She's right. Bongs are a bunch of hypocritical cunts

She's right. Bongs are a bunch of hypocritical cunts.

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really makes u think

ayy lmao

> she
every current and future opinion you will have is discarded.

>Implying we give a shit about Scotland and Ireland
>implying Wales isn't with us anyway
A lion and a dragon would make for an excellent flag.

>We're going to deliberately fuck everything up by flooding the continent with hostile immigrants, and impose extortionate tax laws to ruin british business, stay or else.
>"Fuck off you wankers we're leaving"
>"I hope you don't leave the Union. We are stronger together!"


Northern Ireland barely scraped that, when they were predicted to landslide. We still have based Ulster, they'll never let go.

>tranny feminist talking about irony
really makes you think

I dont know your countries politics, but wouldnt losing half your country be a bad thing?

How would it work? Back to back, ready to fight?

Seems """she""" is a fucking retard and thinks the union jack is the English flag

Scotland and england are separate countries.


Please, you're making US look bad with your level of autism. Don't shit post.

Yeah, but in the way native americans are "seperate countries" for us no?

>giving even a negative shit about what Brianna Wu thinks
Just pretend it doesn't exist.

Have there been opinion polls in NI and Scotland for them to leave since 2014?

Outside of the UK, nobody gives a flying fuck about your "county flags" asshole. The argument still stands.


Personally, I don't want to lose Scotland or Northern Ireland. I think whilst Scotland has its share of asshats, we've been long time allies and to see them commit suicide like this is not good.

so she doesn't respect democracy then?
like when the Scots, N'Ire's and Welsh amongst the rest of the countries which had democratic votes to leave, do we take India back? Canada? Australia? New Zealand?
Where does she want to stop?

But the UK is a country with a long history and shared culture.

The EU is a postwar Germany containment vessel with no historical precedent whatsoever.

Why would you compare a fiscal union to a nation state unless the plan was for said union to become a state (which was never ever on the table, right)?


>brianna wu

>Brian using polanball
This is cultural appropriation and it needs to stop

Is that a fucking Cornwall-ball?

Jesus Christ

>opinion polls in NI and Scotland for them to leave since 2014
They had a pretty significant "poll" a few months ago.

>losing all the liberal cunts who won't even make themselves useful and frack for fucking oil



It could be on the table sooner than you think. And it has always been the ideal of the mouvement.

I mean since the EU referendum took center stage. I imagine it won't be 55-45.

She's right, the UK is better in the EU. And while we're at it, why can't Canada join the USA? Mexico too. In fact, why don't we just abolish borders and all live in one big happy country called "Earth".

Oh right, because this is the real world where all your socialist fantasies aren't possible.

Somebody teach this pleb how to hold a wine glass.

>The EU is a postwar Germany containment vessel with no historical precedent whatsoever.
Yet the EU is controlled by Germany. Are you sure the EU isn't part of the historical European fetish to recreate the Roman Empire?

We gave Scotland the chance to leave, and said we would accept their decision. They chose not to

Northern Ireland only wants to remain in the EU because they can drive a few miles south and buy their groceries for cheaper using euros, Scotland has no way of sustaining itself outside of oil that is chap as fuck right now what do they have? IRNBRU, haggis and battered snickers.

Except it doesn't, now enjoy your freedom even if we and Wales had to drag you kicking and screaming. Also it's a country not a county.

Uh, losing those alcoholic welfare leeches wouldn't be so bad.

Scotland has 6 million inhabitants. Wales 3 million. NI 1.8 Million. England 53 million.

London has 8.6million. Although I hate the place, it goes to show how worthless the other countries are. London has less population than those 3 but is better off economically. It actually pays for those other 3 countries.

Scotland, Wales, and Ireland are all run by national councils, the UK government gives them money from England to pay their bills. If they leave then they're fucked. If they leave that means England is better off.

Areas of the UK that have spent the last few decades being screwed over by Westminster just voted to give Westminster more power.

u forgot about the heroin m8

that stuffs worth a fair few pennies

Wow. These political meme balls sure are spot on! It really makes you think!

do wales, scotland and NI have any cities comparable to london in terms of being an international financial centre?

Like watching Sweden and Germany fall all over again. Don't do it Scott's and IrishDrunks!

That has a point. I supported brexit, but I support independence for Scotland, the Basque Country, Galicia, northern Ireland, and so on.

Are you from Andalusia?

Wales is England's best fucking friend right now.
Bitch who posted that twitter can fuck off.

lol no, from Galicia.

Why would I support any of that if I was from Andalusia?

i'd chop off my balls and feed them to my dog just to be able to buy irnbru in spain

Scots and Irish are free to leave the funny part is the EU won't accept them and they'll crawl back, but go right ahead try to leave.

Cause the moors always wanted that bloody spec of shit back.

Although I meant to say Catalan, because they're very much in for independence.

they can have their own referendums if they want to. just because the scots chickened out and voted to remain doesnt mean there is some irony. a lot of england would be happy for scotland to have independence since we send them so much money.

the situation of the uk and the eu was the opposite, with the uk putting more into the eu than we got out, so of course they wanted us to stay

Why can't they leave and remain independent?

Wales voted to stay.

Brit Union is not a disgusting stalinist totilitarian antidemocracy.

Burger is stupid again.

>That comic bugs me because the flag should change in the final panel to an English flag.

Are NI hypocrites for wanting out of one union and into another?

The power of a Scot (for example) in the UK is much greater than in Briton in the EU.
They need only convince around 30,000 vote to for their cause to elect an MP.
To elect an MEP nearer 150,000.

Even without a member of parliament to represent them a Briton can start a petition.
That only requires 100,000 and forces Parliament to debate their issue.
Almost anything can be brought before Parliament like this.
Even something as stupid as banning Trump from the UK for hurting peoples feelings.

In the EU they could propose a Citizens Initiative and hope the bureaucrats at the European Commission approve.
They need statements of support from people in 7 different member sates, and then have a year to collect 1,000,000 signatures, before the Commission will consider their proposal.

Since 2012 only 3 initiatives appear to have gathered enough support.
Whether any new legislation came of these is not mentioned.
The Commission simply records the status as "Answered"

They're not economically well off enough to do that. They'll need to cut back on government services, or overtax their population, to be able to afford it.

It's political suicide to want to leave but not join the EU. If you raise taxes, your people will hate you. If you cut government services, others will hate you.

Whores must have their Trinkets, and right now the EU is the wealthiest John. Englands always been the John to their prostitution.

I've no idea why we haven't forcibly cut off the Welsh, Irish or Scottish.

>John Walker Flynt poisoning twitter with his disgusting mind

The welsh and the cornish are happy to be apart of the UK and the welsh pretty much helped carry the leave vote.

Britain's happy look always gets me.

The Domino Effect will destroy the Tower o Babel.


*the majority of cornwall did as well.

Scotland is literally nothing, it's 99% countryside and 1% actual human population. The only thing they have going for them is oil which we would quickly outpace them on.

Northern Island does nothing either.

Except we're right.
Scotland would die if they went independent and those crazy Irish bastards would start killing each other again - moreso.
Wales knows its' place.
They need England.

Cutting back government services (and the taxes that pay for them) would generate wealth in the long run and attract investment.

Maybe if you can keep such a government stable long enough playing the "Freedom has its costs!" flag, you will fix your shit before the population start demanding "free" stuff.

>It's the same thing!

No it isn't.

go on, because...?

The United Kingdom works, the EU doesn't.

That's the fucking difference. Lets see how long the EU lasts now without us.

We're not the same country, we're a political union.

Also, scotland is a fucking shithole that contributes nothing to the UK as a whole. If the English got to vote on Scottish independence, they'd be out on their arses by now.

Hey, I'm all for austerity. I'd cut back government so much that all we had left were the NHS, pre-uni schools, roads and Nuclear weapons.

Fuck government pensions. Fuck free uni. Fuck giving people a "safety net". Fuck all that bullshit. We don't need it; but the bleeding hearts love it.

>Canada joins the USA.
That actually would be cool... Does Quebec have to come as well, or can we use it to dump our Muslims there?
>Mexico joins the USA
Bong, you have gone too far.

Scot here.



SO PROUD, we raised our son right.

Didn't read his entire post? You cock gobbling cuntmonster.

Because in the UK the Scottish, Welsh and North Irish all vote on lawmakers same as the English

in the European Union no British people vote on the lawmakers, and in the EU, EU law trumps national law

Why don't you import better bleeding hearts if you are that rich?

More people voted to stay in the UK than voted to leave the EU.

I fully expect that the next referendum will have your nationalists spitting bile.

However I wish England also had one to kick out you tax hungry whores.

It's a troll thread

I hope Scotland stays in UK to experience the magic.

did the people of UK have a vote on EU policies that directly affected them or... ?

honestly confused here
seems like those others enjoy a true union wherein they have an actual say

fucking kek

but now you have the freedom to remove the bennies and get your fair tax.

dont throw away a tax supply.

they can be redpilled yet.

We vote for EUMPs. They then go to debate directives in Brussels. The president isn't voted for.

The latest Directive won with 28 votes. There are 751 EUMPs.

Fuck off we're full Branigger.

Why does America even care about what happens in Europe? Shouldn't they be fixing the chemical laden gangland warzone they call home?

The peoples of Great Britain have been in a union far longer than Great Britain has been in the EU.

>Wales is the main reason the vote leave won
>Shitting on them

You're the disease that's killing the Union, lad.

By "28" I mean 28 people were there to vote. The UK abstained.

What tax supply does scotland produce? We don't want your irn bru.


Leftist use Europe as examples for fucking us over. Now, we have ammo against them on this front. Leaving means is dosent work liked they praised

At this point, I don't care if there's another Scottish referendum. They're free to leave if they want to.
Northern Ireland, I have no fucking idea.

Don't worry, you can't afford to have me taking a shit there.

highland clearences 2.0

you know you want to

Shouldn't you stop abbos from stealing your petrol?

>Does Quebec have to come as well, or can we use it to dump our Muslims there?

>Not wanting hundreds of Hydro worthy rivers, a shit ton of gold and diamond deposits and the second largest (and untapped) oil reserve of all Canada

lol I swear they always give hints in the movies.

'Brianna my clits held on with glue'

Fuck off you fucking tramp

>Leaving the Pound for the Euro


oh wait...

Are you serious?

That doesn't outweigh the fact it comes with a bunch of fucking French-Canadians

Lol. Canada in the mirror

Go shit on a slumlord you favella living halfbreed.

All that tells me is that the Scots are genetic freaks.

you have to kill the scots.for Britain

Except Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales are all a part of the UK by royalty and conquest. If they want to leave they'll have to fight a war over it.

The EU was a voluntary union.

You already have a bunch of French Canadians in Louisania.

The main reason the UK doesn't want to break up is because they'll have to redo their flag