Now that the desintegration of the EU is a real possibility, I wonder what could become of this country. We're already the poorest country in Western Europe as it is. Our economy is worth next to nothing, socialism is rampant (and the majority of the population is supportive of it) and our former currency is obsolete. Every good thing that was built in the past 30 years has been paid for with EU money: hospitals, schools, highways and other urban developments. University scholarships, R&D, social programs - all financed by the EU in almost their entirety. I feel that if left in our own we will be the Venezuela of Europe in a few decades. Am I overreacting? What do you think, fellow countrymen?
/pp/ Portugal Politics
The treacherous anglo did it again! Damn you all to hell!
You will pay for everything. Past and present.
You need what all Iberians always needed. But I'm confused, isn't the anglo you're greatestest ally?
Iberian Union + South American comerce treaties = Win
They've fucked us over several times in the past. Potentially destroying the Eu is just the icing at the top of the cake.
>+ South American comerce treaties
lol those people hate our guts.
1890 ultimatum that led to the fall of the monarchy in 1910.
You don't speak for the whole country, far from it.
Based Anglos did something good today.
Fuck off back to Lisbon.
There needs to be an uprising from the people. We need to wake up and see that Europe just simply doesn't work.
It's incredible how Europe has changed people's mentality. A nation with over 800 years, of pioneers and great men and we're dependent on a couple of corrupt globalists in Brussels.
Unfortunately, to be an uprising, there needs to be blood. We can't do another 25 of April.
A man can dream. Hopefully, since history tends to repeat itself, we'll look soon to a better Portugal.
Checked. And also very surprised.
>Great Iberian Commonwealth
They don't hate us. Only the indians. But the point is not listening to the indians anymore. Indians only brings socialism and marxism.
You have a point, today they were based. They're still enemies of mankind though.
I'm not a moor, I live near pic related, 10 minutes away from Porto. And how is the fall of the EU a good thing for us?
Considering what we have done with ourselves in the past 100 years or so, EU interference is the lesser of two evils, the other being becoming a socialist shithole (even more than what we are now).
100 billion in 30 years.
Every one loves money.
So we make an union or what. Olivenza will be the capital city and the entire population of Morrocco turn into soap so we can grow opium there.
>that fucking title
I laughed but deep down inside it's the most intense facepalm I've ever experienced.
Salazar you're forgiven.
Only if you don't elect Podemos this sunday. We already have enough troubles as it is.
>spain electing Podemos
is this a real possibility?
Haven't been following the shitsorm there
We don't even know anymore
Nope. They are being deliverately overestimated to frighten the voters.
What would i give to live in a city like this, that doesnt look like its only good for making money.
No. But the cuckservative pro-european parties are worse. I think at least they give us time to meme our own iberian alt-right movement to prepare the ground for o Encoberto that will save us all.
Portugal since 868 not 1986.
Fuck off bastard!!
Sure our roads and recent infrastructures were payed by the EU. And that might sound good. But what also happened was the loss of our ability to survive alone.
We were payed to stop cultivating and fishing. We stopped investing in our subsistence. We should start thinking more about producing our own food or we'll be fucked once the world economy crashes.
Without British tourism you guys are fucked.
Haha peepee
1985 you idiot. You fuck off, I asked a legitimate question.
Whatever happens. THE ATLANTIC OCEAN AND ITS RICHES ARE OURS!! Fight for yer rum!!! Fight for ya gold!
Post-revolution socialism destroyed our economy, not the EU. If we had followed the same path as other member states with market economies perhaps we would now be in a position to leave and survive for ourselves. But, alas, I'm not austrian, or dutch, or swedish. Leaving would devatate us.Were it otherwise I probably woudn't mind the potential consequences of Brexit.
Even the 25 of April was forced upon us. It was not about freeing the people. It was about introducing communism/socialism in our country by foreigner powers.
The problem with Portugal is that most of the population has no self esteem and the only thing that really moves them is soccer.
If we were invaded tomorrow by another country we wouldn't really fight back. The times when we used to have a spine are long gone.
>Post-revolution socialism destroyed our economy, not the EU.
Quoted for truth. Interestingly England, France and America fell for the "social democracy" trap in the 70s.
The first two fixed it as soon as they noticed the damage giving workers (actually, unions) full decision power in the destiny of the economy. Based Reagan and Thatcher did what it took to get back control of their economies and it shows.
Now France, France just got a big strike just in time to try to screw the Euro, just like the fags in our public transit companies last year did a strike every other week just to fuck with the people going to work in order to rile them up against the government.
Joke is on then, all it did was to rile people up for privatization.
Portuguese food is so damn good.
a data oficial é 1 Janeiro 1986.
e vai para o caralho mais o teu choradinho.
>and the only thing that really moves them is soccer.
Not even that anymore pal, at least not the national team. Ever since Scolari brought up up to the heavens and then failed to deliver people reverted back to be much more jaded about it.
Some of us like our clubs but most people, even if they declare to support, don't really live it (much like our Catholicism)
forgot the country.
Make use of your feet.
Plenty of people already were subcounsciously aware of that here. They still support the status quo, even though they vote a differently with their feet, curiously.
I agree socialism/communism fucks everything. Another argument for not needing to be in the EU (socialist in its essence) unless we want to lose what's left of our sovereignty. We already lost too much and are hanging by our balls with the multiple bailouts. We need to go back to the basics if we want to survive. We should start by being independent with our food supply. If we don't have that, we're done.
Go jerk off to pics of Salazar, stupid faggot.
Windfalls are terrible for a country. Not receiving crap from the EU will make people much more demanding of our government and our country less dependent on external help.
I'm only afraid that without the shadow of the EU, the far-left in Portugal gains too much power. The "fascista" meme needs to die.
The English people stands with its oldest ally. Get yourselves free of the European Union, my friends. Vote for a Portugexit.
what did we lose?
>You have a point, today they were based. They're still enemies of mankind though.
Without Britain there would no longer be a Portugal nor a Portuguese people owing to the incursions of the Spanish foe. Never be seduced by the Siren call of the Eternal Castilian, my friends. Re-establish your ties with your old ally.
Did you vote for the Lisbon Treaty aka European Constitution?
Really? They have some original recipes with cheap ingredients, but the food is nothing special. It's poor people food.
Will my house in the Algarve be ok? That's the only reason I give a shit about your country
We can never be independent, considering how poor we are. Maybe if we choose well...who to make an alliance with.
This man speaks the truth.
Yeah, just like there is no longer Galicia, Aragon, Navarra, Catalonia, Andalucia, etc. etc. Fuck off, jew cock sucker, perfidous, heretic, ANGLO!
this will never ever happen sadly
Love you greatest ally, hope the EU collapsing doesn't fuck you over too much and we find a way to help you somehow.
If we export outside of EU, Euro will go down so it's easier to pay the debt. Doubt we can pay it and get out though.
It's good. Doesn't matter if it's cheap.
No. But does that answer my question?
Also the European Constitution was thrown out the window. Only the symbols remained.
well back us the fuck up, desu. we're dead poor
Sry, g2g lol
It is no coincidence that several of those countries have active independence movements which will shortly break free of your tyranny. Farewell Castilian Spain, from the defeat of the Spanish Armada to the wave of independence movements on the Peninsula which Brexit will give rise to.
I hope that Galicia rejoins the motherland in Portugal in the years to come.
Good luck recovering from the shock. Some groups will try to make an example out of you. Be strong, don't go down and set the example for the rest.
We're fucked. I t-t-thought you were our allies, England... M-m-muh oldest alliance.
Just remember. Islam is the one true enemy of us all.
>Muh Spanish Armada
Anglo propaganda always forget what happened just after
Also Galicia-León is Portugal's motherland, not the oposite.
>the European Constitution was thrown out the window
Of course it was. Of course. :^)
I assume you also ignore all the leftist agenda disguises as economic politics that comes from Brussels directly into Portugal.
We can all pretend we adopt it because we agree with it. But we're basically forced to do it otherwise no central bank will hand us free money.
You tried to impose your Evil Empire on England and you lost. Cease this Quixotic quest of yours to palliate the fact mi amigo.
I actually studied the Treaty of Lisbon. In fact I have it sitting right next to me.
Again, what did we lose? You aren't really answering my question desu.
>I assume you also ignore all the leftist agenda disguises as economic politics that comes from Brussels directly into Portugal.
We've had our own much more pernicious leftist agenda since 1974. It turned us into the poorest country in Western Europe.
So you are saying your women very soon will be willing and easy to get for people living in a country with a decent economy?
And in that period of time we've done more harm to ourselves than da joos could ever do.
We tried to persuade you from your heresy and save you, that's all.
You want our hairy women? Different strokes for different folks, I suppose :^)
>He thinks the Pope is the mouthpiece of God
I'm answering you. We lost our sovereignty through economic pressure. If the EU tells us to jump we ask how high?
If the EU tells our government we have to have more women as CEOs, we do it. (Even tho it's unconstitutional to discriminate based on sex)
If the EU tells us we have to take care of a % of refugees, we do it. (Even tho we don't even have money to pay our debt).
Just some examples. I can spell "loss of sovereignty" again if you want.
Does it answer your question now?
My last two numbers are the odds of Departugal happening.
You ain't getting that one unless your name is Cristiano Ronaldo.
Fine I take this one.
Portugal willingly gave away those sovereign powers to the EU, they weren't stolen from us. The EU is not out to get us.
Speak for yourself. I support Brexit.
Hoppe Libertarian from Aveiro reporting in
not bad
Are we really in such good terms with UK nowadays? I feel like we're the laughing stock of the rest of Europe, barring Greece and maybe Spain. Why would the UK join forces with us?
>Nose piercing
You can have her.
I would support it too if we weren't poor as fuck.
German women are beautiful. Go make German babies. Kill mehmet.
Communism/socialism is a jooish ideology with its own agenda of economic control. It's freaking Marxism! We didn't come up with it.
has always been like that. in fact, they go to your countries, all you have to do is wait for them.
its a fantasy we tell ourselves to stay out of depression. just like the d. sebastiao returning thing.
in reality, our youth migrated to the uk, and the uk just voted to say they want them out :^)
why can't Salazar come back and fix all your shit, for gods sake. One of
thelast great leaders in recent history
>not PortuGTFO
We're poor as fuck because based Salazar wasted too much money on killing commies and hunting down niggers instead of providing us with a market economy and laissez-faire capitalism. I mean, I love the man for killing commies, but in the long term his stubbornness for the religious corporate state, on top of all the rampant communism after 1974, fucked us all.
Only way we can get out of this mess is by lowering taxes and having the free market create jobs (and not the government, like O Homem do Caril always talks about), but nope, sorry, we can't do it because we have massive debt and a providence State to support!
We have to somehow lower taxes and expenditure without pissing off the parasites and leeches, otherwise they'll protest.
Yes, our politicians gave it away so we could become a state in the united states of Europe. It wasn't the people doing it.
And by the way. Since you have studied the Lisbon Treaty. Is it or is it not a rerun of the European Constitution? :^)
We didn't even have a chance to vote on it. Those who had, had to vote again until they got the right answer (Ireland).
The EU is not democratic. I'm sorry.
He purposely kept people poor and uneducated so they would be easy to control. We don't need Salazar, although I would prefer to have him over a filthy communist any day of the week
We're not going to leave this shit. There is no one single MP in our parliaments against the EU.
That's far from being the typical portuguese woman. Good luck desu
Marcello Caetano was better.
To be fair, the typical woman is ugly as fuck, 2bh
Britain leaving is a perfect chance for our two countries to re-establish their old ties, lad. I hope that knowledge of our old friendship with Portugal will grow in the coming months and years as we cast our eyes abroad in search of new alliances.