>Similar culture
>Similar economies
>Similar hatred against the Merkelreich
Why isn't this happening?
>Similar culture
>Similar economies
>Similar hatred against the Merkelreich
Why isn't this happening?
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Becasue you need a country that actually does something.
Can't leech off of leeches.
We can't even fix our own shit. How are we supposed to work together?
Hopefully never.
As much as I like Portugal and Italy that's an awful idea.
>gather four leeches
>expect good outcome
This is like four failing idiots trying to tutor each other for an exam
let us lead you to the light
spain and greece
kek portugal and italy are parents supporting neet bros
nah, fuck that.
>no france
I know shit is supposed to float but we would manage to sink this union fast
We will do it later. Now siesta
Ew no. Why the fuck would we do that?
Wont miss you shitskins.
>>Similar economies
that is like saying mexico and colombia should unite due to similar crime rates :*>
>France wants to join
Je suis surpris tbqh
that would be the worlds shittest trading bloc, it has no money
On second though, yeah.
Lets do it, guys.
Then tax the shit out of the beaches.
Turkey is missing.
id rather be with my latins bros than with other people if a union is needed
hell yeah im down for it, lets have a Mediterranean union
>Similar shitty economics
Really makes me kek
Ok France, we want you in.
First plan is to retake the bosphorus and settle some important colonies on the levant helping Syria-Assad.
who is more bankrupt?
Why isn't Romania there? Is it because of their Nordic superiority complex?
>shitty economies
Our economies are only in the mud because of the EU
im just canada and austrias flag combined
Hi Phoenicia! We luv you too!
genghis pls
followed by you
Fucking kek .
>Make Euro tourists pay our denbts thanks to taxes
That's the plan
You are in then! Bienvenu!
I really, really like that picture
alright lets have a Mediterranean union, our foods are pretty similar
The anglos had a point, but you muds actually leech off other EU countries. In what way does the EU negatively affect portugal economically? Or demographically, for that matter? No one ever forced you to even take rapefugees like they attempted with Pooland and Hungayria
im in
ROME 2.0
You realize Italy has a better economy than Canada right?
On the other hand if we leave we dun goofed
Force pope to leave
Destroy vatican 2
Make catholicism the religion of state
Erase debt
Create own money
Forbid (((usury)))
Exclude muslims
Am I missing something?
occupy lebanon
we need a cultural union not an economic one.
democracy > wealth
This flag is pretty nice.
Retake colonies
do i count as being part of the union
>Why isn't this happening?
Because all of those flags are piss broke.
Only maronites and atheist allowed
Oy vey ! Did I hear about a Mediterrannean Union ?
We are in Mediterrannea too goyims ! Don't forget us !
Welcome to you as well Lebanon!
We would have our oun National Bank, which means controlling our own economy
All of this sounds great
First time I see that flag.
>Make catholicism the religion of state
Bruh... :(
Why do you want to change German rule for Italian?
Where do you think all the debt comes from. EU rubber stamped massive loans for regional governments all around spain and portugal.
It looks like it's missing something in the middle column
alright boys, all of lebanon is just 1 big marijuana plantation so we can do what holland does
we are unable to rule
oops sorry, orthobros are ok too
>No one ever forced you to even take rapefugees >like they attempted with Pooland and Hungayria
LOL,Mericunt, please...
utterly underrated
If is anything like Spain: Forced deindustrialization in orther to cripple our ability to compete with previous EU members, massive spike on cost of life with no proportional wage increase and more things.
becuase your are all in debt with 30% uneployment?
You are the stronger economy of the four there, so if you are unable to rule imagine the rest of us...
Maybe we should just catch some sun to get tanner and go to Sweden to wreck your place.
we are already united in spirit amigo.
everyone knows we share family values, culture and spicy personalities.
the rest are just jelly cause they have to work all year to get 5 days of vacation where ill be all summer driking mojitos and flirting with sunburnt cuties.
stay mad forklift drivers.
>Spain never recovered
Honestly? Add the establishment of an Inquisition like in the good old days and I can get behind that.
I want to do something like this
>your are
They did push a bunch of refugees our way.
We put them next to this statue and the fled to the northern caliphates.
good idea. let's all be poor together.
Che idea dimmerda porcoddio...
We are a mess, dear brother. First things first. We have to learn how to be indipendent.
You can't form a union with no money and no powerhouse nation
As much as I'd love to have a union with our Med bros, what should we do about all those Mediterranean shores claimed by Arabic inbred mongrels?
And Greece. Also draconian conditions so we dismantled most of our industry, although I blame more our politicians for selling out to the EU for immediate money than the EU for trying to squat competition before it appeared.
Hey Greece, you can bring Cyprus along once you remove the kebab infestation.
What does that even mean? Poor relatively to whom? If all of us combined produces essentially everything, from cars, to medicine, to scientific research, what makes us "poor" exactly?
ok canada i kill you first
Good boy.
I wouldn't mind uniting in raising beach taxes, but these cunts are talking about political union and that's not what my grandfathers fought for.
Oh damn that is sexy af
more like this
That is the shittiest idea for a Union I've seen on Sup Forums. Greece has very little in common with Spain and Portugal.
I can see Italy going either way, but think Greece should look the the Balkans and Caucasus for allies. Bulgaria, Serbia, Armenia.
Also, Lebanon or Greater Lebanon would make a good addition to any union Greece is in (assuming they fix their muslim problem by moving towards secularism)
Add Grease pls. Maybe Romania if we're allowed to deport the gypsies.
eh ma fare l'alternativo è in
Remember that Egypt is still full of Copts, and Lebanon has plenty Christians too. Those places are still not entirely culturally ruined.
Thew problem it's not only economical...it's mental. Our mentalities are wrong.
We grow like that.
The world goes on.
It really could work. Keep all member nations sovereign but establish positive trade deals. No quotas though, that's just asking to be exploited.
Also create a common currency (let's call it Dinari) and most importantly, establish debt ceilings for all member states.
Also attract more investments. more foreign currency and legislate so all money created inside the Union can only be invested back inside the Union.
We took rapefugees and doesn't even mater. There is absolutely nothing for them here, it's a country full of degenerates and dying people. All the others leave to better countries like the UK, Germany and France
No one is having kids, our products struggle to compete in the free market even in our own country, there are no jobs and we have this fucking debt to pay. The EU is just a giant slow death trap.
He is probably one of those morons who thinks life is worthless whitout expensive foreing gadgets.
We have all we need, we just need jobs and going back to our roots so people can make an honest life without the excesses of the modern world.
perchè bestemmi bro?
Lebanon is 40% Christian.
Egypt is
I think we can work something out...
1822 was the beginning of the end and 1889 Brazil died
RIP best union
Let's say we don't pay denbt. What happens? Barbarians invade us? Frankly, we awe Ashkenaziland Banks nothing.
>Similar culture.
We're loud, like siestas, food and vacations, other than that we got as much in common as France does to Germany
>Similar economies
I'll give ou that. Three countries verging on bankruptcy and one that's already bankrupt.
>Similar hatred against the Merkelreich
True, but then again that includes most of Europe
It's best if we just leech and crash the EU from the inside my Mediterranean brother.
Perchè mi prende male pensare a un unione di paesi disadattati.
Lebanon Christians are pretty based from what I've heard.
Here, proper flag, updated for republic.