To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Logic

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Logic

Other urls found in this thread:

Please kill yourself

the most Reddit image ever

This makes me wanna throw up

i wish this wasn't real

God I hate white people

I dont wanna be aliveeee


Wow he really knows how to pander to his audience

I'm glad that they clearly put as much work into that clip as Logic does into his music

If "Grandpa's Spaceship" is Logic rapping over a remixed beat of Rick and Morty ima die

I thought this show was ok when it first came out but jesus christ it turned into the biggest sellout reddit I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE piece of shit.


Yeah I've been done with this show for a while but jesus I'm not going back

it'll probably have rick and morty skits and shit all over it

damn i can't fucking stand rick and morty anymore, I quite liked it too

i hate this place

(Who can relate? Woo!»

to be fair even without the memes or autistic kids watching it the show itself has gotten way shittier

when i first heard this song on the radio i thought it was some kind of weird joke or parody song but apparently it's supposed to be some serious message about suicide


>white rapper
So there's more than just eminem.


What in the fuck

fuck rick and morty

Seriously, I can't fathom how a song that basically says "hey look we all want to kill ourselves" is an acceptable anthem for mental illness, isn't that offensive as fuck?

>"who doesn't like logic?"

Well, Dan, I for sure don't.




He looks exactly like that half black or asian whatever boyfriend that Elaine was dating on Seinfeld. This is hilarious.

but he's biracial user

Holy fuck he does

Doesn't look black at all.

why do you all hate rick and morty? serious question

Theyre just low iq, ignore them

it's not funny

because I unironically hate things that normal people like because I am not content with myself as a person and struggle to shape my own identity, even with music.

This. Piss poor attempt to push nihilism onto the masses

Here you go.

I hate all those autistic FOX """""adult"""" comedy shows. It's for 12 year olds.

I don't hate the show, I just hate the shitty sellouts like this
They're one of the most popular and talked about shows right now, do they really need to make a shitty 2 minute animation to promote a Logic mixtape?

The show sold out a while back and went downhill quality wise. I liked some of the early episodes when I first watched them, but it just didn't keep my interest especially the latest season. Plus yeah now the show is trying to do all these merch tie ins and promo shit for corporations and top 40 pop stars, it's just a cash cow at this point.

its bad, its jokes are on par with family guy and the drama is contrived. The moments of philosophy are dimwitted and the animation is horrid, yet it pretends to be something more than it is and the people who watch it unironically think its better than futurama or the simpsons

what is the Sup Forums equivalent to this

Are you ready for more
>Biracial btw

damn whoever made that is so autistic i'm concerned

Is he wrong though

No, but it takes a shit ton of autistic analysis to make that

Yea I agree

Wait, Logic is white? Wow i'm surprised

stay safe user (:

yeah, kind of. The whole point of that image is to say how R&M is "reddit" but it never explains how any of the points (beyond the Nihilism) have anything to do with reddit. It never defines what reddit is at all. Like the corporate complicity one, what does that have to do with reddit? Feels like it's just a jab at the show that the retard who made this wanted to throw in.
Honestly I cringed while reading every point it made. Somebody put so much time into making something that they clearly thought was really smart but in reality it makes no greater point than anything that hasn't been said a billion times already. What is the point of the image? Rick and Morty is bad? We know that. I thought it was going to tell me why Rick and Morty is reddit. All it did was tell me that Rick and Morty is bad and then say "that means its reddit."
But it's made by a Sup Forums user, so it's to be expected that the maker is a fucking retard

You're just as bad as the guy who made the pic lol

They are low IQ plebs.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid


The Scaruffi Beatles copypasta

Season 2 was mostly terrible.

Reminder that Logic

clown world

Are those the real actors or some imitators, i can't tell but it sounds off.

Neither Futurama or the Simpsons are good examples of television either.

I love this is real

>season 1 of RM was pretty good because it was mostly based on roiland's short flash animations which were funny as one-off gags, but functioned even better when put together and turned into a relatively cohesive show
>season 2 started off okay, but devolved into psuedo-intellectual garbage that took itself too seriously by the end (even though the show's own philosophy should be, by definition, against such pretentiousness)
>season 3 was consistently terrible and, unless roiland takes more creative control of the show, it will go down as one of the fastest shark-jumps in television history
i'm pretty drunk right now, but this is how i feel, and this logic promotion only makes me even more worried about the impending storm of cringeworthy awfulness coming season 4
by then, the shitstorm will be inescapable and the future of animated comedy is doomed to follow the direction of this deformed monstrosity

haha epic contrarianism bro :D

i dont know if i should ironically be hyped or if i should continue hating this retarded shit

What is then?


>attempt to push nihilism onto the masses

the only way I can conceive of someone gathering this from the show is if you haven't actually watched it

yes the character Rick is a nihilist but it is made pretty clear that you are not supposed to sympathize/relate to him

it's just a character trait, not a fucking agenda

you guys sound like the people who critique hip-hop for "making people violent" or some BS

>its jokes are on par with family guy

hell no

>unironically think its better than futurama or the simpsons

Matt Groenning loves Rick And Morty and actually recorded commentary for all the s1 episodes with Justin and Dan. fuck off.

I can't talk to anyone who doesn't like Rick n Morty. I don't understand what there isn't to like. All the episodes have original storylines, the jokes are funny, and the animation is sweet. 10/10 show and that's saying something with all the garbage on tv these days.

Contrarianism. Also, the fans are awful.


might as well just delete reddit because they’ll never be able to top this

>the fans are awful

I mean, that doesn't seem to stop people here from loving Death Grips or Kanye.

remeber when all the ricky mort fans rioted at macdolans because they ran out of chinese sauce

I like it but I can't help but be a contrarian autist whenever I see people hailing it as the greatest thing since sliced bread and putting it on this big pedestal like it speaks for an entire generation or some shit, it's not worth any of that and even if it were it's doing these things that completely kill the point of it in the first place

nobody who likes that shit actually has legit depression, they just think it’s fun posting about wanting to die on twitter

it’s not a bad show desu but it has by far the shittiest fan base ever

>that quote

he's a good author but that's pretty cringe

this season 2 was meh but season 3 was fucking shit. probably due to all the pressure, they had unlimited amount of time to write s1.

its a comment on the nihilism that occurs due to lack of morality because of the death of god.
The kind of thing that leads to people rioting like monkeys because of childrens cartoon.

Or genociding millions of people

For the longest time i didnt even know logic was a skinny white guy, this shits cringey.

the show trys to remind the audience how small, insignificant and meaningless their lives are at every chance

t. Jordan Peterson

actually Morty sometimes says nihilistic statements that are supposed to sound objective and sciencey that, according to the writers, everyone should understand and relate to

/poltv/ memes

I really wanna punch in the neck the """man""" who made this embarassing shit

Autistic people are literally just people that are correct in every assumption they make that society has deemed "wrong" because they can see through all the bullshit.

Nigger who the fuck do you think Matt Goenning is?
All he wrote was season 1 you fucking moron

I don't talk to anyone who likes it. Obnoxious reddit dorks exclusively.

Why would you exclusively talk to "obnoxious Reddit dorks"?

Is this gonna be like that one Kid Cudi album, only with Rick and Morty skits, as opposed to Beavis and Butt-Head?

>dude if people don't believe in god they will just become mindless savages

this is what religitards actually believe

no thats what people with an education in human pshycology and history believe

imagine how far gone you have to be to believe that jordan peterson has a monopoly on calling out nihilism for the bullshit that it is

but history shows us that religious people are consistently the most psychotic and savage people

name something that more crimes have been committed in the name of then abrahamic religions

>pretending like this is ok to post
america is such a sad place right now


religions teach people morality and give them a reason to live other than hyper consumerism

yeah because the atheist communist states never killed anyone

>the atheist communist states never killed anyone

they sure did but not nearly as much as religions

>teach people morality


>a reason to live other than hyper consumerism

why do you assume "hyper consumerism" is the default "reason to live" aside from faith

It's a meme bruh, I recognised nihilism as bullshit far before getting to know Memerson

guys this thread is bad. this is a music board. at least talk about logic in your posts and not just flame each other about religions or rick and morty or reddit or whatever gets your rocks off

It's almost like atheism is a quite new phenomenon and everithing before it was associated with some kind of religion.

>rick and morty
>rick: "im in the mood to turn up"
>chinese dipping sauce

that made me close my web browser that was the worst shit i've ever seen