Whats some good alt-right music that isn't autistic song parodies?

whats some good alt-right music that isn't autistic song parodies?

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Why haven't alt-righters appropriated industrial music yet?

Xiu Xiu.

Some early industrial music
Some hardcore punk

alt-righters and kekistan fags are only flirting with nazism for memes and to own teh libruls XD

depeche mode, the official band of the alt-right

>alt-right music
You do know the alt-right is a creation of this decade. Ergo, there aren't any artists to speak of.

If, on the other hand, you mean far-right musicians, then there are plenty of people I can talk about.

You guys know that someone who would be classified as "alt-right" was one of the pioneers of industrial music, right? Look up Boyd Rice.

not alt-right just an edgelord

Practically every major pundit of the "alt-right" acts edgy. Plus Boyd Rice is very far-right.

Is the alt-right even capable of creative endeavors?

neo kekistan and Sup Forums fags only care about memes

Again, what are you people calling "alt-right"?

If you're referring to the circuit of people who ran with Richard Spencer, then the only creative one among the whole bunch was Alex Kurtagić and his Black Metal band Benighted Leams:

the new age of Sup Forums and reddit users who are usually teens or college students posting memes and watching epic SJW OWNED COMPILATIONS on youtube. most of them are just as shallow as the people they hate, so it doesn't suprise me if they have no artistic qualities to them

none, it's all autism

or you could say, NON ;)


Everyone who opposes madam president

Holy fuck, that's a hot vixen. Maybe I should join this whole alt-right thing.

thats rose mcdowall, the lead singer of strawberry switchblade lol

where is the metal? all i see is a bunch of pussy fag music