Time to leave the EU and reunite?
Shitstria can fuck off, but Bosnia, Croatia and all those other pointless countries belong to Hungary
dude we already have v4
take in croatia and it will be goat
I was only using Austria-Hungary because it was literally the only semi-working union we ever had, I would be all for V4 leaving EU and forming our own union
sure what could possibly go wrong
you have to be high on some serious meme fumes if you think we would ever leave the EU out of our own volition
not even Vona wants us to leave anymore
Because there is no alternative for us, Hungary would never stand on its own, but with a legit alternative to the EU, I am sure we would leave
I might even return back if this actually happens.
And you think a union with fucking subhuman slavshits and MAYBE austrians (except no because that would never happen) is a "legit alternative to the EU"?
>fight for 10 years to leave yugoslavia
>ruin a functioning and great country
>10 years of being independent we fuck our selfs sideways with HDZ
>join EU for the sweet money
>EU destroyed
>Croatia again assfucked by its own politicians
we fought the serbs for pretty much nothing
fuck this gay ass country
Just replace Juncker with Orban.
Find a flaw with this plan.
Germaniums MUST be gross
Time for a second Hapsburg Empire? I can get behind that...
Well the only person other than Orbán who voted against Juncker's appointment was Cameron so if anything that's even less likely to happen now.
This slav meme was created to keep us divided, I know plenty of Slovakians and Croatians who I would love to have in our union. We may have had "kultúrfölény" in the past, but not anymore. Keep shilling for Brussel
But remember, a Russian aggression will be imminent. Be it economically or military.
oh ok, that anecdotal evidence based on your experience with 5 of your slav friends has convinced me that this union would work
well it already is tbqh famalam
this is so shit
i don’t undestand how anybody would support it
jesus christ how horrifying
kill it with fire
Okay, i understand everything, i am aware of how helpful Ukraine would be, i know that you want to be part of the V4.
All for it.
The allegedly "radical" Hungarian, who uses turkroach fascist symbols, meets with turkroach supremacists, and said just months before the migrant rush that "Islam is the last ray of hope in our modern world".
He is a muslim sleeper agent, I'm calling it.
The only reason we want you in, Slovenia, is because the borders are cleaner that way.
Fuck your germankikeness otherwise.
Better borders, plus we could always annex it to Bulgaria.
good joke
and serbia
and bosnia
and moldava
and greece
and bulgaria
and montenegro
wtf its so shit
Too bad nobody honestly wants you in
Into the trash it goes.
Deus vult!
I am ready.
>The only reason we want you in, Slovenia, is because the borders are cleaner that way.
>t. dacian expert
General stability > looks of borders.
Macedonia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Bulgaria are completely useless here, and if they worked, it'd be against the alliance.
There are Hungarians in that shithole. If liberated they should be welcome. The Roma majority can pound sand.
I know Vona is a meme but he was just re-elected as the leader of his party, and Orbán is not ever gonna actively try to leave either. And of course gommie leftists are full on pro-EU. Unlike the Netherlands for example, we just don't have a party that will/can successfully campaign on a "leave the EU" mentality.
>Voltaire x'D
rude tbqh
I disagree about Bulgaria, they're alright and already in the Craiova group. Otherwise, fair enough I suppose.
Says the 1/10th gypsy ameriburger
>reminder you have the most gypsies in the world
This isn't even including actual indian poos, which are primitive versions of țigani.
Nothing will change for 2018 locally, but you never know what will happen in 2022. Things will be very different then already. Both locally and worldwide. Even the plebs' sentiment will change hugely, and will be "radical" & "extremist" as per (((EU))) standards.
I didn't mean you were pointless my bad, I meant all those slavonia countries or whatever their names are. Useless countries that existed for like 20 years that shouldn't exist
yeah, we just don't have enough poverty ridden regions as is. BP area is literally our only region out of 7 that is not below the EU average living standards.
>let's make unions to make the borders prettier!
This is what happens when /gsg/ retards meet the real world. Just kiss your sister.
But who has the most gypsies % ?
yeah but by then you will be pro EU because like you say the "extremist right wing" meme will go mainstream and therefore it will be uncool
How many percent of Romania is Romanian?
Croatia was in a personal union with Hungary under the Holy Crown of St. Stephen.
Bosnia was never part of Hungary, it was annexed by Austria-Hungary, and was kept as a colony, essentially.
Look at my pic
Okay will Bosnia should be a colony it's our rightful territory
I would only love to see Croatia as part of the Visegrad group. Unfortunately, while the population in Croatia would overmigly support it the politicians are either corrupt or blackmailed by the banksters to not join.
Deus Vult!
Bosnia would be part of Croatia as it always was, simple.
I think it might actually be Turkey.
89% romanian, 6.5% magyar, 3.3% gypsy.
I wish. But don't let Germany influence us this time
No it won't Bosnia belongs to Hungary, the whole of Eastern Europe does
You mean 92.3% gypsy
>speaks the fucking leaf
your PRESIDENT fucking kisses a guy on mouth in front of your whole fucking country faggot
just kill yourself already, would only benefit the universe, even your shitposting is not worth your existance
prime minister, i seem to surely don't care about who the fuck he is
i like it
we have to speak german at least
>Leaf being retarded again
Let's look at your demographics then, eh?
3.5% Pooinloo (essentially same thing as gypsies)
1% kike
96.5% cuck
I think I'm ok the way I am.
Remember though, if you banter your enemies, they win.
- t. Trudeauvescu
We don't have a president we aren't a cuckpublic, our head of state is HM Queen Elizabeth II represented by His Excellency the Governor General of Canada David Johnston
If Canada were even just 1% Canadian it would still be 100% superior to Romania
Make Yugoslavia a thing again
>Bosnia would be part of Croatia as it always was, simple.
>as it always was
Stop telling lies, anytime.
I'd rather be the syrian who threw himself into a turkish sewer and drowned in turkish shit and piss.
He had more dignity than your meme country.
At least the piss was in the sewer in Turkey and not on it's flag
the more your country gets """"stable"""" with the 13 billion per year and nigger people that pushed the UK away we fill our budgets by charging 50% of your minimum wage to allow you on our roads
>unironically defending turkey
Also, if your piss looks like the yellow on the romanian flag, you should go see a doctor.
I don't care
Yes please. Ignore the salty Südsteiermark cuck, he'll get annexed first.