>England: We don't want to be ruled by politicians in Brussels.
>Scotland: We don't want to be ruled by politicians in London
All this talk of democracy and freedom, it's time for our own. We want out of the UK.
>England: We don't want to be ruled by politicians in Brussels.
>Scotland: We don't want to be ruled by politicians in London
All this talk of democracy and freedom, it's time for our own. We want out of the UK.
I am ashamed of my Scottish heritage now. I am now part English instead.
kek you already had your say, nigger.
You had your chance. Sit down and shut up.
>be fat
>Scotland: We don't want to be ruled by politicians in London. We want to be ruled by politicians in Brussels.
What is wrong with Scotcucks?
Go for it, i cant wait to see your faces when your hopes the EU will pay for all the free shit Engand grants are dashed. Youd be like Greece and forced to take "difficult decisions to secure your finances"
Actually it was more like this
>Hold Independence referendum
>Fall for Project Fear
>Realise it was all lies
>Get salty
>Get REAL salty
>New First Minister enacts a plan
>Vote to stay in EU so we get second referendum, knowing not to believe the lies this time
>England: We don't want to be ruled by politicians in Brussels.
>Scotland: We don't want to be ruled by politicians in London, we want to be ruled by politicians in Brussels! *sucks off EU banker*
Didn't you just fucking vote to stay in the UK?
>Scotland: We're stronger, wealthier and more secure when we work together.
>but if we don't get what we want we're going to split from the UK
i'm fucking sick of this country
if we hold another independence referendum and it looks like leave is going to win i'm heading elsewhere
You tried you fucking retards, you voted to stay.
bye then, have fun sucking Merkels dickclit
Leave and you get a dose of EU enforced austerity that would make Greece wince.
No more English money means no more free higher education, no more free prescriptions etc etc.
>scottish heritage
nothing worse than burgers who think they're not burgers somehow
Serious question - what is the economic plan for an independent Scotland with oil prices as they are?
theyre ruled by a woman remember?
>pls let us stay UK, we can't do anything on our own ;_;
2 yrs later
>FUCK YOU BRITS, INDEPENDENT SCOTLAND NOW pls take us back EU we can't do anything on our own ;_;
Who knew Scotsmen hated freedom so deeply?
I doubt Sturgeon cares about a plan, she just wants to separate from those evil english!!!
Good, you are a burden on this Union, I as an Englishman should not have to pay for your poor health and your prescriptions.
£1,300 more of my taxes should go on Scottish heads than English because my government is too scared of you playing to victim to repeal an outdated formula dismissed as ineffective and unfair even by its creator
You are ungrateful, damaging to this Union and I, as with a large portion of my countrymen, will be glad to see the back of you.
England and Wales shall stand together without the leech of the Scots draining our purse
Grossest thing I've read on this site
>I want to leave the UK so the EU can tell me what to do
Reminder that Scotcucks are literally that dumb
Scotland is an infant. It does not have economic power comparable to what the UK has relative to the EU. Leaving the UK would be a mistake.
Cry about England bc that's the only thing they have ever done.
>citizenship == ethnicity
So do you consider all of the Pakis living in your country English?
Will England and Scotland be successful without each other?
Why does England need Scotland at all?
Devil tells the truth?
This realy is a day where hell freezes over.
To join the EU now they'd have to be fully independent first - able to stand as a fully functioning country like any other.
And be within EU fiscal rules for some years, which is impossible.
Oh shit, is it time for the weekly Scotland referendum?
I would like to see you leave the UK honestly though, the shock when the EU is no longer willing to take on welfare cases as their funding nations leave would be hilarious.
So you're really Scottish, and not American?
Different poster
I am Anglo
Not American then?
I actually do prefer the term 'Native American'
You're indian?
Scotland makes sweden look like a dignified respectable country ruled by adults.
Stobbid DDDD-:
You're cucks, this is natural for non cucked people to rule you,
No I am a WASP
Indians are not native to the country
We had pushed them out when we were founded
Ireland you're cool now.
Can't just keep having a referendum till u get the answer u want u faggot
>All this talk of democracy and freedom, it's time for our own. We want out of the UK.
no we don't you mong.
stop letting Sturgeon shove her hand up your arse and make you into her puppet.
>UK with shared history and culture
>fucking Brussels
Fucking tards like you don't realise how good the scottish government has it right now.
>I am ashamed of my Scottish heritage now. I am now part English instead.
>Deciding who is white
What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
goes away
In the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
I seem to recall someone voting to stay in the UK 55 45 :^)
Hadrians wall 2?
Better build a wall to keep out the migrants that the EU dumps in Scotland
>stop letting Sturgeon shove her hand up your arse and make you into her puppet.
Implying Scotland isn't a puppet-state of Britain at the moment.
Preach, I'm outta this shithole
You want out of the UK to join the EU?
OK Buh bye now, enjoy your bankruptcy and hoards of immigrants.
Oh...and build a wall first.
>we dont want to be ruled by politicians in London, who've been leading us for three centuries and made us the greatest nation the world has ever seen!
>instead, we want to be ruled by people who have no ties with us whatsoever, further away from London, and who don't share anything similar with us! FREEEDUUUUMMMM
Fucking Lefty scots are the worst holy shit
uh huh
Mfw scots pay more into the uk than gets spent on them.
t. nigger
>Implying Scotland isn't a puppet-state of Britain at the moment.
The Kingdom of Scotland hasn't existed for since 1707 you retard.
>implying the welsh give a shit about anything
cymru am byth, sais
>Standing with Wales who received tons of development funds from the EU while complaining about Scotland
My fucking sides are in orbit friend :^)
Scots were made to serve the English
mfw this fucker hasn't heard of the Barnett formula
>Muh oil
Oil was a bonus. Prices have tanked in the past 2 years and yet the Scottish economy has experienced rapid growth. You got memed in to thinking Scotland is only oil.
>hasn't existed for
quality english education
It's not about Scotland as an independent nation, it's about Scotland having very little to say in national politics in its current situation, even though it gets an elevated say in its region. Understandable that they would want to leave given the way the UK flip-flopped the EU membership from which Scotland benefits.
>England and Wales: We don't want to be ruled by politicians in Brussels.
>Scotland: We want to be annexed by Brussels
How many of them were living in the 13 colonies?
hes got a point though. Are 100% of your ancestors ethnically Scottish? Spoiler: a lot of Scots have English blood for a start.
I've yet to meet a single scot who wasn't a total cuck, their women are overly aggressive and yet their men are pussy as fuck
That's why Scotland is never going anywhere.
I was going to write the number of years it hadn't existed but decided to write the date instead forgetting in the process to delete the "for". Also you as a Burger have no right to make comments about education. Shouldn't you be massacring a school or something?
>post yfw Scotland vote to stay in the UK
welshman living in US for school plz kill yourself
Scot here. Fucking hate the SNP.
I'm actually going to do my bit.
What should I join: Scottish UKIP or Scottish Conservatives
ukip if they exist
2 years ago
>If you quit the UK, you will not be taken in by the EU! If you want to stay in the EU, vote to stay in the UK!
>Yea, well fuck you Scotland, you'll be dragged out because Boris had to scapegoat the EU for his coup to work.
>mfw you can see the jew in action
I don't blame you. It's about time you took care of yourselves...
They have 50 MP's by default out of 650.
50 MP's = 5 million people
600=60 million
50 divided by 5 million = 0.001 MP's per person
600 divided by 60 million = 0.000001 MP'S per person
They are grossly over - represented.
>Scots had a perfectly fine chance to secede.
>They are giant cucks.
Economically it was the right decision because
>muh oil
went tits up just a month later.
>W-we want to be independant and therefore want to be slaves of Brussels.
Do whatever keeps Britain Great Britain. Scotland leaving the UK to join the EU is fucking absurd
Golden times are coming soon, Scot-bro. Scotland will be a lot more relevant in the coming years, if the frogface bitch Strugeon doesn't push really hard for another Scotland out.
>obligatory clueless burger comment
*and to join Brussels
I'm Scottish and saddened by how my country voted in the referendum but nevertheless over 1 million of us did vote leave so don't think we are all ubercucks.
In that case shouldn't you be shagging a seep or something?
PLEASE feel free to leave you leech cunt, i would love it if i didn't have to pay your university fees and have a whole parasite state constantly voting for more immigration (immigration which we have to bear and you never even see)
No you don't faggot, you voted against it ^)
we already have the foundation mate
Not to mention that the memes didn't even factor in the cost of extraction
The receive funds because EU regulations have destroyed their industry, Wales is a strong working class nation with no jobs
>doesn't know Brexit happened yet
Hello Nicola
>tfw born in Ukraine but consider myself American
>tfw Ukraine is too shit to be proud of
I long for a free Northumbria, we actually have more in common with the Irish than folks down south.
We are all ruled by multinational corporations whether you are in out or sideways.
Leave. I've had enough of the Scottish getting to vote on matters of England but not the other way round. Get fucked.
That being said, England should also get fucked. There were better ways to brexit and this has jut destroyed the country.
I support Scotland leaving the UK and will help, campaign and will even vote for you to leave the UK because it means less left voters for us and the barnett formula will be no longer.
You already voted you faggots. You voted to stay sucking that UK tit.
Do you want the UK to keep giving you referendums until you actually say yes?
>Dundee: We don't want to be ruled by politicians in Edinburgh
Where does it end? You can't declare independence every time your local area disagrees with the nation as a whole.
I wish the best to Scotland
England and Wales will miss you
>The receive funds because EU regulations have destroyed their industry
How about another interpretation on the topic? Wales failed to adapt to the modernizing world around it. It's conceivable that EU legislation had a role in its decay but it sure as hell is not the only reason.
Smaller countries are generally better served by the EU. We should leave and live within our means.