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We're building a Germanic Organic ethno-state at the geopolitical center of North America.
Sup Forums
We're building a Germanic Organic ethno-state at the geopolitical center of North America.
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Get in here Sup Forums
Nebraska is the land of Titans.
But you better know what roots means.
We could use some more organizers, too.
Get in that Sea of Red in the Heartland Sup Forums
It's your home!
You guys tried this in my state. They even made a movie about the massive failure.
Cornhuskers are in Alaska and Idaho, too. Its no coincidence. I dunno who you are but if youre no friend, stop stalking Germans and go away before you escalate a poisoning or mass murdering contest.
Youre not allowed to hunt an ethnic group.
I'm not your enemy, and I certainly am not stalking. I'm pointing out that your organizational skills could improve.
>Alaska and Idaho, too
didn't even check the link? Your dream is already crushed.
>Git r done
what the fuck
Weiss Macht
Why the fuck would you live in the US but not in Arizona or Texas? Stupid fucking Krauts.
Nebraska is the geopolitical center of America. It is also the Heartland. It has peculiar powers because of this.
You see, the other native name for Nebraska is Nebraski. Both of these names mean "of Nebra" in proto-European. But, this is just the beginning...
The Wolf Clan (and the German Y-Chromsome) has existed at the geopolitical center of both North America and Europe since time immemorial.
This is nativism 101.
Nebraska is the land of Titans. Craig Cobb is nothing compared to my Father.
As we are at the geopolitical center (the heartland) of the continent, this is the place where the Wolf Howls.
The tallest man in America lives here.
The most territorial man in America lives here.
The wealthiest man in America lives here.
The smartest man in America lives here.
The most ethical man in America lives here.
Other supreme beings live here, just as the gravitate toward the Heartland of Europe (Germany).
I used to live in Nebraska and I seriously have no fucking idea what you're talking about. There's plenty of Hispanics in Omaha, and plenty of Middle Easterners and Asians in Lincoln. It's a pleasant enough state but there's really nothing *that* compelling about it either.
Nebraska/Nebraski is also home to Strategic Command, Cyber Command, Space Command, the largest Underground Airforce Base in the world, and the highest percentage of nukes.
We have more fresh water in our state than the rest of North America combined.
We also have the most Nukes.
But, this is just the beginning...
We're watching how you treat Craig Cobb.
We're judging you.
Just because White Americans dont havent revealed a deep connection to their soil, and thus, lack an ethno-state, doesnt mean you have the right to abuse Craig Cobb.
We are judging you. We have very long memories.
Wenn ihr alle in der Lage seid, deutsch zu sprechen, und dass das ebenso die Muttersprache des Staats ist, dann mich würde interessieren. Bis dahin habe ich keine Lust.
Damn. So this is what it's like being unemployed and living in a shit state
I haven't treated him in one way or another. I'm familiar with him because he tried to do something similar a few years ago. It didn't work out.
I believe in a person's freedom to do what they want; it just seems he wanted to do more terrorizing of a town than actually organizing for his cause.
Judge me on my
Awaken the brethren. That's an order. And if you know anything about Nebraskans, you'd know a random German-American guy wouldn't give you an order unless lives are on the line.
Nigger here
I'll move in with you
i used to live in nebraska too. omaha is full of nigs dont go there, in fact get as far away as you can. see flag.
Nice. I've been thinking about moving to NE myself. Should we all go to one community?
Have no fear my centrally located czech neighbor. I will end up dying in a street fight with negroes soon.
This is, after all, the beginning of the end of our people, the beginning of northwest front.
The leftists and anti-whites are only picking up steam.
What is with the influx of these shotty role-playing threads lately?
Nebraska is just a place where pedos go.
The negroes in Omaha nukes the Swedish/Jewish North Omaha. Please remember this. It was once the nicest place in Nebraska. The housing was so nice, and as it was an ashkenazi and swedish system, it was very high quality at a low cost.
Today, north omaha is a parasite. The entire city of Omaha was perverted by their takeover. Omaha would be a fine pedestrian European city if not for these horrible people. Instead West Omaha is like a giant put-together trailer park with $500,000 lots.
However, it is still the case that Omaha has a white supermajority. Only 4 cities in America have a white super-majority.
You should use the information I have provided in this thread to get as many Sup Forums people into Lincoln.
Get all of the minorities out.
I walk the streets and I tell them to leave as I pass by them. The mixed race people are slowly leaving.
The problem is that new migrants keep arriving.
If you tell them to leave enough, they get tired of going outside, they get tired of being annoyed, and they do leave.
The titans are working on getting them to leave from other angles.
Save everything I shared with you and use it to awaken all of the Sup Forums brethren.
This is no role-playing.
Syrian war was caused by drought.
Turmoil in Europe was caused by Syrian war.
Brexit was caused by Turmoil.
Great Depression was caused by drought.
WW2 was caused by Great Depression.
Nebraska has the water. Nebraska is the most defensible position on Earth. Nebraska is the blood and soil champion of the world. The Titans know this. They are around.