Is it happening? If Scotland and London become independent, what does that mean for the rest of England?
Is it happening? If Scotland and London become independent, what does that mean for the rest of England?
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>muslims petitioning for muslim mayor to form islamic caliphate
wew lad
Is this even legal or would this basically end up in martial law?
No idea but it's got me spooped, if we leave I don't know what the hell I'm going to do. Gunna have to move out of London I guess.
Fuck, Children of Men is becoming reality!
Has it ever happened that the capital of a country said "fuck to my nation " and become a free city?
>London become independent
The Queen lives here. The whole gov of UK is here. Just because some shitskins got elected, what the fuck do they expect?
This is why you don't have referendums in countries that dont frequently have them. People start wanting to petition for all sorts of garbage.
Let them. Let's see how long it will be before a new """"referendum"""" is """""proposed""""" to replace English law with Sharia. I give it 2 years.
It's preposterous social media allows something like this to blow up. London would never be allowed to do that
Can they simply hang this cockroach now?
Don't all major cities suck twice as much taxes as they pay? I don't think this would be good for them.
hahaha good luck sandniggers
They can fight for the scraps with the warring clans led by Farage and Boris, whilst us Londoners sit in our ivory towers
>we hunger games now
May the odds be ever in your favour, you working class fucks
Well the Vatican owned owned all of Rome. But at the time Italy was a bunch of Principalities and Kingdoms.
Please do, I want to see her highness armies cleansing the city.
the old lady in that scene is a german immigrant coming to UK
she is complaining about being put in the same cage than a "schwartz" man
thread theme:
As a Galswegian and Scotsman, I am thoroughly ashamed. I'm beyond pissed.
Why are my fellow countrymen such fucking cucks? Why the fuck are we voting SNP and wanting to leave the UK? Why do we want fucked by the EU?
Sometimes I wish I was born in England. Us Scottish have been biting the hand that feeds for way too long now. England always wiping our ass and all we heroin junkhead fucks can do is complain.
OK but we'll move it to Pakistan. Everyone wins.
She has a point though.
They should leave and join the US
god, that would be awesome
let them
in fact, move all muzzies to london
then[spoiler] glass it[/spoiler]
problems won't
This will not happen, just a bunch of lefties getting their pants in a twist because the election didn't go the way they wanted it to, it will blow over and London will return to its usual shitty self in about a month.
then they can vote to a party that puts their referendum in the program and when that party wins they'll get to vote on whatever they wanted
Scots have a remote possibility but london? How fucking retard are you mate? fucking wanker I swear.
you are the cuck here
>w-why would i want independence? g-god save the queen
>If Scotland and London become independent, what does that mean for the rest of England?
I don't know but i hope it means every secessionist party gets riled up
>mudshit mayor on suicide watch.
>mudshit mayor on suicide watch.
>mudshit mayor on suicide watch.
>mudshit mayor on suicide watch.
>mudshit mayor on suicide watch.
>mudshit mayor on suicide watch.
Crusade to reclaim London, when?
Good, Amhed making clear they are in Europe for conquest.
Are us bongs fucked?
Seriously, why should we be independent? Which point of reference do we have? The years before 1707? Spearheaded by whom, the fucking SNP? Don't make me laugh.
The muslims in London won't get away with it.
Start one for Sadiq Khan to be deported
Very soon lad. Just wait for the Pope to stop cleaning mudshit's feet.
The Queen can get evicted
>Gibraltar voted to stay in
is that kebab removalist in the cage too?
you brits are the worst kek
Wtf is Sadiq Khuck actually going to go with this?
I hate the motherfucker and I've never even been to London
Probably perform some publicity stunt / speech to satisfy his muslim hordes in Londinistan and tell them afterwards
>Sorry, welp atleast we tried
He knows he can't do shit
On a similar topic, is London lost? I mean, English people have become a minority in London, they have a muslim major, and I just don't see how it can be saved without a massive purge, which is unlikely to happen before the day of the rope.
the muslims were the good guys in that
By who's army?
Build a wall around London.
Put on his rag-hat and finally become the person he has always been.
Independent Caliphate of London, or New Mecca is coming with Sharia law and all that jazz
London has been shit for a while now. It will probably continue to get worse. Thank god I live nowhere near there.
And ur mum can stop being the town's bicycle.
But we both know neither is going to happen.
Singapore in Malaysia, although it wasn't the capital
Macau in China
Monaco in France
But these two cities are located on the coast. London isn't.
scotland is full of liberals and mega cucked see
>wants to leave uk
>wants to stay in eu
Do people even remember the time before the EU?
I feel you dude, I always try point out the idiocy of the indie voters. They were bloody voting to join another union, not independence. Rampant leftism destroys anyones hopes and dreams of a right wing party too.
>white civilizations become the pinnacle of scientific progress and culture.
>we abolish borders because people trust each other
>then globalist Jews and especially mudslimes start pouring in
>now we regress back to goddamn walls
Fuck Muslims for ruining everything, again
Good. London is so far detached from the rest of the uk. Let the muslims and the bankers share the city.
Wonder how many muslims are going to flee to the EU and change citizenship.
Get your guns back and take the city back.
>Thousands are petitioning for London to become an independent state.
They misspelled caliphate.
Didn't Texas want to secede when Obummer got reelected?
Hopefully all of them
I live in a town that's been spared the worst and only over the past few years have shitskins started to become a part of the scenery.
I just can't fathom how people who live in places like London, Paris and Oslo can accept what's happening to their cities, when they get see it with their own eyes. It's been enough having to watch it from a distance, but these people live right in the shit and just go along with it.
I just don't get it.
I remember the time before the €. My money was worth more and Italy always had high inflation. There were barely any dark kids in my elementary school class.
>London getting an independence referendum
I hope they are joking whoever set this up because you'd have to be stupid to think this could ever happen.
-the entire EU
texas will secede if gun control becomes too strict, pretty sure that's what triggered it a few years ago after some mass shooting.
Sup Forums approved movie. Realistic depiction of future Britain.
Best of all, this shit is only happening because the Pigfucker desperately wanted to win the election in 2015.
Secession has historically not worked well in the US
It's only been tried once as far as I know. Maybe a few other skirmishes here and there.
Caliphate of Londistan
All the people petitioning are Muslims
That's what the m25 is for. Siege of London. Let the fuckers run out of cappuccino, and cut off the power. London can't feed it's self.
Please deport these fucking clowns back to their home countries. It is because of them I can't get a visa to do my PhD overseas.
Fucking troublemakers, you want Shria get the fuck out of a Western country and go to Middle East.
Deport all muslims to Madagascar when?
Also be careful Britbongs. Separatism can become real with all this muslim chimpout.
>muslim chimpout
This needs to happen in order wake Europe up.
>London becomes an independent state
>Then the blockade happens
Wew lad
Texas ain't goin anywhere. It'd be who, the citizens of Texas versus the entire US national guard, military... good luck with that
No shit fellow burger
>implying they're not doing it already
Most of the army is composed of Texans. You really think they're gonna kill their friends and family?
It's not going to happen, remain will just tell Lodon to respect the will of the people and that will be it.
>Talibans have Sharia in their country
>invade them and remove Sharia
>Saudi Arabia has Sharia in their country
>pressure them to remove Sharia
It doesn't work like that pakicuck.
>most of the army is composed of Texans
source. No way most of the army is from Texas.
What's wrong with a scot wanting to be part of an independent Britain?
another great fire is needed, then we can finally build that airport.
I should say that of any one state, Texas has the most people in the Army.
Wouldn't mind moving to Little-England and Wales if London left. Would be comfy.
Sure beats getting murdered by the EURA.
>Texas has the most cucks willing to die for nothing
As expected.
EH, Nothing will come of it lads. When Obama won the second time around Texas literally voted to secede. from the union.
THE BUTTHURT IS PALPABLE AND DELICIOUS TODAY. Rejoice Men. Rejoice this is exactly what was wanted and needed!
No problem, I say we airlift London into Germany and see them have fun with it.
Don't feel too bad bruh. At least 1/3 of you are not cucks.
My thoughts exactly. Please god let this happen, all of Europe will finally see the reality of middle-east + African horde coming over. Leftist cucks will lose all credibility accusing right wing of fear mongering.
What Germans never were able to do with bombs, subhumans did with their women's wombs. #londonhasfallen