Daily reminder that Gibraltar is British and Spain is a cucked and bankrupt shithole.
Spain Sucks Cock
get ripped to pieces Uk, first Scotland, North Ireland and then Gibraltar.
Welsh will left too because you are a bunch of butthurted faggots surrounded by pakis. Enjoy your caliphate of england cucks.
Also the Falklands are British.
>mfw Brits desperately trying to save their union
oh the irony
Why even have the referendum if apparently nobody at all supported independence/going to Spain?
Please see pic related for an image of a British overseas territory.
>Brits will DENY this is LITERALLY THE DEFINITION of damage control
Gibraltar is British.
Gibraltar belongs to Britain.
You are confusing Spain with France.
It is Spanish and you know it, Ahmed.
its just so they could enjoy visa free travel
half of em are pensioners with holiday homes
the united kingdom and her territories are going nowhere
t. Irishman with loyalist sympathies
lmao get btfo fucking faggot kill yourself
>Being this dangerous level of retarded and still clinging to antiquated notions like nationalism.
Why won't you accept Gibraltar is British?
Spain is the same level of Argentina when it comes to being cucked. Probably won't do anything, too busy cashing in the tourism checks from the brits.
They don't pay tax, so they should fit right in in the EU
Same reason Argies still claim the Falklands are theirs.
I can't wait for your country to fuckin implode Ahmed.
What is troublesome is Scotland, what are you going to do with their independentist goals?
No one seriously thinks Scotland will leave. If they do they'll be fucked in light of the fact the EU is in decline and they have absolutely fucking nothing to sustain themselves with. There's a 1% chance of them leaving at most.
On the other hand, Gibraltar is 100% going to stay British :/
Don't be mad, Gibraltar has been British for a while now.
Let me say they're 2 very different cases. Gibraltar was ceded for eternity to the british from Spain.
Argentina never had the Falklands. If someone wanted to claim them aside from the british it should be Spain.
And Ireland? They want to leave the UK too, like Wales.
Ireland sucks mad cock anyway so fuck them. Wales wants to stay so go protest outside of Gibraltar or something you Peso eating piece of shit.
Gibraltar voted almost unanimously Remain. Spain can fucking wipe them clean for all anyone cares.
Lofty kek
The MALVINAS... are french
I bet all three 'No' votes were Argies who snuck in to polling stations.
Funny that you say that, my family lives in Gibraltar. Check mate, idiot.
Didnt they threaten to occupy Gibraltar if Brexit wins?
Well its time to put your money where your mounth is beaners.
I hear the Falkland Islands are nice this time of year.
ah the rich side of the family
That's odd, why are they trespassing?
They have always lived there, I was born and raised there.
And Spain is way more awesome than what some trolls claim.
ayy lmao
Yeah but it says in the OP that Spain is literally a shithole.
I'd laugh so fucking hard if WW3 is started because of British/Spanish dickwaving over Gibraltar.
>44 votes
>Never feed the trolls.
Why are Canadians so awful for not reason whatsoever?
I used to care about Gibraltar till last night. Now I don't give a shit. Spain, feel free to annex these traitors already. I know I won't be defending them.
>expecting half arabs to respect votes
They only know how to work half days, let other euro's carry them, and scam.
Kill yourself my friend.
Oh stop being butthurt and just declare it a British military base on Spanish territory.
fuck up cunt
Anyone else having crumpets?
Not as bad as literal Euro Mexicans.
It really isn't though
You have quite literally zero rightful claim to it
Get fucked.