Breaking: Youth unemployment in Poland rose to 100%, following the British EU referendum

Breaking: Youth unemployment in Poland rose to 100%, following the British EU referendum.

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Newsflash: homosexuality among native German males rose to 110% thanks to cultural diversity.


t. Bartek

Fucks given by the rest of the world are at an all time low


I wouldn't worry, Putin will put them to work once he takes over.

>imblying all of them are not just going to move to germoney instead

Shut up and let me peg you like in 1939.


You know the average wage in Russia is half of the already low average Poland wage?


Breaking: Youth unemployment for German nationals rose to 200%, following the British EU referendum.

Lol German inferiority complex with their made up superiority complex over Poalnd is hilarious. Every single time Something happens that's not according to plan they fucking try to shit on Polnad to feel better. Like with the whole immigrant crisis. They implemented censorship etc and at the same time were talking in media only about how Poland is undemocratic XD

You are pathetic nation and this time you are going down for good.


>You are pathetic nation and this time you are going down for good.

Is that why your people keep flocking here? Out of pity?

We'll send you some toilets to clean for old time's sake, Poland.

Lies, Indians and Pakis don't use toilets.

germanistan on suicide watch be 4ever the paying sugardaddy

But then mudslimes won't have anything to clean!

They'll cleaning Germany's women.

I guess little india doesn't have use for toilets

>refused to negotiate on child benefits being claimed for children residing in Pooland
they brought this on themselves

How about you clean THIS
*unzips dick*

>you entered the job market just in time to have polacks leaving UK flooding back in

unskilled workers won't threaten you in any way, unless you work that kind of job

on a serious note it is a good deal for us as a nation. you get all the Poles who coudn't cut it here (i mean mostly lazy/stupid ones).

Newsflash: Islamic Turkogerman Republic declared!

>poor people can just fuck themselves
>high unemployment and influx of millions of low IQ shits without jobs in my country won't affect me in any way because I'm working on Cyberpunk 2077
That's not how society works whether we like it or not.

What do you mean? I'm working my comfy job as a graphic artist. If anyone of the plebs and thieves who cleaned toilets in Britain feels like he can match my skill, he's welcome to try.
Sure, they might bring a spike in crime and unemployment but how does that reflect on my position?

Regardless of how skilled you are, influx of workforce will drive wages down across the whole economy and will make some of the young people consider getting education and pursuing your position.

And of course living in a country with millions of dumb unemployed peasants isn't a good thing. I would know about that.

germanbro, you forgot us.
EU still has us to shit on and there is no shortage of polacks here, we alone must count for at least 25-30%.

Eirexit when??

>influx of workforce will drive wages down across the whole economy
Why would it tho? Isn't my wage worth what it is because of the skill I bring, in this particular discipline that not many people know? Why would an influx of construction workers and maids infuence the industry I work in?
>will make some of the young people consider getting education and pursuing your position
I'm fine with that, however the people we're talking about are not young. And they're not the type to pursue education either, otherwise they would do that in Poland instead of going for the lowest hanging fruit (cleaning toilet in England).
>And of course living in a country with millions of dumb unemployed peasants isn't a good thing
Yeah, that's my only concern really. I dream that most of them would quietly die off from poverty and the rest would just adapt

>Lol German inferiority complex with their made up superiority complex over Poalnd is hilarious
You wot m8? Can you point to any historical evidence for this statement?

Come and try, Abdul

>germoney being this assblasted

I love it.

be careful!

Dont be angry because of Hans. Our army is shit compared to the polak army. We are no threat to you.

which part of your clay you want to lose now?

>Why would it tho? Isn't my wage worth what it is because of the skill I bring, in this particular discipline that not many people know? Why would an influx of construction workers and maids infuence the industry I work in?
Because job market is a market. People who were doing plumbing in Britain won't just return back to Poland and do plumbing again. Demand for plumbers isn't infinite. I'm not too sure but I think low skill job market is already saturated in Poland, with Ukrainians and shit. Some people will naturally seek better opportunities. It's not like all of them are turbobydlo.

>I'm fine with that, however the people we're talking about are not young.
They will take jobs the youth would otherwise seek. Seeing how there are no low skilled jobs the youth will try harder to acquire skills insdtead of being content with shit-tier jobs that will pay even less than before the Brexitings.

>otherwise they would do that in Poland instead of going for the lowest hanging fruit (cleaning toilet in England).
Not all people who do plumbing in England are low skilled. Some of them just didn't make it abroad, some think that doing plumbing is alright as long as it pays well (when compared to Polish average wages) and some are just pricks that would rather lick toilets of their beloved western yuro overlords than do a decent job in their own country.

neither we are a threat to you


Dude, I would be running to the UK and begging them to let me in if I were you. It will be open season on traitors like you pretty soon here. You have been warned.

Are you larping or are things really going to change in Germoney?

>t. Abdul Abdallah

What do you think?

>It will be open season on traitors like you pretty soon here. You have been warned.
"any day now, these millions of refugees making a mockery of our nation are going to tip us over the edge"


You are all fucking sick. So what we are poorer. You mock us like it's anything funny. You know why we are poor? Thanks to you fucking thiefs from Austria and Germany for annexing our country for 123 years, then WWII and finally British and French assholes selling us to Soviets (this is when we got fucked up the most cause communish basically killed our country). But you know what? Asshurt or not I'm being dead serious - I'd rather live here in Poland (which isn't really THAT poor like Ukraine or some Turkey or Bangladesh, it's not great though but something in-between) than any of the previously mentioned countries. Like seriously. You are going to get cucked by abduls in 20-30 years from now and you will be begging Poland to open it's doors for you cucks. You really must have extreme low self esteem gercucks and others here if you need a smaller kid to bully for all those years. This guy said it best:

sure, even wilhelm I said that all -ski surnamed fellows have to die.

Welcome to 4 chan, please come again :)

You're taking things a bit personal, please stop crying.

Maybe a little, but I feel good now that I told this germcuck what he really knows deep inside his heart but doesn't want to admit to himself loudly.


> threatens with pegging
> being butthurt itself



For my part, I know that Poles, Hungarians, Bulgarians and all that pseudo-patriotic hypocrites immigrate in masses to Central Europe, looking for a better life.

Not the other way around. Not Germans, French and Brits moving to Poland to enjoy "true European virtues" (=abortion ban and paranoid xenophobia).

It's also funny how he wrote "youth", while those in UK are well after their 30th birthday, and most of them are 40-45YO. Hahaha. This german knowledge. No wonder. In middle school I went to a 7 day trip there and these idiots sing and play in their politics classes xD (IDK how this subject is called in germ). We are talking about 13-14 years old here, while we at that age learn about history of politics and today's world events and politics (even economy).

A little too much drama, but guy is mostly right. I fell for emigration meme when i was 19. Spend 2 months in London.
Only thing that was better was prices of shit like smartphones, consoles etc. Life condition was much worse than that what i have now, and shitskins/pakis/nigs were majority there.
Only good thing about emigration is that, all those bydło left my town heading UK, so it is quiet and pacefull like never before.

Why you even ask Paweł?

>abortion ban and paranoid xenophobia
>bad things

Mehmet pls go

>says Poles and Hungarians migrate to CENTRAL EUROPE
>they are literally the center of EUROPE
>that german school system

You basically proved what I said here: Please germcuck, say something more for my own delight.

that's why if you leave, you leave for a good country

>uk programmer average salary: 40k€/year
>switzerland programmer average salary: 80k€/year

You got it wrong.

Those who want a better life go to the USA or Norway or Italy, those who go to countires like Germany or the UK just go because they are retards or don't have any other options.

t. someone who wants to fuck off from this country as soon he finishes studying

Forgot to say - it has nothing to do with being "patriotic" or "pseudo-patriotic". It's just about seeing things how they are. You are being cucked in your own country and you basically want to play it off like that's not the case. In other words - I spit in your face and you tell me it's raining.

>making fun of anyone

You're like the Slavic version of France: a less interesting and useful version of your more respectable and powerful neighbors who hasn't been relevant for at least a century. The only difference is that France can justify its existence through its vast cultural heritage. Poland is redundant and your country's existence is without any justification besides the goodwill of your superiors, us.

Go get gunned down the streets John and fuck off forever

Says a guy whose country have no cultural heritage at all. Except for furries, lgbt, hamburgers and being obese.

muh heritage

stay over there amerifat, you were banished from this continent already

stay out of this amerifat, you were banished from that continent already


>more respectable and powerful neighbours

Who are you talking about? That small part that belongs to Russia? That's the only contestant I see.


checked, kek'd, praised kek

>Russia even being respectable

That country is the joke of this world with that sperg retard Putin as the leader

>Its God that will judge them in Heaven, but i am the one sending them there

Literally pic related

You will need to borrow a lot of tanks from americans fucboi

We've created more culture in 250 years than you have in 1,000. That's how pathetic Poles are. You are worth nothing to the world other than your worth as a meat shield in a war against Russia for us to arm. That's why you still exist.

>gas the kikes
>we have pop culture
pick one

Accountability for your own people is a bitch isn't it?

>gas the kikes

t. Sup Forums is one person

>That country is the joke of this world
>implying we aren't worse

lol this nigger still sitting there behind two oceans, shaking in their aligator skin boots about scary mother bear rassia, has the audacity to talk shit about the biggest and bravest survival story of a country in the past 1000 years

Buahahhahaha the only debris of culture you have came from the colonies that made you, AKA Europe. And we are talking about a country that is as big as whole Europe. Our smaller country has more culture than you burgers. Amerifat plz keep showing me your idiocy.

Putin is a fucking badass

You forgot about the country to your west, but I know geography triggers Poles since you ceased to exist for the entirety of the heyday of European dominance, so they choose to be ignorant of it.

ahaha the polish oven dodgers getting cucked, their low quality products poisoned our market for long enough.
About Godfucking time these piece of shits who also ran away will improve their country.

Also Czehistanians getting fucked in the ass, thats the best part. I'm so happy.

pol is pretty much one person retarded religious fucks, now there aren't even happenings anymore, 2012 were the best times

Waste of trips.

>Implying I didn't ignore this country on purpouse as it didn't fit the "AND respectable" bracket.

Who repsects germs at this day and age? Whole middle and eastern europe laughs at them, maybe u americucks love them IDK. Even france and especially GB starts to diss this cuck of a country.

Getting ready for the Slexit boys?

>getting plastic surgery like a bitch

>Americans think they have created culture

how cute.

low quality products? like witcher 3 goty 2015, top quality weponry or the richest wheats and cereal's Europe has to offer? stay cucked piča

why don't you guys just deport all muzzies to Germany? they obviously wanted them in Europe so they can take them. then build a wall around germanistan

>Debris of culture

Which is funny considering you're on an American forum shitposting about how great your country is. On the internet, an American invention. In English, which we're responsible for turning into the global language.

And then we have Poles, who created delusions of grandeur and recreated the British plumbing industry.

Okay, at least till this time this thread consisted of respectable countries with long history. Then this slovak came. Remind me plz - how long do you exist?

reeeeeeee you ruin our already shitty reputation

*massive triggering* gg

Please guys there's no need fight. Poland knows it's place and we will gladly get slaughtered in the name of Western ideals somewhere in the desert or russian mud. Just give us some time to convince you that we are worthy and likeable. We're just people like you :)


Gentlemen and women. Now is not the time for division. We must unite as a people of European descent to reclaim our sacred clay and secure our economies for the future. Divisive attacks against each other and blaming won't help anything. It had to happen. So we should try to help and encourage each other to do better. Just my opinion.