My state makes more than your entire country. Prove me wrong.
My state makes more than your entire country. Prove me wrong
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But I live in the US
Try again sweetie
Your state is basically MY country
It's mostly tech companies, right?
Where in US does the weapons indursty "live"?
You make about a 1/4 what we make.
You need to go back, Pedro.
Lockheed Martin is in the Silicon Valley. They make fighter jets. That's off the top of my head. I'm sure there's a lot more.
Tech, Entertainment, Agriculture
>Where in US does the weapons industry "live"?
The weapons industry belongs in the tech category, fa m.
>literally a Mexican colony
Is diversity good lads?
no no pedro california is actual jews/Mexicans
it is north american mexisreal
The GDP of California is over 2.5bil now. Only 7 countries have a larger GDP than California.
>Implying there was actual civilization or infrastructure in these lands, before we kicked Mexico's ass and forced them to sell it to us - legally.
5* countries. Including the US. Which really makes it only 4.
Per capita, faggot. Get on my level.
Christ you Americans love a good circle-jerk don't you
California has a huge tech sector and the state is unmatched in the number of military bases it has. Texas is and will always be second fiddle to California in everything.
also this. Swiss do pretty much everything right
But California is still majority beaner and it's very successful. Does that mean multiculturalism is good then?
Your state is a part of my country, thus it is impossible for you to make more than it.
Your state makes more faggots than my entire country.
Per Capita, Qatar is the highest. Once again, cucked by Mohammad.
WEW brah
>incoming shit storm
Mexicans or Muslims?
Catholic or Islam?
>Does that mean multiculturalism is good then?
It's only good if the immigrants in question are christian because their children will more easily assimilate. I'd rather have 100 Mexican families than 10 Muslim ones.
More faggots and libtards, too.
I don't know what the big deal is with Mexican. They work hard, have good values and make good food.
The only problem is illegals are a drain on the economy and they don't abort or use contraception so lots of single mothers on welfare.
No, you are just our gardener.
Your state has a much larger population than my country, so it would be weird if you didn't make more.
Yeah and your "leaders" handle that money so well.
Considering I make more than you, I doubt it. My minimum wage is probably higher than your current wage.
Social issues are retarded. Let people do what they want to as long as it doesn't affect others.
>population is all that matters
Tell that to India.
Texas is second to California in crippling debt and water crises as well
LMAO, moron
At least try to use a credible source Costa Rica.
California exports 100 billion gallons of water annually. Our "crisis" is just a meme so we can keep raking in money via exports.
You make more than all but 7 countries and you're still the worst state in the union and an embarrassment to the first world. How does that make you feel?
California's bureaucrats got me feeling like pic related
I guarantee your state is more of an embarrassment than ours.
I can't wait until your state falls into the ocean.
yes and if I were to move to your state I'd make more money than you, what's your point?
ayyy lmao, they use those mexicans for cheap labour
Colorado here.
Fuck off.
Son, you lost it after we waltzed right up to your damn capital and occupied it.
Nice budget deficit, bro
Enjoy your drought and your communism.
Us neither. We'd finally be free without the burden of 40 states to constantly bail out. Economically, the US would be fucked without us. They'd starve and the value of the dollar would plummet. USA would become a third-world country without California.
You're even more liberal than us, faggot. Your state actually chose Bernie.
We aren't more liberal. We have marijuana but we actually give a shit about jobs, guns, and the military for sure, seeing as we have the largest concentration of military installations in the country (not to mention NORAD, USAF)
Another Coloradan here.
Fuck off.
California is the least American state in the union. Freedom hating shit hole.
Living in Cali were the best years of my life. I'm a moderate who lived in San Joaquin, so not on hippy highway or not near too many redneck retards.
>My state makes more than your entire country. Prove me wrong
Cali was suffering a massive deficit at the time though.
Your state/ has a white majority and voted for Bernie. How are you not liberal?
You literally chose socialism over capitalism when asked.
where you at colorado-kun?
So because some communists inevitably voted for, well, a communist, our entire state is garbage? California has been infested by corrupt politicians and awful policy for decades. At least we still have integrity.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Northern California (top third, not the top 2thirds like sanfran degenerates try to claim) basically a different state entirely?
I can fully understand you claim when referring to LA, San Fran and surrounds - but isn't Redding pretty murkan?
No, the majority. The majority of your white majority voted for Bernie. The majority of your white majority are cucks.
We also live in one of the most cucked states where black market arms dealers push for gun control.
The entire state legislature needs to go
California is full of poor illegal mexicans
The wealth comes from the tech industry and the jew film industry
Everything above Sacramento is redder than a brick.
He got 41 delegates compared to Hillary's 36. It wasn't a landslide. Also, it's easy to say liberalism is rampant when only liberals got to vote. Colorado doesn't do a GOP primary.
Texas leads in tech and Louisiana leads in film production.
High taxation
No, they just said Trump is a bad man and a board chose Cruz bypassing the people's choice.
>implying CUMSKINS arent cucks while TYRONE is smashing your BLONDE qt.314 WAIFU.
No, we literally don't have a GOP vote.
Is that an assault clip?
Californian people are dead last though.
That's literally what I said. A board said Trump is a bad man and chose Cruz. You think that is something to be proud of?
Trying to call your state not liberal when you have a board of people trying to destroy the evil bad man Trump.
Succeed any time. Texas is Utah tier retard state.
The fact that we're supporting any conservative at all sort of makes the "you're liberal!" argument moot.
Once again, fuck you.
Tech Companies are part of it, but California also has a huge agriculture and finance sector, plus some massive ports for trade and so on. Also mining and the music/movie industry. A really diversified economy to be quite honest. If California were independent, they would be the 7th or 8th largest economy on the planet.
Lockheed Martin lives in lots of places. Boeing makes a ton of their shit in Washington State.
At least the UK has water
Every state has both parties retard
Since America is still in debt to China, and California constantly struggles to keep up with it's resource demand such as water... You really want to brag?
More people live in rhode island than alaska
Alaska doesn't go around bragging about how big they are.
Nobody talks more shit than Texas, and you couldn't even vote Trump. Texas is based? Far from it. Immigrant loving cuckold state.
We have women that needs to be raped, maybe they have pools to be cleaned?
the faggot looks like a turtle with a toupee
That's something. Really, I'm not even being sarcastic.
Though, according to jewpedia:
"Between 1970 and 2011, non-Hispanic whites declined from 80% of the State's population to 40%, while Hispanics grew from 32% in 2000 to 38% in 2011.[123] It is currently projected that Hispanics will rise to 49% of the population by 2060"
Which is sad. I'm going to visit this state anyway it's really interests me.
Read about it more:
"with 9.8% not speaking English at all."
Sounds pretty weird to me. One out of ten people not even speaking the official
thats a mexican house m8
Porn and hollywood movies, which is almost the same.
Because the majority of their land is inhabitable. Only cucks live there
U.S.A. has no official language.
wish i was kidding
" Unlike most U.S. States, California law enshrines English as its official language (rather than it being simply the most commonly used), since the passage of Proposition 63 by California voters."
Although I didn't know english isn't officially accepted in the states. Wow. Learned a lot today. Didn't know I can learn on /pol
Yeah only cuckolds live where it's difficult to survive.
good get. the levels of illegal hispanic immigration are off the charts.
it is still an incredibly beautiful state. northern California is underrated.
That gun roster addition list gets me every time.
looks pretty wet to me
They actually added two guns in the last month.
And holy shit, the new pistol is an ar-15. What the fuck is wrong with this state?
>illegals are a drain on the economy and they don't abort or use contraception so lots of single mothers on welfare.
This. And the worst thing is, that is not only affecting the US/CA, its pretty much ruining Baja California as a whole, most of the state is getting filled by chilangos, sinaloenses, oaxaquitas and all those shitty fuckers who if they don't make it across the border, they stay and pretty much just breed more ignorant people and steal jobs from the people born in Baja.
Come BAckc when you got some real WATA