GERXIT when?
GERXIT when?
idk bro
You tell me
You realize this is not just ironic due to our position in the union but also literally impossible, right? We'll only leave if the whole union comes down, in fact we will be the very last. Open wide.
>implying we are sovereign and allowed to hold a referendum
cool story goy
When the new Führer is born to guide his people.
> jerks it
maybe think of a different abbreviation
>not having a minigun in that situation
Merkel would literally kill herself if that happens
i really didnt think it was that bad in germany holy shit
that would make as much sense as USA leaving NATO
We don't "exit" the EU, we kick everyone else out
never. all other countries except germany could leave the EU and they would still push the agenda and say its beautiful
I'd say "DEXIT"
But I just read "ÖXIT" in an Austria newspaper (pic related), which kinda works
After the frogs elect that crazy chick and the Spaniards leave because the scots get in.
But the EU is our tausendjähriges Reich?
>we kick everyone else out
No you conquer them and force them to submit. Third times the charm right?
One day Germany, we'll come save you. And at least we will be fighting against the filth of the earth rather than our own brothers.
>it's our fault that everyone in Europe is incapable
That's rich when it comes from a clapper.
But it's your destiny to rule all of western Europe.
EU is germany's ship and the captain will go down with it.
Never! when every other country leaves it will just be Germany and Belgium. You can just rename your countries "the EU" and cry that your 4th reich failed.
And you're the first mate Austria.
You'll never leave kek
You are the EU.
Its a plattform for SPÖ ads, dont take it serious
No, it's our destiny to be one nation and one Volk. Besides that we should be as productive as possible, the only thing that matters is Deutschland and the rest is irrelevant. Enough with the international shit.
Really baffles me how some people, especially the Germans, think we actually were in charge of the EU. The EU exists to control us and keep us in check. When we instrumentalize the EU to push an agenda it's not ours, but the EUs agenda. When we use the EU to apply political pressure e.g. on member states we don't do it out of own motivation, but because the EU tells us to do it. Merkel is just an EU puppet, a collaborator, she does what she's told.
Our economy is so heavily reliant on outsourced manufacturing, a weak currency and a unified market, we will look no better than Italy after an exit.
Merkel is intent on destroying her country's heritage. They want to remove the guilt they feel about what they did during WWII by completely erasing their culture and having it replaced by a new nation of shitskins.
>Really baffles me how some people, especially the Germans, think we actually were in charge of the EU
Yeah, what an absurd thought, given we have the most lobbyists and voices in the Parliament.
Could you at least let Putin remove Poland and fix your eastern border.
We are the union.
>Merkel is just an EU puppet, a collaborator, she does what she's told.
Told by who?
The jews duh
Or Putin
>tfw Deutschland has fucked Europe for a 3rd time in 100 years
Why you do this germanbro's?
Germany wil find what to do deep down in its people. Germany is volk.
The EU is mainly a construct of the US, it serves as a protection against any conflict within Europe. Little did the rest of Europe know that we would rise from the ashes and dominate Europe once again, because that is what we do afterall. Yes, we do control the EU but not without American intervention. It's too important as both an aggressive and defensive union towards Russia.
Brits are happy and they should be but they're not independent as long as the Americans have their black dicks up their butts.
Fourth reich when?
It's the same in Brussels.
We nuked the wrong country
I know, but Belgium has no real power in the EU. Germany has some pull, if it was for their uber immigration push Brexit wouldn't have happened.
>Germany EVER LEAVING the very essence of the 4th Reich, their empire, and the basis of their geopolitical relevance
If Putin removes Poland, you'll remove Putin. We'll probably have to join you as well. Fixed borders would be nice but that's something we can do once we have our current borders under control.
If yall had nust let Willy march through unopposed we wouldn't have this problem.
German empire without Germany makes no sense.
>I have no idea what I'm talking about xdd
>once we have our current borders under control.
That's a tall order as it stands now so good luck.
It is only a matter of time, until their idealism fades and reality forces their hand. The pendulum swings wide one way, then swings wide back again.
Either you're an """""immigrant""""" or a tourist - there is no way an actual German is this stupid.
Mate, I really hope that my country's vote has helped you.
The EU is evil.
Anyway, I'm tired. Here's a pic of my town. And a piece of music.
All my wishes to you to destroy this EUSSR shit.
>if it was for their uber immigration push Brexit wouldn't have happened
Now you know why it happened, Merkel is actually a super secret German patriot. It's her first step in crashing this union. Just wait for the "development camps" that "serve the refugee idea" and will "help them assimilate"
>Germany leaving the Fourth Reich
that will be the day
>hur dur EU is Germany
>being this blue-pilled
I know it's more convenient to believe such bullshit but it's false none the less.
It's true though.
I really hope so, but it's sooooo unlikely.
I actually think she will fuck things up so bad that some Germans will revolt and give birth to the next Adolf. Instead of Jews it will be Muslims this time around.
>mfw I will live to see WW3
Never. The EU is the fourth reich, and Merkel thinks she is an autistic painter. Germans, get ready to see more of your hard earned tax euros get dumped into shithole countries that don't pay their denbts.
We do it because it is so easy to fuck over the weaklings
it's not you damn idiot
Why would you guys abandon your Fourth Reich
>I actually think she will fuck things up so bad that some Germans will revolt and give birth to the next Adolf
But that is just part of the plan.
hand over the gibs and no one gets hurt, germany
>development camps for ,,fugees,,
Sounds like a great plan to administer based slave workers but I doubt it will come from Merkel.
>ib4 Merkel is controlled by a putinesque lizard world governement
>it's not true because I say so
Only Germaining
As the mexico of Europe you should hope they don't leave.
Because it's not the fourth Reich, it's the EUSSR of the political elite, which only exist to profit people like Juncker and Soros.
>not Flexit
If we're going to leave EU we might as well leave Wallonie where it belongs.
Those guys are still around?
>leave Wallonie where it belongs.
Back into the luxembourgish Reich?
>Merkel is controlled by a putinesque lizard world governement
It's a world government build upon 6 gorillion burgers and called America actually.
the fucking irony of the woman with the heavy russian accent in the background
>breaking a meme country up into more meme countries.
Which is why I hope for the entire union to crash and burn. It's the only chance. I want the 68th movement strung on on lamposts, people like Merkel to answer for their betrayal and crimes and the only way this is ever going to happen is if others crash the thing for us, because we don't get a vote or a choice.
I hope she does it live on TV. So I can watch itz over and over again and laugh and laugh and laugh.
>it's true because I say so
Take a history lesson you fool. Even now Germany is underrepresented in the European Parliament.
I hope I will see that day ameribro. I just can't wait anymore.
Knowing merky...never
>And then UK and France occupies Germany for a third time. Europe is cured of all cancer, all sandniggers are deported, european countries can rebuild their industry and agriculture and all the people in the world can now live happily ever after.
One can dream.
Not it is not you piece of shit, anyone falling for that meme is a complete imbecile. If it was, it would profit the average people rather than flood the country with shitskins and other junk that will in the long run cause civil war and societal break down. People wouldn't be rapidly become more and more poor as a few politicians and large companies are lining their pockets, using bruiser groups such as the antifa and orwellian tactics to keep everyone in line and silent.
The EU is the empire of people like Juncker, which benefits others like Soros. It never was anything for any of the average people in Europe no matter where they're from.
Hell, the reason it came about was to "control" Germany, which is why Thatcher and others jumped ship. The autocrats in Brussels just used the biggest lapdog they could find to enforce their policies and Merkel looked the part.
>All the countries with money abandon the EU
>All that's left is shitty ex-commie countries
>No monies so Russia joins
>Second cold war begins, Balts, and West and South Slavs cucked again.
>the only way this is ever going to happen is if others crash the thing for us,
There's hope, the frogs might bail too
>One can dream
Of not being involved?
If you even have to ask I won't waste any more breath on you.
Isn't that literally impossible unless the EU decides to just dissolve?
That's why you shouldn't be the one running shit when it hits the fan
So you didn't have any arguments to begin with?
Come on Krauts, you have the power to end this whole clown car experiment. Just do it.
So you are implying that the US has an interest in destabilizing germany/the EU after putting trillions of dollars into them over the last 50 years regarding security, culture and business relations.
Sounds very much tinfoil like, as the US has urged the EU on every level since mid 80's to get closer together and built up a viable army to finaly have an ally able to really get the world under western hegemony.
But maybe Iam just fooled by normies as Iam kind of new around her, so please elaborate a bit why the US likes to put europe into a state of war?
Really makes you think
You can speed the process up Juan make sure to crackdown on the Catalans when the scots leave
>its 2030
>only two nations remain in the EU
>Germoney and Greece
>4th Reich
>3rd time is the charm
First one doesn't really count as the HRE was less unified than the modern EU
EU exists as a sort of attack zombie to occasionally point at Russia. Trump might be the chance for us to restructure the whole deal and get this mess fixed; no leaving the cage while Obama's in charge of the guards.