American here. Can someone explain to me why brexit is good? I still don't get it

American here. Can someone explain to me why brexit is good? I still don't get it

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Because based dad gets to stay out of the nursing home for a few more years

It's not

A slave gets fed by his owner, if he breaks free he stops being fed but he's free.


OP, how old are you? Does this really need to be explained to you?

UK is no longer going to fund Germany's open borders refugee madness any longer. The EU is going to die like the USSR died. Obama went to England directly to tell them to stay, he got blown the fuck out.

Corporate elitists, bankers, and the new world order got wrecked. It's a great day for freedom.

It's a great day to be outside of the European Union. I'm overjoyed the Brits get to smell freedom, how's it feel lads?

because the EU is controlled by unelected control freak bureaucrats

Have you noticed most of the people celebrating on Sup Forums are fucking Australians? No one really cares that much about brexit, it's just meme loving shitposters.

People will give immigration and economic reasons, but the most important one is cultural.
The EU is an attempt at consolidating wealth and power while destroying ethnicity and nationalism through emigration not only of Europeans but non-European refugees. It was sold as a cosmopolitan, progressive ideal to the youth who have already almost no connection to their nation and their ancestry. Socialism and communism essentially aim to destroy inheritance to both steal the wealth of a people and destroy their lineage and ethnicity. The British Isles are the inheritance of the British, their ancestors, their fathers and grandfathers fought, bled, and labored those islands. This is why (((Hollywood))) pop culture is so pushed on the youth, to supplant that relationship and values.

This is a sacred relationship between man and his land that has been nearly uprooted, and replaced with this idea that being able to travel to Greece for a holiday with less restrictions is better.

Britons and Europeans in general need to realize what they lose with these (((globalists))).

Now Britain can stand on her own two legs, maybe wobbly at first with some falling, but the strength can return if the people are willing.

less immigration
damages eu's hope of a strong federalist europe
UK people can make more democratic decisions without going through an un-elected council that is fairly divorced form their interests

now we just need to do away with the house of lords and we'll be alright

Follow the money. If Brexit didn't hurt Germany, then there wouldn't be as much butthurt by Merkel. Now to expand on that, if it hurts one side, then obviously it's a positive for some other.

GB leaving the EU means that stuff like rules that apply to cheese makers in France no longer have to be followed by dairy farmers in England and put them out of business. Multiply that my tens of thousands of overreaching beaurocratic rules that never saw the desk of any local politician or council.

Local economies are free to react to local pressures and adjust independently.

Do you think the Bongs finally get the whole "no taxation without representation" thing now?

>EU drains all it's countries of resources
>EU forces disadvantageous trade agreements on it's countries
>Germany leader of EU and basically king of it if you want, is above everything and they don't have any agreement to respect, the however impose everyone else to obey them
>The EU became a tyrannical organization that orders it's states how to behave in their own internal
>Death of soverignity by taking over the coin

It's pretty funny though, some months ago there were spots on TV that were basically brainwash it was all like, the EU is perfect, we must praise the EU without even telling you why.

>closing borders
>taking care of own population instead of poorfag countries (like Poland)
>putting your own interests first

Meanwhile, most US citizens are slaves to corporate America.

Freedom and slavery comes in many shapes and sizes.


Here is a brief musical explanation.

>Now Britain can stand on her own two legs, maybe wobbly at first with some falling, but the strength can return if the people are willing.


>Watching major English cities descend into chaos as rioting takes over
>Liberal tears

Do you really need any more reason that that?


It's not. But the kids here got excited by the memes.

Because it's a democratic decision by a free people

british manufacturing will rebound from their weakening currency.

they will no longer be cucked by EU law; immigration can feasibly be controlled again.

and, best of all, scotland will leave the UK and join the EU.

Muh sovereignty, also eurocrats, because fuck porky french people telling us what to do.

99% not liking people with funny accents and smelly food though.

As a left winger I'm looking forwards to the banks fucking off in the crash.

Hopefully we can rebalance our economy and base it on actually making shit again rather than just pushing monopoly money around

>It's not
>says the Serbian

Why didn't Cameron kill the Brexit vote? Doesn't the PM have the right to not recognize the vote, hence the UK ends up staying? Why did he pussy out and resign like a cunt?