mama Merkel.
Daily reminder Scotland is now officially called CUC.KLAND and it's flag should therefore be replaced with the EU flag permanently.
Scotland isn't even a country anymore, no matter how they like it. They're just a group of inbred individuals who's only existence is to spite the British.
They're on par with the Chinese in terms of incompetence and Africa in uselessness
That the EU doesn't need Great Britain and will get along just fine without it.
Remember how you guys had a referendum to leave the UK a little while back and everyone here lost their shit because you voted to stay part of the shitpile that is the modern UK?
Isn't it ironic how it turns out YOU people were the giga-cucked 4th reichers after all?
Enjoy being dragged down with the EU either way. Do you think germany will have enough money to bail you out in a couple of years time?
Nearly half our population voted leave, we got cucked by nationalists in the west
Je snapt dat de moslims niet ineens verdwijnen he..
Lol there won't be another Scottish Independance vote.
What about those brave few who voted leave
Because the Uerokeks wants to keep their money safe
That's Wales, and they aren't going anywhere.
>I drew a stupid face on it because they're stupid
You're not going anywhere. You voted to be our slave and there is fuck all you can do to reverse it. If you attempt to secede illegally, England will take up military arms against you and be justified in doing so.
Scotland shall not seek secession or to become a dependent, client state of the EU. Scotland being the governed property of the EU is not "independence" and the idea that you must join a failing political union on the continent, rather than with one with the countries that are right next to you which you have centuries of history, culture and goodwill with is literally fucking ABSURD and all because you're BUTTHURT as FUCK.
They can join the UK and distance themselves from the other scottish trash
Poms red pill me on the Scots.
They seem like a bunch of useless miserable dole bludgers that have an extreme case of little dick syndrome.
Same with the Irish too I guess but more cheerful.
I have my doubts about the whole situation but I wish the Brits the best of luck with the path that they chose.
I just hope that the EU doesn't go out of his way to sabotage British independence just to prove a point to other nations that don't like the political side of the EU and also want to leave.
It's not fair for us Scottish leave voters to suffer the same fate as the cucks.
It's better to see the SNP get BTFO so no one ever hears from them or their supporters again.
This. Over a million of us backed leave. remain and I expected to get more votes from us.
I'm actually proud that so many of us have a functioning brain.
>tfw want a united Ireland
>don't want it until we're out of the EU
>republicans want a border poll asap
>leave 98% white heaven for 60% cucked brown hellhole
but why
Good. Without you faggots cucking up our elections England will become a conservative haven.
I seriously wish you hadn't bottled your chance to leave the first time.
you would know, it's cuckstamped onto your own flag
The irish don't plan on treating the English any different. We do a lot of trade with them.
Scotland is a welfare state dependent on England.
5 million more refugees for EU to take care