>The results of Brexit are overdetermined, but precisely because, leave or remain, the future was foreordained. The proof of it is that the toppling of this single domino has immediately set several others in motion.
>The overexpanded structure of globalism was untenable. It has escalated conflict across the world with breathtaking acceleration. It has tried (and failed) to suppress democratic expression, that one cure and promise that makes men safe and free. It will die from its own massive weight, and its receding shadow will allow sunlight to touch nations and peoples for the first time in decades.
>Most revealingly, the servants of globalism were venal politicians, amoral businessmen, and poisonous anti-democrats. They were weak and stupid, but by conspiring together thought they had achieved permanent power. Now they face the end of the End of History, which means that men will shape events, not grey bureaucrats scheming together in meetings.
>As the dominoes continue to fall--Scotland, Denmark, France--the public will see that this is a time of change. The future that was always looming ahead of them has suddenly disappeared, replaced with: nothing. The heart of the world has stopped for several seconds, suspended by this leap forward. They will now sense the possibility of shaping the future themselves.
>In any time of change, the most discredited and uninspiring choice is the status quo, and what embodies that choice more than Hillary Clinton, a 90s throwback whose campaign is formed out of a combination of cronyism, "it's my turn", and inept cynical manipulation.
>When the Berlin Wall fell it doomed the presidency of George H.W. Bush, because it told the world that this form of Cold War managerialism and hapless domestic compromising was extinct. So Brexit dooms the presidential aspirations of Hillary Clinton.
>Trump fits liberating change. The more you hear the world is changing, the more you realize Trump is a leader for that world.