Post >yfw you woke up and saw brexit won
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Shit was glorious
>Just wake up right now
>Open Sup Forums
>my fucking face when
I wanted to be happy, but then my French gf soon put an end to that. I think that this has ended our relationship anyway, I like her a lot but really if she's going to be like this every time there's an election I don't think I could be with her long term
She fucking exploded into accusations of racism and muh feels shit even though I've already explained to her in detail what I'm actually after and she SEEMED to accept it
Literally it's like the brainwashing switch flicked in her brain, she went fucking insane in an instant
But you'll never see another pussy in your life. Sup Forums shitposting > GF? Dumbass
Women general.
Even my own mother calls me a racist, not even sure if she realizes whenever she does it.
We've even had discussions where she ends up agreeing with me, then the next time we speak we're back to square one.
Dodge a bullet, brother.
I was awake until it was confirmed.
>wanting my country not to be shit is shitposting
Good one Sven
Too much time on the social media bullshit
She has to go back.
Why is everyone acting like this is so bad? They wanted independence, right?
Uninformed cucks didn't
But they spend absolutely zero time researching politics or economics and then feel smug about their poorly formed opinions
>Wake up
>Realises my alarm didn't go off and I'm late for work
>Briefly check phone for EU result
>Start getting dressed but passes out
>Wake up for real this time
>Half an hour before alarm
>Check phone for result
>Brexit happening
You god damned idiots.
Went to bed at 4:30am.
Wasn't confirmed yet but we'd taken all the hits Londonistan could fire and we had a 500k lead.
Kind of new by then but still a bit worried.
Woke up, F5'd Daily Mail site.
I was at the gym at 5am before I got into work and I was checking my NormieBook in between sets. Saw Trump's Facebook post about it and did 3 extra reps on my last set of squats when I thought I didn't have the strength for my usual set.
We're all gonna make it bros.
Who /celebratiry fish and chips/ here?
It was a nice surprise.
>Tfw you recognize that's a hentai because you have seen it before.
I'm ashamed but at the same time catgirl hentai is super rare and it's in that one.
Enjoy being alone for the rest of your life because you're "fighting the good fight" faggot
I remember when it was around 2 million votes for both sides then I went to sleep.
Congrats chaps. Also screw Scotland.
>start getting dressed but pass out
how are you this lazy
Is he eating Wojak? That's terrible. That's sick man.
Why is she so perfect?
>falling for vaginal jew
sexbots will be superior anyway
first thing i did after finding out was take a walk, just to see how it felt to walk around britain as a free man
Im such a cynical faggot I never thought they had a chance, the entire world pretty much ruled it out, its honestly inspirational
In this moment I am euphoric
Wojak is a dirty Pole. He deserves it.
Sorry that you've never seen a real man in your life. I have a large pool of women interesting in me. All who have totally stayed off social media all day, I've noticed
Should've taken more time to get to know my gf I guess, mistake learned
>Be me, sleeping and comfy af on my room
>suddenly hear my sister and my brother arguing
>It's about Brexit
>They leave
I've been a smug motherfucker for hours
What are you talking about? They spent LITERALLY MINUTES circle jerking on reddit.
Same. What they did with hofer made me lose hope.
This morning i am a new man. So much energy. Im not even british lel
I thought wojak was from krautchan, and therefore german.
>see initial results
>loose faith, despite what kek said
>watch movie, go to sleep
>wake up insanely early
It's a great day.
>mfw I stayed up and hung out in the brexit sticky all night
Go dad!
This is your daily reminder that cancer-user didn't wake up to see this.
Deus vult
>criticising literally anything
I suppose your next bit of advice will be for him to get himself a big black bull since you enjoyed it so much?
This is women in a nutshell. My Polish gf who thankfully doesn't care about politics acts the same way about other things.
I wake up in the middle on the night, see this thread where Farage says he wont make it, feel sad and go to sleep.I see the dream of Trump and Brexit happening and I wake up sad as fuck, its like my brain fucked with me.I check the news, and its Brexit.I start walking around the room and saying ''wtf is this meme magic real I though I was ironic''.
Post a pic of your body, teeth and height and I'll buy it. Otherwise here is an anime streaming website crunchyroll.com
this poor lazy camwhore is triggered as fuck, hope you're happy...
This is literally the globalists telling you that they intend to weaken you by detaching you from your friends. This is psyops, completely devoid of subtlety.
>Watching results live
>Dimblebot, with no fanfare, says it's mathematically impossible for remain to win at this point
starting now