Why are 75% of 18-25 year old people in the UK traitors to western civilization?
Why are 75% of 18-25 year old people in the UK traitors to western civilization?
>implying western civilization hasn't been one long march to globalism and cultural hegemony
no life experience
Thinking the current state of affairs is normal
because 75% of 18-25 year old people are either "refugees" or their sympathizers
because they aren't western
you can't expect pakis, indians and niggers to act in the interest of the west
Globalist capitalism that encourages mass immigration and leaves swathes of disaffected people.
They think they know everything. I was young once too. I used to defend gypsies and said shit like "real communism was never tried before".
>western civilization was made to destroy itself all along!
what the fuck are you on about?
Marxist/globalist indonctrination.
They have been influenced with (((Hollywood))) pop culture since their birth, raised by parents who had accepted limited cultural marxism already, and their are inundated with (((leftist))) propaganda on the internet non-stop.
They've spent their whole lives under the shadow of the EU, but from the start they've been told it's the sun.
Indoctrination and the internet
Marx wouldn't have supported global capitalism.
Because they're more educated than the typical 50+ year old leave voter and have a better chance at getting jobs with higher paying companies that benefit from EU membership.
But that goes without saying.
Because there were far less shitty aspects of the eu like the muslim immigrants than there were positive aspects like free trade. The logical choice was to stay in the eu.
no one has actually read marx.
Because the majority in that age group are in adult daycare being indoctrinated with zero real life experience.
They're all morons who have no political knowledge and suddenly think they know it all
Its laughable
Marxist indoctrination camps (schools and universities) + all the food has new chemicals in it
>more education than the typical 50+ year old leave voter
Do one, Satoshi.
You wont have anything to trade if Muslims take over your country.
Because every celebrity, talk show host, and other famous morons say it's the cool thing to do. So they just go with the pack.
at least half of them are ''''''''''''''''asians'''''''''''''''
don't know about the other half
What's there to read. There are like 1000 different interpretations and none of them actually work. Might as well read the I Ching and throw coins on economic policy.
Capitalism didn't du nuffin
It's them Jews I tell you! Free market! Invisible hand!
Them Jews!
Yeah but realistically leaving the eu isn't going to stop the muslim numbers, it might decrease it a tiny bit but theres no way its going to have a major effect.
They're really really really fucking stupid, I just got out of uni and the amount of bullshit buzzwords and platitudes being thrown around by my salty coeds is ridiculous. They base their decisions on what they think they are supposed to believe rather than what is objectively correct.
I can imagine that Russia and Iran are delighted. Now that UK won't have access to EU funds anymore it will need to get new investors. Guess who they will be? Leavers voted to exit EU in order to get back economic control, now UK will be dependant on russian, chenise and middle east capitalists. To all those against EU, this is the consequence of dividing Europe back into shires and counties. They'll be slaves of bigger economies. Good luck with your control.
>"Scientists discover that young people are stupid"
"Why did you vote leave? You're black and went to my University."
just kill me now
Beats me, im just happy it will be easier to get funding for my uni research in 2 years. All those uni boys will get their EU funded research scrapped, hnnnng.
> i learn about politics on 4chin
Some expert on politics we have here
Daddy issues.
I can take a guess.
Isn't there still the whole Erasmus programme for them?
Yes it will. When the Muslims stop getting government money they will leave. Ask Hungary about it, they will tell you.
I might actually travel to England now.
Because they're young and stupid. They listen to rhetoric instead of focusing on the facts.
Given that France is one of the most protectionist countries on the planet, that's a rather ironic line to take.
the fuck?
Was is actually 75% or did they just ask random muslims in London? And what was their voter turnout anyway?
Because they are essentially weak from lacking any real skills, motivation, and job prospects. So they lash out at the very movement that gives the best shot at reversing this trend.
It's better to be economic dependant of someone than disappearing from the face of earth for being replaced by muslims and africans.
The economic damage is reversible, the demographic is not.
>Given that France is one of the most protectionist countries on the planet, that's a rather ironic line to take.
It was indeed a joke.
oc, pretty much everyone i met when studying in yurop is mourning
wtf i love jews now
Of course he would. Marx endorsed free-market capitalism because he believed it levelled traditional institutions and made the way for revolutionary communists by creating the proletarian classes.
>EXACTLY the kind of men who wouldn't fuck me when I was seeking their attention
No. In reality, history is full of civilisations that did everything they could to survive and proliferate. Sometimes they survived, sometimes they perished.
We, like any other civilisation, should stand up for ourselves and proliferate.
I hate it to break it to you, but you won't anything about politics if you can't think for yourself. If you just consum left or right media you still essentially know nothing, which would be less than what you get through browsing Sup Forums. Which would be nothing + critical thinking skills if you're lucky.
Having a beer at the pub to celebrate is a parody?
Because the young usually are the dumber of any society.
Everyone I know rattled off the same remain bullshit, with plenty of 'Leave are just xenophobic racists'
They don't bother researching and want to suck corbryn's cock
State indoctrination from birth that white people, white culture, and white countries are unquestionably evil. I am talking complete Kool-aid drinking propaganda from schools to the entertainment media they grew up with.
No one besides Japan and Korea has been relevant outside of the White Western world since the Chinese Four Great Inventions and Arabic scientific discoveries OVER A THOUSAND YEARS AGO.
China is slave labor and the best they have really done is an anti-mallarial drug/destruction of the worlds oceans, Arabs and the Middle East have remained a dead culture and civilization based around a disgustingly abusive religion, they provide nothing but access to resources.
This is why so many are mentally ill and full of cognitive dissonance, willing to defend inferior cultures who are stuck in repressive, failed, or fundamentally religious states that are NOT culturally compatible with even basic Western principals established during the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment. They don't see the problem in importing the worlds garbage, allowing them the ability to create hostile parallel societies, and their own birth rates/economic realities of cheap labor supply for globalists (which is all they are to their precious EU leadership).
Who goes to PUBS in 2016?
I mean it's current year people pubs are just so misogynistic and just UGH!
Nice try Abdul
Uhmm... Your little "boys club" pubs are gross.
At this point they just can't stand any crowd/official picture that isnt 80% "diverse"
Perhaps because your frontal lobe doesn't fully develop until you're around 25.
Brainwashing coupled with ignorance. Blue pills is all they want.
Because they would literally rather be raped by a Mudslime than be called a racist by their peers.
And their peers think EVERYTHING is racist.
Seriously though I think a big part is they can't understand the concept of foreign cooperation and trade without an actual union or specific trade agreement.
There is a whole class of people who need to make shit up, to literally reinvent reality, to keep themselves in a job
>career politicians
>professional victims and SJW's
Sometimes the 18-25 isn't stupid, they've just heard nothing but bullshit their entire lives and don't know any better.
I'll tell you why, they didn't ever had a chance:
What do you see when you read each and every single one of their posts? Look again, a common feature will become obvious. Oh yes, is that insidious line again "None of my friends voted for brexit!" "everyone I know / talked to supported the EU!" this kids where victims of human nature, confirmation bias formed a sealed-shut echo chamber of unchallenged delusional opinions. They cant believe the results because they surrounded them self with people that shielded them from alien ideas.
All young people want to be different from their old people, duh.
Because a huge part of that demographic are niggers and arabs.
because gibs and muh free trains
But he would support globalism. And that's the key point here. These young Britons who voted remain are socialists, but they are as globalist as the neoliberals. The Brexit referendum has shown they are easily prepared to drop their socialist views in favour of real globalism. They're just the usefull idiots
People at their heart are conservative in the respect that they don't really want things to change.
They grew up with the EU and don't want to change being a part of it.
They're not, that's the percentage of the total votes. 67% of people aged 18-25 DIDN'T EVEN VOTE because the majority of us have no idea what the fuck is going on and the ones that think they do mostly want sandnigger cocks down their throat
Hm that sounds awfully familiar. What could possibly be so familiar about a political echo chamber that shields and/or dissuades people from 'wrong' ideas?
I truly wonder.
They never knew how great the world was. It's all been crap for about 20 years.
good meme m8, this people never go outside of tumblr, reddit, retardbook, they find comfort in acceptance, if you think I spend all my time in Sup Forums 's hidy-hole you should check yourself. I like that the news flow here faster than everywhere else.
What is the solution to this though? Not being allowed to vote until you're out of school/university?
Because they're fed self hating propaganda in university.
>Why are 75% of 18-25 year old people in the UK traitors to western civilization?
We'd have to look at the way they were educated back when they were aged 5 to 14.
I've never actually seen any document pertaining to the socialization of children in a school environment. How do they deal with conflict, how do they deal with peer pressure? My hypothesis is that there is a direct mapping that exists between what they are taught at this age and the way they see the world.
These half truths are annoying. If you study a little bit the history of colonialism, you'll see that the "globalization" the west was talking about back then was all about making the rest of the world more like the west (over a VERY long period of time during which they'd be exploited). In other words, it was WESTERN globalism and not just straight up anti-cultural globalism.
It's fucking bad. My uni sent out Love letters from the EU and then a week ago a lengthy email to every student saying that we need to EU no matter what.
Do they strongly depend on subsidies from the EU? It's not purely ideological but also material.
Sick of the young people on my facebook crying about the result. Considering the majority of them didn't even vote, Sup Forums is my only bastion right now.
Free degrees if you give up your voting rights.
I have a STEM degree thank you
For the same reason 75% of the 18-25 year old people are marxists.
Millennials are dumb.
Not true.
The previous O level based education system was far more rigorous than today's GSCE.
Our country has been falling in standards year on year.
Since when do you need a union to have free trade?
You can always make a new trade agreement and and set trade policy, but you can't un-rape your sister.
I don't think that's true of "the young" in general. I fully understand how "the rich" would benefit from labor and capital mobility but as far as the youth is concerned this is merely speculative. We can see from the comments on twitter and jewbook that most of their opposition seems to be ideological, ie. "muh immigrants". (Their love of immigrants is justified but our reservations about them somehow aren't. Apparently, you can only love the radical alteration of the demographic of your own country.)
I wouldn't say the depend on subsidies. I'm sure they'll still profit without EU. they just want more money.
My uni will be fine, they get Investments from china, I think like 30% of students are Chinese in Bangor
More education doesn't necessarily make you smarter. Experience is the ultimate teacher.
Underrated. I think when I said brainwashing + ignorance, I should have explained where the ignorance comes from and a lot of that is from abusive upbringing where feminism gave women teeth to their nagging and created rifts in the family.
We are seeing an unwrapping of the damage done now. First independence, then removal of outsiders from within, and then finally removal of feminism and then finally a wholesome healing of the people towards unification.
Alot of the 18-25 group are the children of muslim immigrants.
they have no sense of genuine identity
The youth are extremely naive and liberal with almost zero life experience.
They've been brainwashed by neo-liberal globalism
Whenever I hear a 20-something year old talk obsessively about careers, cubicle-ing up their lives and shitting their pants whenever the mildest form of unpredictability is introduced into their lives, you know that your generation has failed at being a human
There's nothing wrong with a little unpredictability, you millenial faggots
indoctrinated leftist millennial scum, the product of the leftist (((education))) system.
Marxist indoctrination. The left has taken over the education system and the children are taking a beating in terms of propaganda hammered into them. The vast mayority of the average populations i.e iq 95-105 is smart enough to achieve higher education but not smart enough to see beyond the opinions they get infused with and the attitude that's taught to them.
because they believe they were lucky to be born british they have no idea their ancestors had to fight for freedom
they have no idea their ancestors had to work hard for their wealth
they have no idea their ancestor had to to keep their culture actually invent it.
they have no respect for their ancestor or what they achived.
so they dont care to give that away. even though its not theirs
its belong to their ancestors.
All the funniest UK and US comedians are commies, most of the teachers are commies. Kids are stupid and just want to fit in so go along with it.
Everyone in that age group is compromised.
When I was 16, it was different. Now? Nope. I don't even trust the opinion of 21 year olds now. It's all fucked.
Go away kike.