Hourly reminder that those who support Donald Trump on Sup Forums are underage and not old enough to remember GWB and how disastrous the last Republican presidency was.
Hourly reminder that those who support Donald Trump on Sup Forums are underage and not old enough to remember GWB and...
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That and they actually think voting in the US will change things for the better. When they have no evidence proving that voting actually did change things for the better.
On top of that...Trump is a Republican Zionist. They are literally supporting someone who would sacrifice their lives for the Jews and Israel.
George W. Bush was a globalist neo-con. Trump is a nationalist populist.
Reminder that most Republicans don't think he's a Republican. And Trump disliked Bush.
And you're probably too young to remember what it was like the list time the Clintons lived in the white house.
>last republican pres was bad
>let's never have one again!
>Trump is a nationalist populist.
Lol a guy who head a mutli-national corporation worldwide is a nationalist populist.
You are correct. Voting for any Republican would be the death nail of the human race.
>Trump is an establish Republican meme
Fuck off Hillary.
>Reminder that most Republicans don't think he's a Republican.
>. And Trump disliked Bush.
And voted for him happily for Bush twice. Just like every other Republican he voted for.
>Just like every other Republican he voted for.
Except when he supported and voted for Democrats of course.
I'm old enough to remember how disastrous the current democrat presidency is.
>looks at politics as strictly democrip vs rebloodlican
>calls others underaged
wtf i hate trump now
>Trump is a Republican Zionist.
Neo-pol will defend this
>death nail
Your dubs mock you.
>wtf i hate trump now
You should.
You should hate all the mainstream candidates for President.
You should stop thinking that voting is going to solve the problems facing your people and your nation.
This completely BTFO Trumpkins:
I would love to see a Trumpbot try to refute this.
>I'm old enough to remember how disastrous the current democrat presidency is.
Yeah fuck off. Things are far better under obama than in 2008 when we were in two illegal war, the stock market crashed, New Orleans was under water, and Vader was VP.
Like the Democrat nigger in office is any better.
People who make this argument universally don't understand business and economics.
If you did, you would understand precisely why Trump isn't contradicting his own business interests. Real estate is different from owning a business or corporation like facebook, google, apple, wallmart, whatever.
Owning an international hotel chain means you benefit personally when the nation of whatever country your hotel is in, is a nice country. No one builds 5 star hotels in Somalia because it's a shithole. And if you own hotels in Scotland or New York or wherever, it benefits you for the surrounding area to be nice places. Places people want to visit.
So it's entirely possible for Trump to truly care about British, European, American etc. citizens and want them to be happy and successful, while also not hurting his own business interests
We only had one mass shooting when bush was president. We have one a week since Obama entered office.
wtf i hate america now
time to vote from the rooftops thank you chaim
Yes goy. Voicing your choice does nothing goy. Stay home on Election Day goy.
trump the broke boy will take gop money to continue his campaign on the promise that he will let the gop run the show if he wins (because he has no fucking clue how to be president anyway)
>how disastrous the last Republican presidency was
Well shit guys. We had one bad president, so I guess we can't elect any more Republicans ever again.
Pack it up, disband the party, kill all the members. One party state when????
Chomsky said himself that if Trump gets in than the human race will die out because of climate change.
Chomsky is a professor at MIT. What the fuck are you idiots on Sup Forums? Got a phd in armchair politics?
He's the exact opposite of a neocon and isolationsist
The country went through a period of unprecedented economic prosperity? Yeah, I remember.
Your average #Cucks4Trump
39 here GWB was a neocon just like Hilldog
trump isn't anything but a spoiled, soft-handed little bitch who has had his entire life handed to him on a silver platter. trying to use big political words to describe him doesnt change that..
To be fair the only reason we have in Star Wars to believe that Vader is evil is because "Jedi = good, Sith = bad"
The only reason there was peace in the prequel movies was because the Jedi had the be-all end-all say in things. It was a dictatorship.
Obama wanted a jobs bill passed with infrastructure spending. Guess what? GOP shot it down.
>Neo-pol will defend this
Which is amazing because with ever other candidate their Zionism was a negative with them. But with Trump, his Zionism is normalized.
>wtf i hate america now
As you should. It's an anti-White country completely controlled by the Jews.
>Voicing your choice does nothing goy.
Exactly. Voting will not save the White race from extinction.
>Stay home on Election Day goy.
The thing is though, the Jews want you to vote. Because in voting, you're supporting the whole jewish political system.
And on top of which, you're voting for a Zionist.
>implying Trump is republican
>implying both democucks and republicucks aren't owned by the (((banks)))
I fucking hate Trump as well but holy shit, taking Chomsky seriously? Guy is a total fucking nutjob.
Chomsky is a failure in his own field and talks out his ass in politics.
wtf i love jews now
Bush is a cuckservative, trump is not.
I love seeing bern victims and hill shills gets this ass mad as they realize republicans will control all arms of the government in November.
ur rly makein me think right now
The plebbit shills are in full force today
>Chomsky said himself that if Trump gets in than the human race will die out because of climate change.
Yes, there are some liberal Jews who do not support Trump.
And they'll use scare tactics as they've always done to try and scare people away from Trump so they'll vote for Hillary instead (yet another Zionist)
>Chomsky is a professor at MIT. What the fuck are you idiots on Sup Forums? Got a phd in armchair politics?
So now no one can comment on anything because they're not qualified enough in your opinion?
>But with Trump, his Zionism is normalized.
That's the magic of the cult of Trump.
Normalize mainstream politics it for neo-fascists.
>all these implications
35 here, yup yup.
you can blame a do-nothing republicuck congress and neocons in general for stagnant wages. this has been a trend for decades, it has nothing to do with obama really.
also there is nothing wrong with a nation holding debt, or the fact that the debt is increasing; in fact our economy suffers immensely when there is no debt. obama has reduced the DEFICIT which bush increased massively, which is a much better indicator of where our "national debt" stands. protip: the US has been in debt for virtually its entire history. look it up you underage, memespewing bitch.
Hillary would be worse than Trump.
Gary Johnson would be mostly good.
t. Austin Petersen supporter.
Yes that economic prosperity had everything to do with a democratic president and nothing to do with the .com bubble.
>Chomsky said himself that if Trump gets in than the human race will die out because of climate change.
I wonder if he'll provide tonight's lottery numbers?
Actually got a PhD in Chemical Engineering. Climate changes, are natural proceses in Earth's enviroment, that occur in sinusoidal correlations.
Fucking shills.
this time he's the lesser evil
>hurr durr turns out my 'perfect' candidate is not so perfect
>they disagree with me THEREFORE SHILLS!
Trumpkins everyone, incapable of even making an argument.
Hard for you when you step out of your shitty Trump general?
climate change is mostly not the fault of humans. also, humans have better contingency plans for drastic climate change than our ancestors that actually survived through it could have dreamed of. Just because your credentials are good doesn't mean you can't be wrong. It also certainly doesn't mean folks can't argue with you. I've never been too impressed with chomsky anyway. He's a boring old cunt.
>this time he's the lesser evil
No Hillary's the lesser.
I'm old as fuck you presumptuous cunt
GWB was a retard being controlled by globalists, he served the same purpose as Obama and the Clintons. There would have been very little difference between their tenures, with the exception of shit like Obamacare.
The last "real" Republican in office was Reagan, but even he had cuck tendencies. Trump compared to the last four presidents would be like night and day. Shit that would normally not happen, or get stuck in the hell of Washington, will actually happen. Trump will be a busy president, which is what the globalists fear because they have held that position down with a ball and chain for years.
because remove guns was Obama's assignment
>economics is tr only metric of a healthy society
wtf i'm voting for hillary now
Chomsky is a fucking scumbag criminal
a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty.
So according to the dictionary definition, you trumpcucks are the actual shills.
master baiter / 10
Guess I am a #artilleryforhilliary now
>this time he's the lesser evil
Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.
she wants to throw a holocaust here in America although to be honest Trump seems to have started waffling on that since the joints chiefs told him what the deal is
>Chomsky is a jew
(Same thing really though)
>GWB was a retard being controlled by globalists,
100 million from Sheldon Adelson. Trump is 100% in the bag for those very same globalists.
>The last "real" Republican in office was Reagan
how was Reagan the puppet to GHWB any different at all to Bush who was the puppet to Cheney?
when they're all the same organization?
funded by the exact same financial team?
are you just talking about people's perception of them?
You gotta realize, Conservatives only care about their money. They're materialists at the core.
So of course they support another capitalist "conservative" because he promises to let them keep more of their money and thus they'll be able to have more things.
if there was a non evil choice they would have been shot dead decades ago already
a tradition as old as the hills of Sicily
but adelson is a based jew
are you an anti-semitic neo-nazi???
>Using one presidency as a generalisation for one defining feature that president had
Yeah, and hourly reminder that because Obama did an awful job, all black people will do equally horrible jobs.
>savings and loan crisis of late 80s caused by years of republican deregulation
>crash of 1987 caused by deregulation and wall street greed
>recession from 1987-1991
>economy is only strong from 1993-2001
>b-but Clinton h-had nothing to do with it! it's pure coincidence!
Fuck off. Third way politicians had everything to do with western countries' booming economies in the 1990s.
>Trump is 100% in the bag for those very same globalists.
at least he tried to pretend he's not, thats something
even though he'll probably have Bloomberg for VP
>if there was a non evil choice they would have been shot dead decades ago already
Yep. It's like the saying goes. If voting changed anything, the politicians would've made it illegal.
>but adelson is a based jew
Sucks Zionist cock.
Hillary was part of that Neo-con camp that Bush was in.
conservatives can also be philosophers who don't care about material wealth, but they don't ever get any airtime
>at least he tried to pretend he's not, thats something
"At least Trump is lying about being a globalist! That's a good thing!"
but jews are based????
really makes you think
>muh waco
Yeah because a literal cult of polygamist child rapists is definitely an example of a "healthy society"
Hillary is a criminal - Trump 2016
>are you an anti-semitic nazi???
Yes. Your point?
Hourly reminder we are being raided by /leftypol/
he is subject to the whims of globalists same as any other, but he says he doesn't like them, I see that as better than talking about how much you love being ass raped with no lube even though your ass is bleeding and you can't shit right for weeks afterwords,
at least he says he doesn't like it, that makes him a more positive metaphor for our society
even though he's just another scumbag criminal, making money off the public
>conservatives can also be philosophers who don't care about material wealth,
Then they wouldn't be conservatives.
>but they don't ever get any airtime
Because the media only wants you to be (D) or (R), liberal or conservative.
They don't want you thinking there's a choice outside of voting for either of the judeo political parties.
>The government was completely justified in the murders at Waco, Ruby Ridge etc. etc. etc.
Good little government stooge.
>this is considered trolling now-a-days
Jesus christ.
Why don't you go jerk off to some pictures of Koresh and Timothy McVeigh, faggot?
Hourly reminder that shills don't understand how the bipartisan shitfest actually 'works'.
YFW 1990's Clinton team is closer to GBW jr. policies than current Trump.
So when were you were told your political opinion by some tweet from a celebrity, did you ever stop to think to read up on policies?
good, how else can we convert them if they don't show up,
gotta kill the left right dogma somehow
>he is subject to the whims of globalists same as any other, but he says he doesn't like them,
Because as we all know, we can trust what a politician says, right?
>Hourly reminder
>Has the time to make hourly threads on Sup Forums.
>Obviously means they either don't have a job, or don't have a real job.
>Calls Sup Forumsocks underage.
>Then they wouldn't be conservatives.
you're wrong though, conservatives can oppose waste on principle instead of opposing it for their own material gains, although I admit what you describe has unfortunately become the norm, but it wasn't always so
>YFW 1990's Clinton team is closer to GBW jr. policies than current Trump.
Wut? All of Trump's advisors are former GWB neo-cons, along with his judge nominees.
And Trump is a neo-con war monger.
Gwb was a neo con gobalist, ironically so is hillary
Hillary isn't a conservative. She's for abortion and gay marriage and stricter gun control.
>Why don't you go jerk off to some pictures of Koresh and Timothy McVeigh, faggot?
When the government kills innocent civilians for any reason, you support it.
Hell, if the government came to your door to send you to a concentration camp for posting on an anti-semitic, holocaust denying, pro-Nazi board, you'd willingly go.
You are a complete and total cuck.