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she literally din do nuffin
She did the right thing!
I'm fucking done with this shit
Nigger culture will never end.
This seems like something that calls for a paddle, not a whip.
Now knocking up some teenager, THAT would call for a whip.
She should get arrested for having niglets
Spanking would be fine. Whipping though is excessive.
I tell my kids, if they ever call the cops on me for spanking them then they better hide because it takes 5-10 minutes for them to get here.
>Punishing your kids for breaking the law is bad.
she literally did nothing wrong
This is uniroincally why niggers will never do well in our society. Sjw retards don't realise the white race is so disciplined because of generations of parent beating their children with the belt. We can do well now without it because the values learned from it are embedded in out genes. Hell, Asians STILL do it and that is why they are more successful than whites. And the fucking Jews go a step further and chop babies dicks off and shit. Is it any wonder they are controlling everything now?
Niggers haven't had this yet. And every time a parent does beat their kid for being bad, they get arrested and stop.
>Louisiana Woman
WTF. She didn't do anything. I'm shaking
best song on K-Rose
This. This whole culture of "helicopter parenting while actually doing nothing" has ruined at least two generations of children, and more will fall if something isn't done, and soon. The more you become a "friend" to your kids and the less you become a "parent", the less effective you are. Does that mean you can't love your kids? Hell no. But you're not supposed to be their "playmate", otherwise who are they supposed to go to for that rock solid support when they need it? There's a balance to be struck, and if you want to find it, watch Andy Griffith and Ward Cleaver. Those men are what I strive to be in parenting my own children--I'm nowhere close of course, but it's my goal.
when did americans become just a wuss when it comes to corporal punishment. Just 50 years ago you guys still had paddlings and shit
she did nothing wrong
>Asians STILL do it and that is why they are more successful than whites
Asians find others ways to discipline their child instead of spanking children. You will make the family relationship much worse. You can still spank your kids but don't go too far.
SJWS need to be deported to Africa and the Middle East
Wtf you guys?
You too.
>Somebody gonna get hurt real bad
Considering how the kids could have been killed if the homeowner felt like shooting them when they broke in, I don't see why whipping is excessive.
>The more you become a "friend" to your kids and the less you become a "parent"
I'm no friend to my kids either. Trying to put fear into your kids would make the relationship much worse. There's 50/50 line of corporal punishment due to the fact authority parents have history of abuse with family.
Did you read the story? She whipped her children's ass for breaking into a neighbor's house and made the children take all the stuff back. The cops arrested the mother for whipping her child. How is that niggery?
>getting hit over the ass with a belt affects evolution
why are people this retarded, goddamn.
No, you stupid fuck, whites and asians are smart because that's the only way they were going to survive in their regions.
should be given a medal desu
gotta feel bad for black mothers when their entire culture is based around them getting knocked up and abandoned
it's a traditional form of negro punishment.
Not sure what the police is up to here. Respect her culture, you inconsidered whyte crackas
It's hard to feel sorry for them when many of them find hardworking, tax-paying black men to be corny and date literal savages with nothing going for them, who do the expected things and leave them high and dry with bad ass kids to raise while they literally dance off to the next sexual conquest
she actually din du nuthin
Glad to see there are parents that still discipline their children.
i hate this shit. white people think they're cucked parenting methods work on black people.
we black people beat our kids because the only black people who function in society well are those who were beaten as kids.
even ben fucking carson admitted his parents used to beat the shit out of him before he got his act together. same with oprah and ANY black billionaire ON PLANET EARTH.
these black kids were being disciplined so that one day, they might smarten up and go to university or something. but of course white people want blacks to be as cuckolded as they are, so now we can't beat our kids.
fuck this shit. when I have kids, I am going to beat the ever living fuck out of them, ALL THE TIME.
If you don't beat your kids, you DON'T really love them!
good. this is common practice for many black mothers. i don't think its a coincidence their kids also end up as violent dead-beats. african american culture needs to be nuked. there's nothing inherently wrong with africans, but the fatherless, degenerate culture we've allowed them to foster and enabled like the cucks we are has contributed to their downfall. this a good step
The real problem is that she used a cord to strike her child aggressively. Also there's history with the mom and the children, this isn't the first time the mother did this.
I honestly think she dindu nuffin on this, violence is the only thing nigs understand. Let the bitch walk.
>I wouldn't whip my kids that's terrible!
>Unless they called the cops on me, then I'd fucking bludgeon them half to death before the cops arrived
Bayou resident here. Shame that they arrested her for disciplining her children. Older black moms are pretty based around here, as they are old enough to remember how things use to be and actually want their children not to be little shits. Raising black children in the ghetto culture around here is pretty challenging I would imagine. Hard to raise your child to be a southern gentleman when his peers are all about nigger culture.
Old black grandmas are my favorite. They realize no one will disrespect the elderly so they tell it like it is. Like an aussie in old wrinkled black skin.
>should be given a medal desu
I would throw her an eaten chicken bone out of spite.
SJW's would support corporal punishment too
Black hoes like you like you support this mess too
>Like an aussie in old wrinkled black skin.
fucking kek
t. A fucking leaf.
>black hoes like you
Nope, just straight coonass here. Lived around this shit my whole life and the only respectable black people I meet are old grandmothers (grandfathers are pretty chill if they are there). The rest are too caught up in their racisss shit.
Model black parent, this arrest is a disgrace
This. Also
>East Baton Rouge Parish
Literally the only place in this state worst than New Orleans East/9th Ward. Fucking New-Africa tier
I dont usually agree with hitting kids. But these nigglets were breaking the law and could have cost her a shit ton of money in legal fees.
You don't live near blacks, do you? They don't understand anything but the whip. Every black men I ever met who had a job and wife said his mother would switch him as a kid
Louisiana here,
Niggers committing a disproportionate amount of crime is nothing new here.
I'm just happy my home in the Irish channel is becoming white again.
>disciplining your child is government regulated.
Land of the free, amirite?
The mother might have bad history with her children. The state is probably tired of seeing deadbeat mothers beating the shit out their kids and continue to commit crimes because anger issues.
The state is trying to set some ground here and I don't blame them.
I hate to say it, but that peaceful parenting stuff doesn't work for everyone. Some kids just need a good spanking to keep them in line.
>mfw a shitton of white are moving to New Orleans now pushing all the lower-class blacks (niggers) to the East
>mfw dropping crime rate
>mfw my city may just be white again
We need another HoodLife movie dedicated to the New Orleans gangs
They encourage lawlessness and discourage order. And there are still black people who don't see that these liberal policies are destroying the black community. Liberals are the real racists.