But what's the problem, Dagos?
You basically created the EU.
You have a big say in it.
EU is funding all your fucking Italian scientific research because your politicians are too corrupted to allocate a decent amount of GDP to Education.
Europe is also the only force capable of forcing countries to comply with rules about CO2 reduction.
Europe is ALSO needed as a third party... it's basically your only chance to:
>matter internationally
>fight off Russia without having to lick the American ass
Basically, without Europe, Italy is:
>a declining aging economy
>no international relevance
>not even a regional power
>just a hub for American troops
>no chance to fight off both American interests and Putin's interests
>no chance of getting out of the corruption spiral Italy has always had
So, frankly, why the fuck would you leave?
>muh duh Europe is so hard to make it work
Well, pull up your sleeves and make it fucking work.
You don't like your politicians, don't you? Europe is a chance to fuck them from behind.
Moreover, on the plus side, Europe has a chance of:
>allowing regional autonomies
>allowing regional cultures, etc.
>but at the same time allows alll those small regions to matter internationally.
A country with 5 millions inhabitants (like Scotland) or even 10-11 millions like Belgium is irrelevant from a military point of view without a strong coalition of the willing who create a major army.
If you dissolve the EU, Europe will be pulled apart by the fight between Russia, China, America, and all the fucking Muslims.
Why the fuck would you EVER leave? Just so that you can be more and more corrupted.