Weakling White German owned by immigrants


>cucked by manlets

Other urls found in this thread:


i hope that im only barely german. i would have loved to fight those 2

you would have gotten battered.

Well deserved beating. Why didn't he die?

probably not. i wasnt raised in the city like all those fags. im a decent fighter

Probably went home and fucked his gf afterwards. The destruction of the white betas is complete.

>women cops

>police officer arrives
>unable to do anythign

i would take 20 accidental police deaths a day instead of having my police have to watch criminals escape with the same fequency

being german truly is suffering

they are completely useless


whites = cucks

Not all of us are like this. But they dont fight man versus man. If you beat one of them, 10 friends immediately stand right behind you and you can be lucky if you dont get stabbed.
I was out with some of my friends (we were 6 people I think) when we saw 4 Kurds (Turks are Turks) trying to rob a girl with a broken leg. One of my friends went there and demanded that they leave her alone. Immediately they circled him and raised their fists... until they saw the rest of us approaching them. Suddenly they started to smile at us, wanted to shake hands and called us brothers. We told them to fuck off knowing that they will search another target because we didnt want to risk that they called gang or mosque-connections who would be probably armed.
By the way Im from cologne and you can guess when this incident happened

Come say that to my face you pencil neck cunt, you'll see alalh before you get your first words out faggot


Don't trigger krauts. Push them too hard and the people who will seize power might not be that well intentioned towards israel. ;)

Carry a screwdriver and a sock with a padlock in it.

When encountering feral muzzles use the sock combo to put them down.

Once down drive the screwdriver through the temple. Swizzle the handle around to make sure the shank blends the grey matter.

Withdraw, wipe on shitskin rags and walk away. Little fuss, little mess and one fewer invader.

that makes me mad. i sometimes wish i lived there just ao i could be fighting back

the full video shows him doing the Nazi greeting in order to provoke them. he got his ass beat because he deserved it. Only one of the people in the video is even an immigrant, the rest who back him up are clearly white (just not racist). All of you are complete fucking idiots.

to his defense, he looks like a normal worker, who is prob. upset because he has to take the bus, and tired from the work.
While Mudshit and (or atleast) his Manlet-Compadre look like they are from the upper class, judging by the clothes.

This is just a representation of our dying society mudshits use rich liberals (who prob. never worked in their entire life) to do the dirty work for them, beating down the working man

that's kinda pathetic desu

All of you are blindly angry and full of rage, defending some common douchebag you dont even know, just because you're being cucked by immigrants who are more than likely banging your girlfriends.

>""""""""""""""brutally"""""""""""""" attack

Why is it always white cucks who get in fights with them? I guess it's partially because the migrants pick on the weak, but there are far too many weak Euro men. Is it so hard to eat healthily, keep fit, and exercise your mind? Let's help each other to stop being so pathetic. This is getting very embarrassing.

We have a genetic advantage over these people but too many of us waste it and spend our time playing video games, drinking, and doing other degenerate activities.

speaking from personal experience?

yeahhh no. keep your fantasies to yourself

This is why I never leave my house without a blade on me

Look up the whole video and you can see crystal clear the white guy started the entire altercation by being an obnoxious cunt. both of you have literally no idea what the fuck you're on about. You'll defend anyone who's white under any circumstance just because you relate to their complexion. Fucking pathetic.

Man, what a cuck. He'll probably get imprisoned for illegal salute.

You're pretty thick. I have not defended the guy as I know almost nothing about him. All I have said is that he can't fight and is weak and that far too many Euro men are like him.

fuck off nigger,

The Mudshit and his cronies surrounded the man, he was in fact stupid for provoking them/even interacting with them, (but if he ignored them, you would circlejerk about "thihihi how spineless these Europeans are") but Abdul would've attack anyway, look how he threatens even the old man in the checkered suit.

Also not having the balls to fight mano e mano, but using your fucking gang is pathetic but nothing, new for subhuman filth

you're right. Far too many Euro men are blindly and blatantly racist, and I suppose they do need to exercise and eat well to be able to defend themselves after taunting a group of people with a Sieg Heil.

No, I would say that not enough are. Anyway, are you just making up this sieg heil stuff or do you have proof?

Did that guy actually start crying?


fuck off, how do you even come to that retarded conclusion, if there was no mudshits in germany that shit would've never happened

i don't care if you refer to people as niggers or Abduls or whatever vapid insult you think up next.
Anyone who comes up and tries me with a racist gesture is getting their ass beat on the spot. That goes for you too, keyboard warrior. I'd love to see you spew this garbage in person without soiling your pants.

yeah i suppose it wouldnt have happened, because he could just openly do Hitler's salutations and the white cucks would take him in with open arms...


Women "protect" their "men", man boy is a more proper title, and they can't even catch the guy.


>threatens to beat someone's ass
>calls someone else a keyboard warrior

still waiting on the link to the full video showing him making a racist gesture

This is what all the scrawny hispanics do, especially in school. You can always smell them coming too.

nice bravado you got going for you,

can i redirect where you can apply it?


see yet again you make exaggerated assumptions, you have severe brain problems my friend

the uploader of the original video linked in this thread admits his version is edited and cuts the provocation out. if you read into anything you saw you would find the information as well.

The hate for white people is just so pathetic.

That someone could be so much more successful and better than you that you have to attack them.

Don't you see why niggers and Muslims are cancer.

Also remember that they can only fight in groups, never by themselves.

that completly useless female police officer at the end

from the description of the video: "Today at a bus stop near the "Kieler Woche" in the city of Kiel, 1 immigrant and his friends brutally attacked and insulted a German. The reason for the attack is presumbly that the German was a right-wing supporter. Yet nothing is confirmed."

You're completely full of shit and a waste of my time

the uploader of this exact video is highlighted in gray, admitting the footage is edited. what else do you need?

He actually did the salute but he got attacked and the paki was kicking like a girl

you would get slept so hard faggot

That girl has fucking gorgeous hair.

I've noticed a trend with German women - they all have very long, well taken care of hair, that they are proud of and let down proudly. It's such a difference to here, where girls put their ugly, short hair up in buns and generally pay it no attention, thinking of it as a nuisance rather than integral to their femininity.

>tfw no german gf

the feeeelz

you couldnt even scroll down to read the comments made by the uploader of the video.
it's hilarious how hard you're trying to make me look stupid when you can't even bother to scroll down a fucking webpage.

All you have is lies
Doesn't that tell you something?

lmfao of course you're a ufc fag! kill yourself

where's the lie buddy???????

Because I barely care about this. I'm not trying to make you look stupid. All you had to say is that I should look in the comments section. Everything that I have previously said still stands.

Mudslime forgot he was supposed to turn himself into that police person with out resistance like a good goy.

She is about as effective as the German Defence minister I imagine.

How come most people don't ever put up a fight?
They usually just take it and then go down.

I don't understand this. Fighting isn't hard.

please tell me abut how combat sports are bad

>mfw I conceal carry
>mfw if a muslim ever steps to me


>spotted the edgy beheading butcher poster

>1 post by this ID

The Marxist shills are back. We had a brief respite while they were crying over losing the Brexit vote, but they're back.

>How come most people don't ever put up a fight?
because they know that if they do they will go to jail for being racist towards >le peaceful refugees

they're designed for monster energy drink chugging cucks who secretly suck dick and jack off to gay porn. You think that claiming you have MMA training is intimidating, but its actually an indication of how much of a douche you are.

Before you throw up seig heils would it kill you to develop the ability to defend yourself in a fistfight?

you're going to let him fuck your boipussi?

>Suddenly they started to smile at us, wanted to shake hands and called us brothers. We told them to fuck off knowing that they will search another target because we didnt want to risk that they called gang or mosque-connections who would be probably armed.
This is typical cowardly mudslime behavior.
Gas them all I say.
They will always stab you in the back.
For people who prattle on all day about honor they have the least of it. I think it's just a fakeout tactic like about everything they do and say is a ruse.

>stop liking what I don't like
>if you like [thing] you are a cuck
top tier argument, are you a descendent of Socrates?

exactly. he can be a provocative cunt if you so desire, but not only was he useless at defending himself, now all his little Aryan brothers are jumping to defend the innocent, harmless nazi.

Why would a muslim consider a nazi salute offensive? Honest question

They dont. But its a reason to beat someone and claim moral high ground after you beat and robbed him.

>muslim scum beating up natives
>female police officer

everything that's wrong with the west summed up in 1 video

I hate how these pussy "Aryans" have no sense of self-preservation. They Just take whatever immigrants throw at them, including punches and dick. As soon as that little subhuman started saying "Was", he should have jabbed him in the throat, and while this monkey is trying to recover, smashed his fucking teeth in.

>tubby female police officer arrives

jesus christ

that was not an argument, it was my personal opinion. It just so happens to be a popular one that many people share. People who all laugh at your pathetic attempts to gain manhood through acting like an ape, while simultaneously rubbing cocks against another man for hours in a ring.

not a migrant you retard

They can be useful. To rape.

Just a tanned German, right? waste of dubs you are

oh yeh germans have brown skin and look like arabs i forgot

>Half an hour later still no "full video where he does a nazi salute"

Are you guys for real?


We e got to remember all the I cucked Jerrys died fighting in WWII. At the end of the war there were only a few crippled fighting. Ultimately all modern Germans are just Beta cuck survivors.

Sounds just like niggers to me

Totally this
They are the most social people on this earth as there are always at least 10 of them who ask you if there`s a problem

>Wo ich drüben war große Fresse aber jetzt nix, häh?
>Ich bums' dein Leben, geh weg man...

He's neither an immigrant nor particularly unsympathetic honestly, the other guy comes off as just as much of a douche, brown skin or not

fucking niggers

>both mexican
>purely coincidence


Ahahaha, Biodeutsche sind einfach Schwachmaten :)

lol loved the little fat femcop trying to make an arrest. Must have been blowing sgt Tyrone in the squad car when she got the call.

germans deserve this and more, stupid faggots hopefully all you german fags reading this get your ass kicked by the mudslimes raping your women

Danke Achmed, du darfst jetzt wieder unnütz sein.


That pudgy female cop at the end is the icing on the cake.

Fuck Germany. Fuck the EU.

Policewomen are so fucking useless.

> female cops


>not shooting the nig nogs as they run away

Can I join the party we can have a duel like the old days and defend our honor.

:) kisses.

Das Video is bescheuert wie Sau. Der typ hat keine "Gang", sondern zwei Kumpels dabei die nen ziemlich weißen Eindruck machen. Außerdem ist der offensichtlich hier sozialisiert worden und spricht auch nicht anders als 90% der Berliner Jugend. Aber nein, reißerisch aufwiegelnden Titel drunter, "immigrant and his friends brutally beating up german" und schwupp hat man ne Diskussionsgrundlage bei der man mal Omis ganzen Pegida-Sprüche raushängen lassen darf. Dabei sinds echt einfach nur ein paar herrkömmliche Idioten die sich grundlos an die Gurgel gehen, und ein einziger von dem ganzen Haufen ist nunmal gerade braun.

Wenn die Amis dadrauf abgehen, wegen mir, aber von meinen Landsleuten wünsche ich mir mehr. Ihr Vögel seit nämlich der Grund warum in Deutschland keiner eine ernsthafte Immigranten-Debatte führen kann.