If Trump doesn't win will it be time for a Conexit?
If Trump doesn't win will it be time for a Conexit?
As much as I love the south, we'd fail as a nation because our politicians can't into budgets (see Jindal), and almost every state is a drain on tax dollars
If a Southerner like Hillary beats a true New Yorker like Donald - which would happen because of blacks and Mexicans in the South voting their hatred of the US - it's time for the North to kick the South out.
>almost every state is a drain on tax dollars
Because the south has the most niggers
that's why we'd go back to colonization. invade those fucking beaners and central America, send their asses out to sea, and steal all the resources the Spanish neglected to. then BUILD WALL at the Panama border to keep the shitskins out for good
what's our capital going to be? probably atlanta
and OP wants to be a part of the nation of just the nigger part
Raleigh or Knoxville. Atlanta has too many niggers and it's going to be a bloody mess for a while once the execution squads start up
Didn't Trump said that if he doesn't win he will move to the south?
I live in Alabama, Montgomery used to be the capitol of the confederacy but now the niggers have taken over.
New Confederate South would get shit on in a heartbeat if it went independent, and Florida money wouldn't be coming with us (fuck them anyways)
Source: 31 years in this shithole, I think I know it pretty well.
Absolutely, yes!
The only ex-Con states that would survive independence would be Texas and Florida. The other states would hardly last.
we basically just need a calexit and the rest of the country can be saved
Hillary is from Illinois
Why the fuck did Southern whites vote that disgusting poo in loo in? Seriously, I'm disappointed. I thought Southerners were some of the most uncucked whites in existence.
>South cedes from the north
>99% of the military goes to the south because of their local loyalties
>South invades the defenseless north
>South now owns the north
there's fuck all in Knoxville though. Raleigh would be decent.
Get Kentucky and West Virginia. The Ohio River is rightful southern clay.
Nope but if he wins, you ain't movin' north
>pic related
>anything but nashville
nah. i rather enjoy yankucks paying for the niggers they released into the wild.
That's a fucking college saying, it's saying FUCK GEORGIA originally FUCK GEORGIA TECH LOL.
The Slavs are far less uncucked the Southern whites m8
Yes pls.
>not yelling 'to hell with Georgia' like daddy used to do
We're going alone. Fuck you guys, you would just leach off our economy.
While most southern whites might be racist on the downlow, I don't think they'd try for ethnic cleansing
The niggers will leave once the gibs run dry
Califuckoff would be great
Every state in the union would be a prosperous nation if independent. Thats just how wealthy the US is.
This. As an agreement we will let people in both countries choose which one they want to be citizens of. All the blacks would move North and Mexicans to California.
We would then get good white Midwestern people.
we would probably get eaten alive by mexico though
>America's border patrol is forced out and we have to station our own men
>all we ever do is shoot up anyone that doesnt look like a citizen
>mexico thinks we're hostile and retaliates with their army of 3 amigos
>its a bomb squad
>blows up the wall keeping the illegals out
>little banditos flood through the streets like a river of shit
GG mexico you're best tactic is being a bunch of useless assholes
so memphis then?
Indians are an aryan people m8
i see your singles and i raise you dubs
You don't live here, do you? We make jokes about it, amongst ourselves.
>Tfw southern Appalachia
>Not Confederexit
So? She wouldn't be running for President now if she hadn't moved to Arkansas.
Yes, because that worked out so well the last time. You just got your shit stuffed in and spent the next 150 years as the most backwards, disgusting, inbred region of the country, up to your eyeballs in niggers and poverty.
No retard, we've been subsidized by the federal government for years. We're fine as we are.
>if a yankee loses the southern states should leave!!!!
Georgia here ready for a conexit if Hillary wins
Whatever, you can't shoot
yes it will be time. it has been time,
Look man. I'm a social conservative, but Dixieland cannot into government. It gets so tiring dealing with the ignorance that a wise man just gives up on it.
A southern nation would go bankrupt in ten years after delivering the thirty separate tax cuts, followed by selling Richmond to Goldman Sachs.
The Southern states are the ones that imported niggers, are full of niggers, and will vote Clinton into office.
Daily reminder Jews divide and conquer.
Texas and Florida are the only two states with a functional fiscal program. If every other Southern State was a business, it'd go bankrupt, just like California. All because of 'mah tax cuts.'
I can't tell if you are trolling or not sure how the electoral college works. The south always goes republican.
Never gonna happen, cuck
Mississippi has a higher GDP than the UK. We'll be fine.
You haven't been reading the news for the last few months have you.
The South is why Hillary is the nominee, and if she wins, they'll be why, too.
>Mississippi GDP: 106 Million
>UK GDP: 2.6 Trillion
>Mississippi has a GDP comparable to fucking Kazakhstan, a third world Islamic shithole.
I swear to fucking god, one day, I'll meet a Southerner who can into economics. But until that day comes, H-O-L-Y S-H-I-T. There's a reason why the South is in the Union. And it's by it's own sheer ignorance.
>T. Right-Winger
Sure kid. Excited about your first election?
106 Billion*
Jindal is a poo in loo subhuman
Not the old confederate states. Specifically the red states and the blue states need to split. We need to become two countries. Each state gets to vote which one they want to be in.
You guys do realize trump has nothing to do with the south or white power? He's a fucking Yankee from Jew York and his schtick is nationalism. He's not racist and doesn't even try to be, it's you idiots that believe he is and cause dumb liberals to believe that too.
Even if he's elected, there's not going to be some white uprising. Southern Republicans don't like him, but he's their last chance. There are still a lot of white liberals here, regardless. I swear the collective IQ of Sup Forums is dropping.
Now try looking at the per capita results. UK still wins but going by your logic Afghanistan is a more prosperous and economically viable nation than Iceland. Pull your head out of your ass and think before you post nonsense.
Every state North, South, East, and West would be well off and economically far more viable than the majority of countries.
Red States ARE the United States of America at this point. Only the Left Coast, Chicago, New York, and New England are Democrat. Sure they have enough 'pull' to swing presidential elections, but they have next-to-no power among the States and among Congress.
The Majority-Minority America isn't going to play out like you think it will. As soon as at Majority-Minority happens, the Democrats split up into their racial components, causing chaos rather than power.
Dude. Mississippi takes in more federal dollars then it receives.
>Muh Niggers.
But you miss the entire point of the argument. Mississippi is too small to stand on it's own, like Scotland, and will get it's shit kicked by larger powers if it breaks off. A unified South would be large enough....if it doesn't go full Jindal. Which we both know it will, and you'll help it.
Only a newfag would insist others are new for being right.
South Carolinian here. I can't wait for the war. Bring it please
A united south would be about the 6th or 7th largest economy in the world. Is that what it takes to a viable independent entity?
If Ireland is viable as an independent nation so is Scotland and that's the point. Viable does not mean has to be a global superpower.
based japan proxy
Correct. It would definitely be viable, but then it would commit suicide. In order to rebel, you have to be stronger and smarter than your masters. And the South is horribly ignorant on managing it's own government. Even during the glory days of the Confederacy, the Southern congress was a bitchfest and full of contrarian morons who couldn't get shit done. Just like it is now.
I love my Southern brothers, but until the South gets smarter there is 0% of chance of happenings. Except Texas, Florida, and maybe North Carolina. Those are the three states which can into government and economics.
>Montgomery, Richmond, Danville
You already had capitals
In fact. I legitimately think the very first thing the South would do is to privatize tax collection and issue more tax cuts. Meanwhile the "North" (This time, NC and VA stay in the Union,) would raise taxes to train troops and build guns, and you'd get horribly crushed.
>Red States ARE the United States of America at this point. Only the Left Coast, Chicago, New York, and New England are Democrat. Sure they have enough 'pull' to swing presidential elections, but they have next-to-no power among the States and among Congress.
Kinda funny how the successful, profitable parts of the country have so little power in the federal government. No wonder our tax dollars are constantly being leeched to the South.
As someone from the north, please just go. No one would fight you. Just don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I am so tired of my tax dollars paying for you worthless inbred fucks.
The successful profitable parts of the nation do have power in the federal government. It's called the presidency. But what they don't have is any political projection power. They can't govern much other than themselves, and, just like London found out, nations beat city-states/
not a proxy m8
We'll back your bid for secession if you back ours.
No Joke. The REAL problem will be in California and the Southwest. The demographics of these places have changed so much they don't reflect the rest of the nation. This is how wars start.
>south gets 99% of 2.5 million active and reserve military personnel
>tries invading rest of the country
>an armed country
>still have the most niggers
This is why you yokels lost the first time you started shit.
you can't be great. without LA and NYC america would never be great
>America is unified again
>repeat 100 years later
The great state of Georgia says go fuck yourself. We're in the top 10 based on GDP by state.
Lets be realistic, the days of fighting separatists who win democratic votes are long gone. If the south, or more likely a Mexican nationalist movement in the SW voted to leave the union there would be no war.
As for Southern government. Compared to how many democrat states in the North and Midwest have been run into the ground and seeing the economic incompetence in Washington its clear that south does not have a monopoly on stupidity.
Does anyone have the posts by that user who supposedly was part of the Wargames that showed how disastrous a new American Civil War would be?
I dig
She's not white.
Dank meme, confirmed.
Also Deo Vindice, Brother.
The south does NOT in fact have a monopoly on stupidity. The Democratic party does a great job fucking up it's "one-party" cities. But the problem is that right-wingers outside the Deep South are just a higher-class of people and they won't kill themselves for their own ignorance. (Kansas excluded.)
Most importantly, the South has no reason to declare independence, because their is no money to be made from independence (like the first Civil War,) and their own damn party runs fucking Congress and most state legislatures.
There would be war if a Mexican Nationalist movement grew prominent. It would lose horribly, because most Mexicans are dependent on Welfare. Where-as the South used to be extremely fucking rich under Slavery. The US only seceded from Britain because it had money, and Richmond STILL lost even though it had money too. It'll be an occupation followed by terribad shit.
What's more difficult for me is trying to "redpill" normies about how ugly the future is going to be, given the status quo.
If you hate the South so much then you should be happy when we leave, faggot.
tell me more user
why exclude texas and OK?
The south will rise
Won't work. As was in the civil war era, most of the country's economic power is in the north, and now in the west
No, we'll have to bootyblast you again if you try.
The swing states are rarely the successful states either. Florida is marginal - but only because of Northern and New England tourism.
New England, aside from NH, is entirely ignored in Presidential races.
>If Trump doesn't win will it be time for a Conexit?
Yeah, that's not going to happen, OP.
I don't think even Trump could fix the holes in this ship desu
That's a good point. I'll need to chew on that.
In the 80s, there were more blacks in 'greater' Detroit than AL.
Most ex-slaves didn't go north post 1865, a lot of those that did were racial discriminated against and forced back south.
First Jim Crow laws were passed in IL.
American slavery was first legal in MA.
Totally true. Besides that super obvious answer, the subtle one is the majority of Americans don't want succession - our union isn't nearly as broken historically as Europe. As much crap different states give each other, we don't have hundreds of years of different wars between, say, California and New York like Germany and France.
I would gladly be the next Sherman if you inbred retards tried anything. The union is NOT VOLUNTARY.
>Go to school at University of Alabama
>never seen a Muslim
>only seen like 12 black people, all worked at Chick Fil A in the student center
>everyone I know is either a rich as fuck white person or a smart as fuck white person on scholarship
>think Alabama as great rich white man's paradise
>do volunteer work down south some more
>niggerville USA
>town literally falling apart
>poor as fuck
>no one works
>no one knows why