when the big one drops your faggot ass into the sea.
Good riddance. Hopefully the earth cracks and California floats off into the pacific
Califronia will never leave nor be able to. The state is too irresponsible with its money to be successful. Too many welfare queens. Everybody also wants to establish a communist state there as well.
America doesn't tolerate that traitor shit.
We'll Sherman your ass.
The moment California "leaves" is one moment before it is reabsorbed into Mexico. Which would be funny, watching Hollywood Jews flee.
To rejoin Mexico?
You LaRazaposting m8?
"Trust me I'm from Cali bro I should know"
^Every Californian I've ever met right before we have to carry their beat ass from a party
Why are you all like this
>welfare queens
Pic related. I'd rather tax money go to lazy Californians than shitbag southerncucks who trash this state despite how dependent the rest of the country is on it.
>irresponsible with money
Check again. Governor Brown's been doing great with our economy. We've got a sizable budget surplus now.
You aren't going anywhere helladudebro.
Not soon enough
If califronia is responsable with money then how come we are going to have a $15 an hour minimum wage? High taxes, especially on oil.
Throw in the economic lost from the drought and then you got your self a bad state economy.
>Too many welfare queens
Even with all those Welfare queens, and expansive social services, California contributes over 30% more to the U.S. economy than the southern states that don't provide any of those things, what's their excuse user?
>livin in a liberal paradise
Please, please, please, please. Be apart of Mexico. All illegals sent there. Watch how fast everything turns to shit.I can already see how the lefts would spin that shit. Haha.
You have to be in dixie to leave it, homo
i'll say it again : anyone, that wants a white country, should exit. america should be everyone's country. if you don't like LA and NYC, exit. if you don't like multiculturalism and diversity, exit. CA and NY should stay, they're the only ones that make america great.
Cmoooon san andreas. Kick these cunts all the way to japan
Long live the NCR
No fucking way.
Californian here. Back when economy was good, delusional Commiefags bragged about how its economy is so great and how it'd be a viable independent state.
Already BTFO, budget cuts everywhere
California will die on its own. Texas is the only state that stands a chance of going solo due to its abundant black gold.
>Associating fiscal responsibility with cost of life
How do you live there and not acknowledge that it's incredibly expensive to live there in comparison to most other states? Sure is summer in here.
Bye faggots.
any time you want. please leave
>New York
Last time I checked, Dixie never left.
The southeastern states are not exactly filled with major shipping ports like California is. No shit they contribute to 30% of the economy when they comprise well over half of the west coast and control much of what comes into the country from the Pacific.
However that's likely the same reason the federal government wouldn't allow them to leave.
Too many niggers
aren't you losing all your golden businesses to Texas?
Our economy would collapse within 3 days
good song
Texexit senpai
You can leave, but you have to take all your shitty expats back from Texas. Please.
Caliphornia should leave I am all for it. Just split North and South before you do.
t. Texan
We would even buy them all tickets. Just please get them out of our state. They're rude and smell like liberal scum.
The poor southern states have more niggers and little infrastructure.
California has abundant natural resources, tourism, a massive agricultural industry, silicon Valley and Hollywood. But it's poorly run.
A better comparison to California would be Texas which benefits from many of the same factors except it's ran well, and will surpass California eventually.
How about the rest of the country votes to kick you out?
NCR shill
Rude, smell, can't drive, useless, taking jobs younger generations of Texans could get, think they are too good for anywhere outside Austin, and most importantly not assimilating to Texan culture. I moved here 4 years ago and I won't be able to leave Austin soon enough. Motherfuckers don't realize you came here because where you come from is shit; I don't want to turn Texas into Massachusetts, I want to breed the Yankee from my bloodline.
Take Baja please
>taking jobs younger generations of Texans could get
The dirty liberal commies work harder than young Texans?
Fuck off, Vegas should be run by House.
Certainly not, but the "smarter" ones will take the white collar jobs with a fancy Berkeley degree that could be given to someone already here, as the shittier ones panhandle and suck up benefits where they can get them. Those babies won't lift a shovel or run a tractor so they stay in Austin and bitch.
Damn, is it this shitty living in the South? Dumbest, least developed part of America filled with niggers.
> The cuckfederate will rise again!!
Please do
Make sure you pay debts first fagbag
Oh, so Texas just lacks skilled laborers?
>state that produces highest GDP in the US
What do you considered developed? The south is where you will find a redpilled mate, a people who are more self sustaining, who aren't afraid to work hard, who have the last parts of the country with a community not just organisations (far north like NH and ME I have experienced this as well), who can survive and thrive outside a city.. coming from the north I have to say my experience going through the south is pretty based.
Truth be told the most based places in America are in the mountain communities where there might be less wealth, but people stick together better and take care of one another. I've lived in the North and South and say it is true in both, especially in Appalachia.
>Calif exit
cant make this shit up
good thinking, mang
I wish California would succeed so we could annex them
And they still manage to be running a massive deficit.
Truely a wondrous state.
Commiefornia fagets leaving would be the best thing to ever happen to America. All those leftist shitlib voters gone, all those spics and nigs gone, hollyjew gone. We could go back to 1950's USA. We could be great again. I want to ban commiefornians from moving to my state and shitlibifying everything to make it just like the hellhole they fled.
I'd, in an ideal world, want south cali alone to leave. commiefornia is a big state with a huge cultural difference north to SHOULD be split. Notice how we have exactly fifty states? Isn't such a round even number a (((coincidence)))? There are many states that should be split in half but aren't. Currently the north commiefornian republicans get their vote drowned out by the southern commies, and the entire state gets libcucked. It's a (((scheme))) to keep reign over north cali. Similar to nycucks drowning out upstate new york, when jew york shitty should be its own fucking state so they can drown themselves in liberalism and leave the good red blooded upstaters alone. Just as south commie drags down the whole state, so does jew york shitty.
TEXIT when?
Please leave
Holy fuck leave already
Stop sending your faggot friends to Texas too, you're ruining one of our most Iconic states.
t. Louisiana
Currently in Austin I noticed we have a lack of skilled laborers. We have all this construction because of the mass immigration with everyone from all over coming and not enough of them know how to fit pipes, run wire, or screw boards together. The countryfolk own their own businesses and make their living out there and like where they are. Everyone coming thinks money just flows in Texas yet they don't want to get dirty, sweaty, and bloody for it.
>bread basket of America
>6th largest economy in the world
>Silicon Valley, literally the hub of innovation and invention
>700+ breweries in the state
>some of the best wine in the world
>beaches, beautiful forests, southwest desert landscape
>cucking flyovers since 1850
How do flyovers even live with themselves?
If Clinton wins, I can definitely see it happening
If Trump wins though then there will be no need
I don't want your refugees
I don't want any part of a community of dumb rednecks who contribute nothing to society. They spew racist bullshit while having their wives and daughters fucked by niggers behind their back. I've never seen a more self entitled group of cucked white trash.
> Find a redpilled mate
That has been fucked by niggers? No thanks
> Who can survive and thrive outside a city
Wew, like 95% of America?
fpbp by a fucking mile
anyone that dislikes LA and NYC should exit. america is everyone's country, multiculturalism is what makes it great.
Hopefully ASAP, so you faggots can stop fleeing into Texas.
Take Austin with you too, please.
Comfortably, knowing that I don't live in a state full of Mexicans and cucks.
well, I'm from Oklahoma, so i all honesty my state is full of mexicans and cucks
dammit bro
>filled with Mexican immigrants
>filled with fags and degenerates
>one of the big areas for jew media
>loads of pro commie thinkers in the state
how do califags even live with themselves?
Good riddance. And stay the fuck out of Texas.
Worst State in the USA.
Seriously what is there good about oklahoma.
>Nothing to Do
>Huge Tornadoes
>So Anti-Drug that getting over the counter drugs is crazy hard.
>Tyson brings in illegal immigrants to work in the meat factories.
Worst state in the US period.
You're an idiot and your idea of the South is horribly warped. Try traveling - there's a world beyond your shitty little overpriced hovel.
Pic related, non nigger Southerners have more freedom and money than you could ever hope for.
Will California still want to leave the United States when it realizes that it'll have to