> The referendum is advisory rather than mandatory
It's not over yet.
> The referendum is advisory rather than mandatory
It's not over yet.
Other urls found in this thread:
If you want mass violence to occur, then no its not binding at all.
Ignore democracy and harvest the wrath of the people
Cameron is already resigning, if anyone else becomes PM and says no leave, they might as well pack up their bags now.
UK's government isn't going to stop them.
The EU on the other hand...
What did they tell you in Germany about brexit?
Its not binding, but we will simply remove any government or politician who does not carry it out.
>mass violence
With what? Spoons and rolled up newspapers?
The world has ended, basically.
And this guy has a secret plan to do... something.
if they planned to do this cameron wouldn't have resigned
We out nigger.
This. The populace have no way to enforce it other than hoping the PM is 'civilized' enough to carry out their democratic will.
Who is the shadow man pushing him??
David Cameron already resigned and said the next PM must lead the UK out of the EU. Its over.
>they bow to UK/US
I approve
The EU has already announced they won't use art.50 TEU. So yes, this can take a while. UKIP better get themselves some EU law specialists to sort this mess out
If the conservatives refuse to enact article 50 before the end of the year they will never be elected again.
Nobody you need to know about goy.
>People complain the EU is undemocratic and want to leave
>EU responds by saying "When did we say you were allowed to vote?"
I dont think even they are that stupid.
It is not advisory.
Why would the state risk civil war?
We're out of this EU disaster whether your Mutti Merkel likes it or not.
Why do you Germans like trying to destroy Europe?
Is it a cultural thing?
At the rate things are going, they won't be elected again for quite a while. That split in the party of leave vs remain certainly didn't help them.
Obviously. The fun is just started, and we'll see and hear many interesting things about "democracy".
Dont get my hopes up fagets. I was just getting warmed up for not giving a shit.
De batty boy come run
e come run fo de root yea
e like de chocolate
e like de BBC
e watch Doctor Who
upon de TV
Indoctrination, they're really good at it over there. They censor quite a lot of stuff, including online.
It`s a "historical crisis" for the EU because shekel accumulation got disrupted and some rich people got upset about it.
>political suicide
Why doesn't Cameron block the exit and resign afterwards then?
Snarky mumbling too!
And then the burden is left to his successor, who would again have to leave the EU, kill his own party, or resign and start the process over again.
>Indoctrination, they're really good at it over there. They censor quite a lot of stuff, including online.
So it's true most Germans don't know World War II even happened, let alone all the stuff they did.
Ignoring history and being doomed to repeat it, etc etc.
He's a member of the shadow cabinet
Would be the smart thing to do AND would be a lot funnier. Hope he does it.
you're fucked Germany, good luck with your beloved rapefugee and those useless countries, portugal, spain and so forth.
Draw Sven and Pekka in too to get full understanding
>giant dick over praying muslim
It's over. Even the Labour cucks are admitting it.
There were record turnouts to vote, any party that ignores the result will get completely slammed in the next few elections as undemocratic.
Just glad we're out mate.
and this right here is why guns are very important
i hope youre joking. theyre trying to make us feel terrible for the holocaust and shit. thats the indoctrination
"Block the exit?" If he resigns he'll be replaced by someone like Boris who actually will carry it through
I have a German liberal friend online, I told them that most stuff related to Hitler are blocked online. They wanted proof, sent them a Hitler video that just shows Hitler in a positive light with Hitler clips. They told me it wouldn't be blocked if they used original clips that weren't lies.
>Implying south Ireland didn't have the same gun laws yet bombed and shot their way to freedom.
With passive aggressiveness
Clap slowly at the english, having torn up the EU and possibly the UK
With cars and petrol and wood. All legal.
needs a spurdo instead
Nah, actually, they get taught so much about how they're inherently evil that they go full retard the other way.
Imagine those Americans who think they're personally responsible for slavery. x100
There riots in 2011 that went on for nearly a week.
Ehh.. Paris did it first.
Oh god, please go ahead and ignore the results, take a big fat dump on this democratic decision and remove the last doubts about what kind of world we live in.
>mfw they do this and mad Brits start to hang people in the streets
I voted leave the UK, it failed
>Avoided Sup Forums for a week
I voted leave the EU, it won
>I shitpost more
At no fucking point did I ever start crying for mummy and demanding it be done again, these guys are fucking fascists!
This picture is absolutely disgusting.
i like more microaggresions.
They didn't have the same gun laws you silly cunt guns were legal 100 years ago. Jesus christ why are leafs so fucking dense?
A lot of the Leave supporters are working class. That would get ugly really fast.
>Why do you Germans like trying to destroy Europe?
>Is it a cultural thing?
Because they never had a real empire and they're fucking jelly. Us, France, Spain and Italy all had a jolly good attempt and got it out of our system. The German Empire failed miserably.
>political suicide
>implying the masses could do anything about it
Yeah, just like the Queen can veto any bill she wants.
It's going to happen either way. There are going to be riots and beheadings and shit, just stay tuned.
really makes you think, huh
The leavers would make a much better insurrection than the remainians. What you need for an insurrection is working class to form the rank and file but some wealthy backers. Leavers have both. Effete middle classes have neither the balls nor the funds.
It's over Hans, let it go. No one wants to be your friend anymore. This is just the beginning, everyone is going to abandon ship soon.
>really makes you think, huh
really makes you think, huh
just try and wriggle out of it
Try it! It would mean the last nail in the coffin that is Europe.
actually it's illegal in france
>PM resigns
>market crash
>EU leaders say go away quicker please
>Scotland wants to leave
>G-guys, we were just joking? G-guys?
World is ending. Implying America isn't all of the world.
Fuck third world countries and crumpet eating faggots
>jelly of spain
>comment section full of butthurt leftists
PM already resigned over it, of course it's not legally binding but there would be civil war if they ignored it.
>Spoons and rolled up newspapers?
Woah man, that stuff is highly illegal in UK, were would they even get such weapons?
>This means that 'Trump 2016' might happen!
they got that right tough, this rape train is only starting
I am led to understand that in Nottingham locals are constantly stabbing each other with knives, screwdrivers, and such. Savages.
Ofc its not over, referendums are not legally binding, they do not have to follow suit.
4% difference is tiny, especially considering 72% turnover, in several countries this wouldnt have been taken seriously.
Takes special ignorance to think referendums are binding and that this is over. There are plenty of ways to not follow suit.
Which desu, considering the shitstorm and how fast the UK will go down in economy and quality of life, id rather it didnt.
if the uneducated working class is fine with having less money and an even shittier future, thats fine and dandy, id rather not see my wealth go to shit because of some idiots didnt bother to understand the consequences of it.
Rolled up, folded newspapers and magazines are fucking dangerous my man. Fold it enough and it's like being hit with a brick
Do you think your wealth (imaginary number backed by your government) will mean anything when shit hits the fan?
EU is going down one way or the other. Brexit will just make it die quicker.
It's not but it will happen. Political suicide for the government that overrules it.
Not everyone here abides by the law, faggot. Infact, the law is such a fucking joke, you are encouraged to break it.
>rolled up newspaper
Getting hit with a Millwall brick would fucking hurt
I can imagine remainers bandwagoning Labour and giving them a majority at the next election.
Of course it's not legally binding.
>thinking the UK is even able to leave the EU without a 2/3's majority and threats of violence
Naive at best.
Civil war? Literally laughing my ass off, you should lay down those war documentaries and shooting games, dumbass.
The UK will never leave the EU. You bunch of faggots are celebrating but don't realise the fight started once you actually won the referendum.
Don't you faggots see everything is running WAY too fucking smooth? Even the EU retards are accepting the decision. Heck, even motherfucking Martin Schulz is going along with it.
Here what's likely to happen/is already happening.
>Brexit wins
>every single mass media start their mass shilling
>fear, fear everyfucking where
>melodramatic stories from people all around to world to chime in on the isolation narrative
>narrative of "it's only old people who have nothing to lose" employing character assassination tactics alongside with the "uneducated" one
>deploy shills every fucking where
>even Sup Forums is filled with shills to the brim, with easier to manipulate boards with less resources being spent in boards like Sup Forums
Fast forward.
>there's a high probability there will be another referendum
>after all that fearmongering a lot of people will turn out to vote to remain and Brexit will never happen
Scenario number two.
>there's not a second referendum
>EU negotiations which take up to two years (can be extended but it's not very likely) if they're not fair
>if the UK accepts unfair trade agreement to the point it'll get economically fucked it'll end up forcefully re-joining the EU at the expense of giving up the pound and pretty much being a EU bitch
>at this point it's fair to assume the EU will never give the UK a fair trade deal since it's not to their advantage UNLESS big companies lobby for them
Alternate more positive view on scenario number two.
>domino effect happens and say Frexit materialises
>this will now either make the EU collapse or give the UK more weight for negotiations
>even if assuming fair negotiations are not possible, the UK and France would at least reduce the chances of crawling back to the EU
You faggots should focus on controlling the narrative instead.
(too long post)
>Advisory only
>PM resigns
CryptoLefties BTFO again
Labour's lack of presence is one of the main reasons why leave won