What does /pol think about morocco ?
Also what is your stance on the western sahara land , should it be an independant nation or does it belong under the sovereignty of morocco ?
Morocco ?
morocco is spainish clay.
muslim scum
My female cousin and her fiance went to Morocco and a local tried to buy her for two camels.
Im not muslim , I dont believe in god
also half of spain used to belong to morocco
Our longest standing treaty is with Morocco. You stick with us even through the civil war. Morocco is bro tier for pirate killin'.
It's pretty neat. Western Sahara is a vacant wasteland and I don't see why you care about it so much.
its just a pride thing among the eldery , the youth really dont care about it
National security.
Our relations with Algeria aren't the best, in fact we actually have closed borders between us and they are funding the Polisario group publicly.
I mean it's not fun been surrounded from all ways by your enemy.
>the youth really dont care about it
Typical Moroccan Fedora...
Give me a break...
Poor, dirty scum as all arabs.
Western Sahara can fuck off with you.
kys I'v never seen someone break a sweat over that bs sahara land , if it wasnt for propaganda in the media no once would care about it
I've only been to Tanger and Rabat. Interesting but pretty shitty places from a European stand point. I can't imagine how backwards and crappy the country side actually is.
I hope we had tighter inmigration control.
West Sahara should be independent, Marocco has no valid claim on it.
Your diaspora is shit.
I don't know enough about you to make an opinion though.
>I will act as the west want me to act, look at me west I'm a good goy
> talking about my own personnal opinons
> sucking the western dick
why are you so retarded ?
>Also what is your stance on the western sahara land , should it be an independant nation or does it belong under the sovereignty of morocco ?
Don't really care about that second thing you just said but here's what I think of Morocco : I hope it becomes great again so the Muslims stay in their country.
God damn I want muslims to stay wherever the fuck they are.
So much. Most non-muslims from these places as well. I swear I'll never come to your country. See? I'm super fair about this.
give back all the gibsmedats your people stole from our welfare
Hate them, not a single city here without Moroccans causing problems. No matter how small the minority is. The worst scum you can imagine.
Portuguese clay.
Cock loving slut was probably only worth one.
I went to your country during your goat grilling christmas last year.
Why are there so many youths trying to scam tourists all day long? Are all of them school dropouts and unemployed or is it just a Moroccan thing to do.
Morocco seems better than Algeria and other mudslimes shittholes. Also I think Sahara belongs to you, I don’t wanna see another islamist country ruled by armed niggers like north of Mali.
Been to Morroco once, enjoyed it.
As I prefer walking astray of touristy paths I noticed that public infrastructure is pretty bad most places, bad as many holes in sidewalks (almost broke my leg on one), it seemed that once you build something there isn't much maitanance in place, roads on the other hand looked fine. Trash is unfortunately everywhere, large piles here and there, probably partially because there are not so many rubbish bins. Morrocans were fine with notable exception of Marrakesh where everyone wants to advantage of you. Haven't met any troublemakers, probably because just like us you export your bydlo to Western Europe. Different pricing for locals and euros everywhere though. Nice views, beer is scarce & expensive. Suprised by number of unscarfed women, old or young. city or countryside regardless. Hope you manage to keep Saudi influence at bay
Kill it with fire. Fucking pirates.
I fucking hate the Moroccean youth over here,absolute scum of the earth.
They would behave in Morocco though.
Morocco as a country, don't care, probable nice to live in
You should annex Western Sahara so my flag collection is one step closer to completion
my parents traveled to spain last year, they were vacating at marbella. they did a one-day trip to tangier. they said it was alright, smelled a bit "funny" and their carpets were surprisingly expensive.
that is my relationship to morocco.
Western Sahara is Moroccan clay
my roommate is from there, can't speak german, smokes weed all day and overall useless shitskin.
nice dude tho
morocco should annex it so that you can have a long coastline like chile
Thanks for recognizing us first :3
Gib Perejil island back.
Gib Western Sahara back.
Tell him that I offer 3 camels
>Western Sahara
Literal wasteland filled with literal sandpeople.
Fun fact, the people are so poor there, the UN basically pays everyone not to fight and the peace has lasted decades.
t. Army officer whose friend did a stint as a peacekeeper
You were the first nation to recognize the sovereignty of the USA, so you are my favorite Muslims
Its considered the rarest flag as there are no Internet isps there
cmon man, just look at my map instead
Maghrebi food is nice. I like the fact they're not Wahhabi religous fanatics. Lots of places to party 10/10 would visit Casablanca. Not so sure about the black magic & witch craft shit that the women are into; or the gayness the men are into tho.
the only nice place in northern africa apart from tunisia. art and landscape is amazing.
have some moroccan friends here on the other side of the pond: hard working and bro tier.
godspeed morocco!
its not finished yet
That you goatfuckers came over here three generations ago and your goddamn hellspawn is going up and down my goddamn street in the night and early morning on illegal scooters that go 70km/h and make a shitton of sound.
I also know that if I tell those retards off because of that their entire family will ram down my door and beat me to a pulp.
Fuck morrocans.
disgusting mongrel afro-arab halfbreeds
the world would be a better place if a nuke went off there
You would have a different experience in Morocco. The low class trash invade your country, but they're kept in check in Morocco itself. (Which is why the immigrants run to your land).
What are you guys doing to your beaches ? I've seen a report on the sand business and you guys are ruining the beachy landscape you used to have just to build buildings whose main attractiveness should be the beaches to begin with.
get your family the fuck out of europe