
>murdering some1 over a ps4
Are nignogs really this bad?

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Well, it does have some pretty neat games...

Mexican American here. Had my home broken into and had my Playstation stolen by local nignogs. Just re-installed locks and bought new consoles. Fucking niggers.

yeah they are.

but also, you have to go back.

Literally a sonygger

Nigger's have killed and been killed over fried chicken,Jordan's, and nothing.

Hell I remember seeing a news article of some nigger in Walmart hitting some teenage girl in the back of the head with a baseball bat for absolutely no reason, even he said he did it because he saw it in a movie.

Stop spreading lies. PS4 has no games.

Well at least I won't have to deal with niggers any more.

You can come back...legally.

yeah but FFXV is coming out soon.

I fucking lol'd

>killing a man for no games

>gimme dat PS4 white boi
>ok here just take it please don't kill me
>aiyo where da games at
>PS4 has no games

She's going to actually live longer than expected, at this point jails are nigger reservoirs.

im sure a white person has never murdered for anything less than a ps4 before

In Belgium, you willingly let invaders in your home and steal your shit? Are you really that cucked or just distracted by the word "nigger"? I swear, Sup Forums loses all logic and goes into double think the minute niggers are mentioned.

She's black, it's not prison, it's a family reunion

>Alright we got the PS4!
>Wait where are the game?
>You trying to screw us man?!
Err no... *sweats*
*sweating intensifies*


and killed, don't forget that part

jesus christ that's true, by putting them in jail we're defying nature or Darwinism or some shit

Oh, that's definitely worth murdering someone over, than.

Remember Joe Van Holsbeek, stabbed to dead for a fucking ipod

Nigger killed a guy for cutting in line at Mcdonalds.

>aayy yo where da anime games @ tho

More proof that guns and videogames are killing people.

>Are nignogs really this bad?

Most are even worse. A great number of gas station attendants have been murdered by the Nog for as little as a pack of cigarettes and a 40oz.

Time to go murder somebody for a PS4, then

>tearful apology

where are the tears? Just looks like a sociopath putting on an act. She took the plea deal and was probably instructed to make a "heartfelt apology" as it would reflect well on her record for parole in the future. I bet it never crossed her mind otherwise, to feel sorry.

>Well at least I won't have to deal with niggers any more.

Parents legally came here from Mexico, lived in East LA and Compton. The only difference between niggers and spics is that spics tend to have fathers, are shorter and Latina women>Nigger women. Otherwise they're virtually the same.

40 years is not nearly enough. Caning followed by execution sounds about right.

How the fuck else will she play Persona 5 when it comes out? On a PS3? Please, she's not a savage or something.

>ed for anything less than a ps4 before
over 50% of the murders are performed by 15% of the population. really makes you think.

Wait so who shot who?
The robber shot the victim or the robber was shot by the victim?

>What is "skin color" for $400, Alex?

bloodborne, dark souls, witcher. i had a great time since release. 10/10 would murder niggers for.


>Nig BF and convictee text ideas about 'Hutslin'
>Guy lists PS4 on Craigslist
>Nigs reply to ad
>Nigs in car outside of PS4 sellers house
>Guy brings PS4 to car
>Nig BF grabs PS4
>Shebooniqua shoots PS4 seller thru Nig BF's hand
>PS4 seller dies
>Baboona changes plea from 'Dindu' to Guilty
>40 years of family reunion

considering the pic, what do you think is more probable?

>forgot to mention:
Nigglet in the vehicle; FOR THE WIN!!!

Poor Microsoft, nobody would kill for an Xbox One.


>over 50% of the murders are performed by 15% of the population. really makes you think.

Black people make up 12% of the population. Half are women so black men are only 6% of the population. HOWEVER, a good percent of those black males are under 12 and over 50 leaving teen+ adult males at 3-4% of the US population. So 3-4% of the US population is responsible for over 50% of all murders in the US. A combined 96% of the US makes up the other 50%, astonishing isn't it?

> (OP)
>>murdering some1 over a ps4
>Are nignogs really this bad?
Yes they are.

Pic related. Happened in Chicago yesterday on a train at like 2PM.

Apparently girl wanted to be guys boyfriend and he didn't like her. Your typical ape/baboon reaction is to stab over and over again.

did you even read the article paco? It was the robber (nignog) that murdered not the other way around

It's always playstation isn't it?
>get shot waiting in line for one
>get shot walking home with one
>get planned to be shot for owning one
You'd think something with nogames wouldn't be worth shooting people over

Disregard that, I suck cocks

>I ain't ya bae
>You ain't finna be anyone's bae


>takes picture


Well, you ain't gonna be able to bring him back, are you?

This happened in Roswel, GA where I grew up and where my parents still live. Roswell was voted one of the safest cities in America by CNN back in 2005? 2006? Very affluent community in most parts, just the ideal place to raise a family up until recently.

Anyways, there is a square mile area you don't visit. 5-6 apartment complexes along GA400 for any Georgia bros. This murder happened there.

The place is turning to shit. I would say blame it on the Mexicans but they showed up in the late 90s and kept to their own part of town. Didn't really bother anyone. In fact, one of their own got killed by a black years ago and the Mexicans rallied behind the woman's family and tried to help.

What I'm trying to say is the Mexicans didn't ruin Roswell, the blacks did. I got the fuck out of there years ago. I'm just happy my parents live far, far away from that side of town.


Quick, how can we blame white supremacy for this?

>one exclusive
>others are Multiplats

Fuck I remember that shit

really despicable

Did they just stand there

>someones life < a ps4
>40 years > reduced sentence for being a teenager
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.