thanks for ruining the EU assholes
do you even realize what you did?
thanks for ruining the EU assholes
do you even realize what you did?
Other urls found in this thread:
why do you like EU?
they did what you should do. you dip shit germoney faggot.
Yeah, they ruined your 4th reich Achmed.
Merkel on suicide watch
nothing worth saving was lost
He's a sausage muncher in 2 ways.
Ruining the EU is a good thing tho
We saved Briton from destruction and slavery at the hands of the EU and wave after wave of sand niggers.
Yeah. That's the plan.
Why are people blaming UK and not Germany for forcing immigration policies on member nations?
That's three for us, none for you.
I support the idea of a free europe of the fatherlands, but thats the wrong way, just like the EU at all. But okay, we will clean our arses, so you stupid anglos got something to kiss, if your shitisland is broke.
Why did the EU remnants get rekd so hard?
the eu just isnt to be. better luck next time, the fourth time.
a judenfrei europe
Fucking lefty german. I have been wathcing pale sad progressive faces all day.
I will enjoy the dying EU breaking apart bit by bit.
We saved the proud European peoples from parasitic globalist kikes
good try sandnigger no bombing for you today
>thanks for ruining the EU assholes
The EU ruined the EU
Let the cucks live with the choices they have made.
>unironically shilling for the EU
>1 post
Your hatred sustains me.
cuz sausage has two ends :^)
>I'll draw bad things and label them with things I don't like
Ben Garrison is the laziest political cartoonist I've ever seen
No, they don't.
Because we kicked your countries ass when America was barely unified. Enjoy sipping your tea knowing your ancestors died like pussies.
Oh, who says Jerry has no sense of humour.
> they actually believe that
Fuck off S*ottish subhuman.
There's 17,410,742 UK posters on Sup Forums guys!
lol wrecked
I think that UK killed the commie Reich of Germany does not looks bad at all.
By we I mean meme magic not the US. The US could give a shit less just to be clear.
smart frogposter
God's work, Hans.
Fuck you, Deutschcuck, EU needs death. Thanks for dealing the first blow, UK.
>1 post by this ID
I think that Hams will die of butthurt.
Globalism took a big hit today.
Worldwide government must die.
Death is better than slavery.
He's realistic.
Saving Europe you shit shill. That's what they did. Use a leaf proxxy at least.
You should have reformed it
You should have given us a good deal
The EU leadership is shit, the way the EU works is shit. Western and Northern european countries are better off getting rid of that crap and just forming a better trade block
>crashing the german reich
Its only beginning Hans, its only beginning.
Yes because all those pakis have been going there from mainland Europe, right?
You're right, Fritz. Deciding we want to rule our own country was such a selfish thing to do.
We put ourselves first for once. You should do the same!
This is on Merkel and the millions of guests she invited to the whole of Europe.
EU needs death
Fuck them and their shitty politics
UK did well and I hope more follow
I've been gloating all day, laughing and laughing and laughing. I like my lefties salty.
Yeah basically. This same image was used like 5 times by someone with a German proxxy already. Same one post by this id shit and text.
This are Soros shills imo, same modus operandi for all of them, same post all the time. Trying to divide and stir infighting rather than allowing people to try and push for more countries to leave to crash the entire thing.
Germany now has even more power, you guys should be celebrating, in 10 years the forth reich will be formed
Disregarding the immigrant situation, what exactly did the EU do wrong according to you?
You tried to take over in 1914 and we drove you back, you tried to take over in 1939 and we drove you back, you tried for a third time and we have driven you back!
Britain will always be there to stop German dominance of Europe! Rule Britannia!
> Merkelcucks losing their Fourth Empire
yeah fuck britain and their democracy and independence, when will the rest of fucking europe and the world learn that 'am deutschen wesen soll die welt genesen'
>pot calling the kettle black
You had nothing to do with anything.
Because the EU has been without structural support ever since it became a globalist monstrosity with its only purpose of rapid expansion at the price of stability.
Yeah, they removed the last dissenting voice from the EU.
Someone save us, now those EU cucks have 100% free reign without some Brits to pull their leash.
Gr8 b8 m8.
I hope this is the beginning of the end of the EUSSR.
OP must be one of the long nosed "Germans".
Hitler wanted control of mainland Europe and Russia, and for Britain to retain the entirety of its empire, newfag.
Come on
>Putting a big EU in the middle of the flag
>Labelling Merkel even though she's an easily recognisable figure
>Man tied up with red tape would be a fine visual pun but no he has to put words next to it to drive his point home
>"Eurozone" label on the ship even though it's already obvious that the ship represents the EU
>A shark for political correctness and a tornado for economic failure don't have anything going for them beyond "these things are bad"
>Contrast with the debt anchor which is slightly better but would be actually good if he put the idea across with something more subtle than "THIS THING REPRESENTS DEBT"
I'm surprised he didn't label the sun with a big old "PROSPERITY" or something.
The whole thing would be a lot better if it was just a ship with the EU flag falling off and a ship with the UK flag sailing off into the sunlight but no, Benny has to shoehorn as many things as possible into the image.
Agreeing with the politics or not, it's a dumb cartoon.
>disregarding one of the worst fuck ups ever
>handling of the greek crisis
>centralizing power
>poor leadership in general
Butthurt krauts best day of my life
This if Merkel hadn't decided that everyone needs to take more migrants and then suddenly exsperiance a rash of terrorist attacks because of it then maybe the UK would still be in the EU the only one to blame is Germany.
>what you should do
Doubt your country will let it happen.
Pic related
Hey man, we're family my Anglo brother. Welcome home.
“The percentage of mandatory decisions made by the European Parliament is larger than that of mandatory decisions made by the High Council of the USSR concerning its member-republics. This means that the powers are highly concentrated within [the administrative body of the EU],” the Russian president said.
eu needs to fall hans. sorry.
Shills on overdrive today.
Yes, they've left you to foot the EU's bill. >Insert smug frog face here
That's some vague criticism you've got there.
>worst fuck-up
First of all most of these people are just trying to get away until their civilwar ends, which is what most people don't seem to understand at all.
You are living in the past. The rest of the world is not. We have bases all over Germany so they (& you all) can keep a small inexpensive military force. I served at one. It was fun. Yet I now work in industrial robotics, and negroes, make no mistake about Germany's potential to build a nightmarish technological force in no time flat if they needed to. They and Japan are decades ahead of the world technologically, they just don't mass produce the shit out of everything they design & prototype. They make a few, test them, and get right on with making a yet better one. I have seen things, things on a scale, things that made all of us just pause and look at each other and dread the day they have a reason to tool up for war again. Same with the Japanese.
They have no expensive archaic bloated military force to continually train and maintain in the interests of further 20th century warfare, as we do. This is an enormous strategic asset, not a liability. When there is a reason for Germany to mobilize for war, it will unleash industrial horrors unlike anything anyone has ever seen.
You ruined it you fuck
>First of all Hitler was just trying to unify Germanic peoples, which is what most people don't seem to understand at all.
No you didn't, stop pretending you have a grasp on History. You declared independence from a small island one ocean away it took 7 months to get to and then got the Spanish and French to both attack the British.
As a german you should know better than to overestimate them like they overestimated their own importance.
lol no. they are in Europe to stay.
Nice b8 m8, you got me.
they did the right thing hans. stay mad.
You pozzed Muslim rainbow Reich will fall like a house of cards
you would have lost if it weren't for the fucking French
>most of these people are just trying to get away until their civilwar ends
siktir lan pis türkler/yahudi
Krauts on suicide watch
If Germoney left the EU who would assume control?
>Implying the Euro crisis didn't ruin Europe
>Implying western Europe didn't kill itself already with liberalism and multiculturalism
Thanks for ruining the EU, Germany
do you even realize what you did?
Down with the EU.
Welp, GG guysh, we're fucked now. But it was a sinking ship anyway...
And yet, they still hate us like crazy.
REMOVE EU remove eu
brittish independence best day of my lif
Tupac alive #1 in ENGLAND... fuck the gErmany
2pac alive real strong wizard kill all tthe globalist with fast rap
He's an American cartoonist, some things that are easily recognisable and familiar here, aren't that familiar in the US
>do you even realize what you did?
Defeated the 4th Reich and saved Europe from destruction at the hands of Germans yet again.