>scotland leaves UK
>northern ireland leaves UK
>spain annexes gibraltar
post yfw England is set back to the middle ages
>scotland leaves UK
>northern ireland leaves UK
>spain annexes gibraltar
post yfw England is set back to the middle ages
For losing gibs blackholes and a rock?
Also remember that a part of the Brexit compromise is importing "cultural Brits" from the Commonwealth.
Poo in loo and sandnigggers are coming to the UK as a promise.
You people really are blind and self deluded.
they probably include that compromise since their '''''''asian'''''' quotas are filled until 2100
>losing Scotland, NI and Gibraltar
>remainder of the UK goes up massively on every human development index
I can't speak for Scotland, but NI is probably going nowhere.
No its Africa that is coming.
The (((globalists))) are relentless, UKIP is kosher. They need ghoul hordes to reap English blood.
But England will PREVAIL.
We loose a bunch of cucks and a rock, the fuck you think is going to happen? We'll be better off.
For voting themselves into Obscurity.
In the past it was: UK and USA. The two big guys of the world.
Now it's a very real thing that UK could essentially just become another little irrelevant country, no different to any others.
>Britan leaves EU
>Leftists root for its destruction
Post YFW Hymie literally can't not stab the back
>t. Ghoul
Lefty will use the promise to import even more subhumans.
Nah, you have done your job. The EU is starting to crumble. Now England can drown in shitskins alone.
Except what you're actually mad about is that Britain will continue to be a country, and not a cucked client state to a bunch of unelected fascists who hate the nations of Europe and want to see them destroyed.
>Muh fascists
Retard needs to be reminded again.
>all the worst parts of Britain leave
more like
>Italy leaves EU
>Netherlands leaves EU
>France leaves EU
Germany annexes whoever is still left
Reported to Merkel :^)
Not mad. Voted leave, was very surprised NI was a remain majority.
My only started worrying when I saw where voted what.
Fuck the EU, but fuck NI being lead despite Britain cucking them once again even more, lad.
Ferkel is busy ficki ficki.
just make england our next puerto rico
this, if Scotland left we in Wales and England will be laughing all the way to the bank
>United Kingdom will consist of people with bad teeth and sheep fuckers
Middle ages indeed.
>mfw England is still better than all of them
>mfw white uncucked christian middle age nation state with a mighty monarch
Medieval England was cool though.
Once again, for th 500th time today, Scotland isnt leaving. 55% oted to remian last time, and without the EU to prob them up, you better fucking believe 55% at least will vote to stay next time.
Use the fucking catalog you useless tit.
The EU will now fragment, Scotland will end up being a part of the EU with Belgium.