Have her killed off to cause surge to Remain

>have her killed off to cause surge to Remain
>Leave still wins
>they killed her for nothing
>they killed off a huge leftist for nothing



meh a lefty is still a lefty afterall


one less lefty

btw cox getting doxt just neutered any chance of anyone trying to say the referendum was illegitimate or needs to be done.

Physiognomy is apparantly true.

Look at her smug face, the evil grin, the hatred in her eyes. Spiritually and mentally, rotten to the core.

They fucking used and abused her death
Cheapened her life,
Made her WHOLE FUCKING EXISTANCE into a bargaining chip. And for what? absolutely fuck all

Rest in Peace Jo Cox, I truly hope we made the right decision, that the loved ones you left behind are okay, and that you are in permenant Nirvana


>Leftists getting murdered
>Brits leaving the EU

It's begun.

Spelled 'Permanent' wrong

>and that you are in permenant Nirvana
I do not want to hurt your feelings, but this traitorous evil cunt is burning in eternal hellfire right this moment.



No dude come on, she didn't mean any harm.
Don't tarnish the right-wing with bitterness, remember, we're 'realists' not 'assholes'

Don't squander your meme magic on getting some innocent mother put in hell

Really brings new meaning to the term useful idiot :^)

Are you totally dumb? She is personally jointly responsible of Britain being invaded by hordes of non-Whites, stabbings of Brits, child grooming gangs, rape of your women, terrorist attacks and the destruction of British culture! She also supported the mass invasion of rapefugISIS.

She would have laughed in satisfaction, when she heard another Brit was culturally enriched!

best sh it evar i know.


dem glasses are in orbit still NIGGAAA

The world is full of disposable leftists you know

Her politics are directly responsible for the misery of millions of Britons. Rest in piss, bitch.

> smug is bad

Look we all hate muslims. But this is fucking serious, she was shot, stabbed and kicked to death outside of her own constituency, leaving behind two kids and a husband, not to mention parents, siblings etc

Don't be a cunt

That smug lefty trust fund smile

>she didn't mean any harm
Sir, you get the wewwest of lads


We all know who did it, rump state fascist.

Enjoy your continental irrelevance.

she's burning in hell bro

>tfw Rapefugee-lover Cox is burning in hell getting gangraped by dead Muzzies right now.

Looks like we have a cockroach problem, lads

Bitch had it coming
There's a special place in hell for treasonous rats like her

>left behind 2 kids and a husband
>this is relevant to her politics/crimes

being married with children doesnt magically make you a better person.

Bet it would have been higher to leave if that retard hadn't killed her until after.

I hope he dies of an anal prolapse in jail, the dumb fuck.

the penalty for being a traitor is death

always has been always will be

> huge

Please. Nobody knew her.

Another failed CIA psyop

And what about the vast number of Brits who get assaulted, mugged, raped, beheaded, shot, stabbed and kicked to death for being white/non-muslim on the streets in Britain?

Don't be a hypocrite!

>the penalty for being a traitor is death
You say that, and it should be.

But we live in a country full of cunts who were crying for this faggot to be set free.

This. I guess that means the coalburner who shat out 8 niglets is Mother Teresa.

She only ever represented women and her own virtue

Working men doing dirty low paid jobs were less than invisible to her

Maybe if she was better looking, she looks like a retard we had in highschool for a couple years.

Dear God I couldn't thank you enough for saying this.

I mean, I keep reading "how sad he died in a car accident, he was a father of 6".


Maybe it even helped to win.

Also, he will be surely freed once the EU collapses and pro-white political parties come to power.

>Enjoy your continental irrelevance.

You've seemed to be enjoying it for the last 100 years.

get a grip faggot

Wanting to stay in the EU doesn't make you a traitor.
Some people like the EU and they are entitled to like it without getting killed.

that's the eu's fault the syrian gentleman in the pic has already been deported

>Tfw the Jew has his plan backfire on him

>brits and scots move to Ireland as refugees
>EU makes you accept them and give them citizen status
>they vote the country to re-join the UK

The EUdSSR is a Jewish anti-white cultural communist tyrannical dictatorship that follows the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan and wants to enslave all Whites.

Betraying your people and leading them to suffering is a very serious offence.
I doubt that anyone who does this will be judged with too much mercy.
The globalist pawns have all made deals with the devil and they will reap what they've sown.

How does that work? I've been wondering about this. Who decides who is wacked in these false flags? Do you think they have a short list and just draw straws or do they analyze who will give the best emotional response? It's so odd to me how easily one of their own can be sacrifised for their greater goal. So why her? Did she piss off some jews down the line or something?

>Jewish plan
>Coudenhove-Kalergi plan

pick one