Since Google won't give me any non-SJW answers, can someone please explain to me why the Brexit is a good thing?
I understand the freedom aspect but what else is there?
Since Google won't give me any non-SJW answers, can someone please explain to me why the Brexit is a good thing?
I understand the freedom aspect but what else is there?
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And why is the stock market shitting itself right now?
>mfw no one on Sup Forums actually knows
It means we will have a stronger economy in the long run because we can make decisions that benefit us as a sovereign nation and not someone else.
>the crypto kike royal family and the mainstream media all favoured brexit
It really makes you think
>benefiting Muslims is a good thing
its good because the UK doesnt need to gib handouts to europoor mainlanders
This is why:
>But the two empires — one faded, the other holding on — share a centuries-long history and a common imperial culture in which the ideal of “white man’s burden” — to quote Rudyard Kipling — is a privileged inheritance and a sacred identity.
>The pro-Brexit vote in the U.K. is a cry of defiance by what’s left of that Anglo-American white tribal faith, and the decision to leave the European Union should send a shudder through those who think that Donald Trump is a xenophobic, racist nationalist with no chance to win the U.S. presidency.
>A glance at the U.K. referendum results show that Brexit won handily in England, especially in the rural, traditional towns and cities least dominated by immigrant cultural and globalism.
>Trump is riding the same tide of anti-globalism that propelled the likes of Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage in the U.K.: against waves of immigrants, against global corporate dominance of trade, against Muslim claims that terrorism is not intrinsically part of their religion, against the control of power by internationalist intellect and capital.
They're resorting to the idea that being anti-globalist and anti-free trade is now a racist position. This is the last card left in their hand. Nobody bought the economic arguments because nobody thinks the west should have to compete against child labor and literal slavery in Asia.
This is what they've been reduced to. And hilariously enough, it's coming from Huffington Post, a liberal rag that railed against the TPP They're finally starting to show their true colors. The people finally drew blood against the elites, and they're panicking.
We are winning. They know we won the battle, and more importantly, that we can win the war. That's where the panic is coming from. The revolution is happening, and it's being done with votes instead of pitchforks and rope.
I couldn't really find an answer besides that infographic video on Youtube that was shared around quite a bit.
A lot of people are saying that the UK fucked themselves because of this though.
Give us time
jews are mad at their plans being thwarted
Gotcha, but do you think Merkel & Obama's threats in regards to putting Britain last in trade deals hold water?
the brits have to deal with people traveling to the UK to find work. its not just migrants or refugees. a bunch of fucks from the EU come as well
many countries in the EU have really high unemployment. visaless travel allows them to come and steal jobs from brits. they even undercut normal living wages for people in the uk just to get money
this creates a 2 tier system in 1 country in which you have foreign labor competing for jobs with higher priced domestic labor. who do you think wins more often than not in that situation?
She's just butthurt. One of the top four economies in the UK just left and emboldened the others who were considered leaving. A wounded animal is always most dangerous when it was cornered, and blood was just drawn.
Don't worry: Next election in Germany, she's gone. Cologne, the shooting in the cinema, now this? Bye bye Frau Merkel.
The US market is not shitting itself. The swing this morning barely ranks above "hiccup" by historic standards, see for example
Certainly some companies stand to lose on broken agreements, but it's a good bet that much of the initial sell-off is unfounded richie rich libtard worry, generously spiced by opportunistic day traders looking to make a quick buck by short selling to feed off that worry.
Down a whole 2 points, meh. Let's see were it closes today.
It means not being forced to Cuck for Greece and Spain.
Its a bit normal now, But give it less than 2 years and the brits will do just fine and even better probably.
The merchant sees any rejection of their authority as a literal holocaust.
I voted leave so I could bathe myself in liberal tears. Really it doesn't matter if we're ruled by liberals in Brussels or liberals in London. Basically nothing will change except we might have more shekels.
Brexit isn't determinative. It's not law, it's just a cute little poll suggesting to politicians what people want, and the margin is so narrow it hardly justifies taking it seriously.
>what else
Move to Canada you cuck.
>move along goyim, nothing to see here
It's not. It's a meme that working class idiots fell for. Just a shame there's so damn many of them.
Follow the money. If Brexit didn't hurt Germany, then there wouldn't be as much butthurt. Now to expand on that, if it hurts one side, then obviously it's a positive for some other.
GB leaving the EU means that stuff like rules that apply to cheese makers in France no longer have to be followed by dairy farmers in England and put them out of business. Multiply that my tens of thousands of overreaching beaurocratic rules that never saw the desk of any local politician or council.
Local economies are free to react to local pressures and adjust independently.
Because a Brexit means all the trade treaties between the UK and the EU have to be renegotiated so that's uncertainty and the market doesn't like uncertainty.
< I know a Jew when I see one. Why does no one else see it?
That makes a ton of sense
strikes a blow against globalism and the EU which is slowly eroding our ability to defend ourselves. The EU serves three purposes, to make the usa money, to keep europeans weak, and to act as a staging ground/vassal for war against russia
Good. Burn them all down and hang the kikes that demanded them.
"Free trade" is a bad joke that screwed the middle class of every single country of the west so that the multinationals could line their own pockets by making 12 year old kids in China work for pennies an hour so that they can sell cheap shit back to the same people whose jobs they offshored, and then import a bunch of Mudslimes into those same countries to drive down wages there.
Today marks the first time in decades that the working class drew blood against the global elites. We won the battle, and now they know we can win the war. They're scared.
They should be. Brexit was just the beginning.
interestingly, this is what the liberals back in the day (bush 2nd term - early obama) wants. the eu was considered to be a holy union of the whites and they fucking hate that.
kinda funny how the most butthurt of brexit are the libshit, if this happened in 2007, they would be filled with joy
That sounds great. So we are going for a new world economy crash like the one in 1929? Maybe I should build a good stash of food while it's still cheap.
No more senseless regulations.
>Bullshit licenses
>Bullshits codes
>Bullshit exemptions for the companies that sponsored a candidate
It's taking away from the bureaucracy-and that's why the bureaucrats were shitting themselves and selling the idea of economic ruin.
In the long run deregulation will be excellent for Britain, and its people.
Why is the economy faltering right now?
>In times of uncertainty, people get antsy
It will normalize when people realize that everything is fine-if not better than before
If that's the only way to dislodge the merchant from power, yes.
Okay. Guess then it's probably the best. Sadly I will loose my tv and my cheap internet and all that nice stuff but I really want tose evil merchants to be away from power very much.
>muh scaremongering
Fuck off, Angela. Just so you know, France is next. Enjoy your Syrians.
Many of them have likely lost more than 6 million shekels over this.
France. Europe's leading agriculture power leaving the EU and loosing all those agriculture subventions. Nice way to stab yourself in the dick. Do it.
>France. Europe's leading agriculture power.
How long until the Muslims start burning the vineyards and wineries because they don't approve of alcohol.
Europe is going to have it's economy(s) fuck up enough from outside forces. England getting out of the inside forces fucking them up long term the only smart move, even if short term it hurts.
The muslims in France are imported from their former North African colonies and not by the EU.
You neutral son of a bitch!
But the long term muslim populations in France are being empowered and radicalized by the influx of "refugee" muslims.
Look at Paris. It's only going to get uglier. And that ugly will spread across France unless there is some kind of major resistance to fight it.
And the "refugees"? Look at Merkel and the push to a unified Europe via the EU. Destabilizing individual countries only gives the power brokers and bankers even more power.
There are nearly no "refugee" muslims in France. They are all in Germany because of a slight defect in the German Asylrecht.
Those are probably descendants of immigrants from Algeria and Morocco and former French colonies in black Africa. The newly immigrated "refugee" muslims sit in their Asylbewerberheimen in Germany or Sweden.
>That sounds great. So we are going for a new world economy crash like the one in 1929? Maybe I should build a good stash of food while it's still cheap.
first, there were no measures in place to stop it back then.
secondly, if it happens anyway, unless you are among the super rich, you will get fucked this time like everyone except the super rich back then. it's no secret that people with lots of money love crashes and panics where they can buy things for pennies on the dollar. they don't care if it sits there and rots for 10 years, because they can ride it out.
>first, there were no measures in place to stop it back then.
What measures are you talking about? Helicopter money?
>secondly, if it happens anyway, unless you are among the super rich, you will get fucked this time like everyone except the super rich back then. it's no secret that people with lots of money love crashes and panics where they can buy things for pennies on the dollar. they don't care if it sits there and rots for 10 years, because they can ride it out.
Yes but why would you want to be fucked if you can avoid it by simply not fucking up everything?
yeah, helicopters. and you're right about the other part too. forget I ever posted.
Knowing what if coming, and being able to do something about it is two different things.
The average Joe will suffer, while the super rich will ride it out. Big money always makes more money regardless of how the economy shifts.
Up, down, left or right the little guy always gets fucked. The big guy will always find a way to take advantage of that fucking.
Remember, small money is worried about the mortgage payment, food, and if he has a job next week. Big money is worried about 20, 40, or 50 year returns. A 5 year pause means nothing to TPTB. Meanwhile, Joe Blow is feeding his kids boiled bark and using only one light at a time in the house.
I still think shooting yourself in the foot because it also hurts your enemy (less than it hurts you) isn't the right way to fight big money
I still don't see it as shooting yourself in the foot. Maybe shooting Germany in the foot.
it hurts the European Union, it hurts Germany but mostly it hurts England. Schotland is going to leave the United Kingdom. England has to renegotiate all trade deals with the EU being in a weaker position. England also looses all EU subsidies which is going to cause a lot of trouble in counties like Cornwall which live from agriculture.
>it hurts Germany
>it hurts England
You mean it will ensure England goes a more autarky route which will be better for it in the long run.
Any nation should not be so reliant on foreigners.
They didnt price-in a Brexit, so now everything is adjusting.
>England looses all subsidies
And? England also stops paying into the EU shush fund that hands out subsidies. But of course, slush funds only really help the people that get first count.
And economies dependent on subsidies are just artificial, and non productive.
Want to see economies dependent on subsidies? Go to Detroit or any inner city slum.
>UK gets bad trade deals with EU
>US sees this
>give a ton of incentives for Dad to trade with us more
>US/UK partnership creates an economic powerhouse that sinks Germoney
It's WWII but with economics.
two reasons: one, because stocks predict economic change. brit manufacturing will rebound due to its now-weaker currency (assuming the trend continues which is what i expect). investors have to free up money from elsewhere, and begin now, so that they can position themselves to stay relevant as these changes occur.
and two, because the market was already overpriced. its a future-estimating device, not a bellwether of the economy. for the months leading up to today, speculators have been betting on "remain." they were wrong and now they've "lost money" because of it; stocks they hold are not as valuable as they thought they would be (e.g. other countries' versions of the same business will now be more valuable than the brit ones).
this is all quite natural and not particularly upsetting. real stock market crashes are double-digit, happen in just hours, and threaten more than just (((speculators))) and (((bank staff))). they put the most fundamental industries of a self-sustaining nation at risk.
england isn't particularly self-sustaining because it has been in the EU. to get there, it has to suffer temporarily, like taking antibiotics.
so buy English stock now or wait?
I don't expect it to go any lower than the immediate post exit especulation.
Any moves the markets make in the short term are preset to help insiders.
The only people going to make money now are the manipulators and the brokers.
We need Trump in office to make that a reality. Obama loves the EU. It's everything he wishes the U.S. government could be.
Butthurt kikes