Hmmmmm.... very interesting... really makes you think....
Hmmmmm.... very interesting... really makes you think
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Makes me think about why anyone listens to what Axelrod has to say.
until a little while ago, school finished at fucking 16 here
>meme degrees are better than 50+ years of life experience including pre-EU times
I'm really thinking hard atm...
pure coincidence
Did shit change?
And 77% of skilled workers voted leave.
>left school ate 16, job is taken away by immigrants that receive much less than me
> dad paid my schooling until i was 24, and the immigrants have way less education than I do and are no treat to my lifestyle. I see no problem here, and you are a uneducated biggot for wanting to leave.
Why don't leftists just go with IQ instead of parading their college degrees given to them by leftists?
Show me the statistics on IQ and not who decided to leach off the welfare state the longest.
But they're stupid because they don't have a Women's Studies degree.
Just finished school at 18 and waiting to get into uni. Voted leave. Being in the minority never felt so good.
>68% of people who work for a living and resisted the programming wanted out
>71% of people who suck the government cock for a living wanted to remain
A college degree is no substitute for life experience.
At school you are sheltered from the outside world and given sweet liberal lies.
How do they know this? I thought votes are cast in secrecy
Has degree and can't figure out that working class people have to compete with migrants for jobs,benefits and housing,then wonders why they want control of their borders
>Degrees are the greatest way to measure people and their ability
>IQ doesn't mean anything
>working on a stamping press for 40 years is superiour to having a degree (most degrees aren't a meme)
Hi I am 22 years old with -some- Degree
I am better than you Old Man who has been working his entire life
>be a socialist and be against the class system
I think he means "pretentious"
> have a 10 years old car, can't drive it anymore because of regulations from over the channel but can't afford a new one either
> Can buy a Rolls Royce of the current year every year, it pollutes way more than a 10 years old car but is withing regulations. You are a self centered hillbilly for having an old car and not caring about the enviorment
hmm its allmost as if the brainwashing is working.
The implication is that they are stupid. My conclusion is that they weren't brainwashed by the leftist university system with their pronouns and culture studies programs.
Sure. That's why businesses prefer hiring high school dropouts with "life experience" over those with college degrees, right?
This decision to leave has been a bit like when a teenager decides to move away from home because he can't stand being told to clean up his room and wash his clothes; after a while he will realise that he actually still has to do these things, but now he also has to pay bills and he isn't part of the daily meals cooked by his mom. No doubt we will manage, but this was a stupid and unnecessary thing to do. Those who voted leave did so because they didn't want so many foreigners coming to Britain, basically - but common sense says that there is no realistic way to stop that happening without incurring massive costs, and no matter who is in charge of the government, they will still have to address reality as it is.
Just to mention one, very important aspect: UK has built up a close relationship with China in recent years, and we have a massive trade deal with them. One of the main reasons why China chose UK instead of Germany was that we have the best climate for foreign investors, the most liberal labour market - and we were firmly embedded in the EU - or so they thought. So, UK was an attractive entry point to the European market - yesterday. Today we have turned out to be a less reliable partner. It may be that our relationship with China will become significantly less warm, unless we tread carefully. Some people may think this is a good thing, but realistically, this is not likely to be good for our economy.
London is on of the biggest financial centres in the world, if not the biggest. Being in EU is an important factor in this, for the same reasons. We may not like bankers, but we would feel it keenly if they started moving to Frankfurt or Paris - which they may well do, if we are not careful. And so on. All in all, unless we are willing to take some big hits, we will have to keep following the same old rules as before, only now we are no longer part of the daily life in the family. How clever was that?
If University students can be brainwashed into the SJW trainwreck they certainly aren't smart enough for what we give them credit for.
Book smart but stupid in everything else.
poor people aren't happy.. rich people are happy.. really makes you think
Fuck the poor! Fuck old people who didn't have unfettered access to free college!
Am I being a good Leftist now?
No. He meant portentous. Look it up you uneducated cuck.
No its not meaningful. Many in University were completely brainwashed by the leftist scum and are used to government freebies.
Unlike those who left early and know how hard it can be to actually live. Then they make a choice based on their own reasoning.
Sup Forums is 18+, child
that really made me think. How about we make it so only people with higher education can vote, hell we shouldn't stop there; we should have some kind of voting license that tests common sense to make sure they will vote the right way. Too many idiots in this country, we need to weed them out of the decision making process.
Oh, but it's racist to demand everyone can speak the language.
its as if those with degrees don't compete on the same jobs market as EU economic migrants!
So he's saying there's a problem with democracy then?
>the people who are disproportionately affected by a flood of migrants voted to stop them while those that never need to interact with migrants didn't
Really makes you think...
Did she provide a source?
Degrees are so overrated. If you were a dummy before you got a degree, you most likely will be a dummy after.
>all these people on Sup Forums mad they had to drop out after their first year of university cause they couldn't handle it
Now where did you say the wine was user? Aisle 11?
really makes you think...
What are you talking about?
If you're drowning in student loan, you aren't smarter than me.
Shut the fuck up, shill. Makes me think we need more nooses for traitorous globalists.
It's funny seeing the facade simply fall away. The hatred for the working class and the smug elitism comes flowing out through their tantrums.
whatever makes you sleep, Bulgaria
I see it differently:
those whose future is not at risk = stay
those who will be hurt by EU decisions: leave
but yeah let's call 52% of people dumb.
I kind of really hate this argument, they only do it was a "oohhhh gotcha!!!" cheeky remark to sound morally superior.
When the entirety of university environments are designed to shovel as much bend-over liberal ideologies up your ass as they can, it's easy to see why they vote on feelings of "this is racist!" rather than logic and reason.
Pretty much. And I have a degree.
They avoided the cuckoldry indoctrination centre
This meme that people that graduate from a university are smarter, and the voter outcome will reflect that, is absolutely fucking retarded (I graduated from a state university). All it means is those retards were successfully brainwashed by the liberal """education""" system.
>Look at me! I've got a degree which means that I'm smarter than the lot of you!
I've got a degree in art, does that make me as smart as a fucking engineer?
maybe democracy wasn't such a good idea after all...
Its almost like he's a pretentious cunt who wants an ivy league oligarchy or something
>today's arrogant youth thinking "muh uni degree" is worth more than a lifetime experience of living, working, supporting a family, etc in your country
Receivers of EU subsidised education vote to remain in EU SHOCKER
And how exactly is someone with a degree in medicine or mathematics more qualified for that kind of choice? Unless you have a degree in a field like law or economics and some experience to back it up, your opinion isn't any better than that of a guy who only did manual labor for his entire life.
>democracy was a mistake....
>muh life experience
>muh street smarts
Sub 120 IQ genocide when?
>the rich want to remain and exploit the poor some more
>the poor want to leave and hope for a better life
It's almost like institutionalized education is nothing but Cultural Marxist propaganda.
theyve gotten pretty good at brainwashing students, 71% is massive given how obvious a brexit was necessary to protect the british banking and financial sector from public and private german debt.
>tyranny of the stupid
This is why you're supposed to limit breeding for the lower classes.
Classist as fuck.
>We are the voice of the lower class
>What, you think your opinion matters if you don't even have a degree?
But...Everyone left school at 16
But that picture is true
No, they hire people with college degrees because they need to justify their nepotism.
Alex Soros has a history degree. Do you think that's the reason he is hired into business?
>working class wants to leave
>people with degrees in asshole studies want to stay
Wow stop the presses
>David Axelrod
Oh look another elitist liberal strategist dictating what the people should support.
>This decision to leave has been a bit like when a teenager decides to move away from home because he can't stand being told to clean up his room and wash his clothes; after a while he will realise that he actually still has to do these things, but now he also has to pay bills and he isn't part of the daily meals cooked by his mom
So, what, voting to remain is like staying in your parents house until your 30 because you're afraid to do shit on your own and experience reality?
People with years of SJW indoctrination have voted to stay and be raped by Islam.
>college means you're smart meme
This boils my blood every time. Do these people even pay attention in class or are they just eking out the minimum grades required while watching shitty shows like Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad instead of studying? Modern colleges/universities just train you to do jobs that your chosen degree would be able to get you, while also making sure you know a little bit about other fields like physics, history, literature, and so on. Having a degree does not make you wise, a degree does not mean you know what's best for your country, I certainly don't think my Computer Science degree means I could lead the United States into a new golden age if I were dictator.
ITT: butt hurt SJWs complaining about muh social class.
Get fukt lower class.
He's Jewish, isn't he?
Plot twist: the teenager was pimped by his fathers and forced to take once in a while muslim cock
>70% of upper middle class, white guilt ridden, liberally raised college students voted to remain
Yes... It really makes you think bout life....
*unless you are a working immigrant. in taht case your opinions have the same value as a phd, provided it is the same as mine.
">" implies implying you spastic.
Congrats britbros, wish us luck with the maga thing
Gotta love the MUH LOW EDUCATION voters these filthy jewish parasites are trying to push to erode democracy.
have a sauce for this?
So you mean that leaving EU is like... growing up?
So not only is it the old people, now it's both the old and stupid? Should we just strip away rights from the people that disagree with them? Would they finally be happy?
>only 71% of the indoctrinated voted for remain
>they do
Having relevant experience will get you hired
This is because the majority of people with degrees are dirty foreign cunts who flew over to get said degree. Of course THEY want to stay.
People that can afford university education don't live around minorities.
>ate 16
Wow Brazil is dumb
After reading this thread it seems most who support Brexit are "enlightened" "le university is le jewish scam!!! muh cultural marxism!!" NEETs, memespouting anime fans, and xenophobes.
Seriously disgusting and speaks volumes on how stupid the general public is, yet the stupid will always be the majority.
>Working class young people who got shat on by this cuck country voted to get our laws back.
>Rich faggots with no semblence of what the real world is voted for the United Caliphates of Yurocuckistan.
Lel, I'm sorry the fact that I'm not a kike, a rich girl or a numale homo prevented me from gaining that oh so valuable Gender Studies degree.
relevant work experience is usually considered better in many jobs.
>muh college education
Brainwashed liberal genocide when?
Or rather, Swedish genocide when?
lol, dont forget 20+ years of grade inflation which means that someone with 1 O-Level is probably better educated than some kid today with 25 GCSE grade-As, and as for a degree from 20 years ago versus today degree in film and gender studies... you can reach your own conclusion. Not to mention the value of life experience. Almost every kid in the UK has a participation-medal degree now, although most of them are as dumb as a rock.
Fucking stupid dipshit working class, never voting socialist like I want them to, FUCK WORKING PEOPLE! FUCK YOU! ESPECIALLY IF YOU WORKED YOUR ENTIRE LIFE AND ARE NOW RETIRED! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I'd rather have the votes of educated young people than old decrepit xenophobes who spent their whole life doing menial manual labor.
>muh being higher-educated is bad
Who woulda thought that dumb sheep would be so easy to manipulate. Ignorance is strength, friend!