The Fall, are they, dear I say it, your FAVORITE band of all-time?
For me, they are.
The Fall, are they, dear I say it, your FAVORITE band of all-time?
For me, they are.
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Mountain Energei is one of my favorite Fall songs
I didn't know that drummer David Milner's original version before he gave to MES might be even better
Elena was to cute for Mark.
Seriously, living with MES?
That must be hard
Top lad when it comes to music, what's his most underrated album?
Levitate for me
New Facts Emerge is The Fall's most underrated album, followed by Fall Heads Roll
perhaps. perhaps.
who's the zombie?
what's a computuh?
No, but they are defo up there. Saw them in 2008, one of the best live acts I've ever seen.
Who is your favorite?
yep. mark is saddly missed
Fall Heads Roll isn't so underrated. is considered actually one of his late career strongest work
This band is trash. Every song is the same and he just rambles like a drunk about stuff. Plus he seems like an asshole and I heard he was kind of racist so, you know, fuck this band.
>I heard he was kind of racis
nein. check your sources, pal. the
hahaha what a fucker. tell me good groups. i'm curious, cunt
I don't really have a favorite exactly, At a push I'd say NIN but that's not quite accurate.
Almost every song on the album is better in it's live/session version, by far
>implying any of that is bad
>implying is true
Fallposting was nice the week MES died then it stopped :(
Do noses actually grow this big as you age or is it a medical condition? He had a much smaller nose when he was younger.
Cartilaginous tissues never stop growing. Your ears and nose will keep growing until the day you die.