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more like DIXIEXIT
when they figure out how to definitively check only one box
Is this really what you want?
>implying they wouldn't leave
how to know that map is wrong 101, michigan isnt pure blue
The entire state isn't Detroit or Flint user.
>'go isnt blue
>South seperates
>no mo gibs
>(((they))) leave,
>only credit unions exist in the south now and natioinalism is at an all time high.
>manufacturing plants like Kia and Kobota become nationalized
>New White Empire formed.
Now if only we could get rid of these damn yankees
Califexit when?
When Florida is not allowed to join and Texas goes it alone.
Actually WTF, Oklahoma isnt included, but Virginia and Florida are?
I want to have sex with Mari.
Now that's how you could REALLY make America great again. Sisterfuckers gone when?
Yes! yes!
Kill the USA! Death to the USA! Let us finally be free again from your filthy clutches! California, secede! Texas, secede! New York, become a free city! Mexican immigration will be what brings down the US American Empire, just like it brought down the Roman Empire. This is great! Go ahead, infight. Finally some cultural change will be seen in the world again.
>texas gets 30% of its funding from the federal government
>roads are already complete shit with nothing but toll roads popping up left and right
>roads become dirt roads
>must tip every time you drive on toll road
>toll roads are now only one lane
That's actually preferable. Fuck those commies.
I stand by you, my fellow Atlanta brother.
They produce 2/3 of the country's fruit & nut supply, and 1/3 of the country's vegetable supply.
Their GDP amounts to almost 15% of the US GDP
We would be FUCKED if that happened overnight
Jesus, what a joke. The only reason you slack jawed racists aren't wiping your ass with leaves is because rich liberal states pay your way. They're the ones that should cut your inbred asses loose.
all of you should burn
Global balkanization when?
>he doesn't want niggers and spics to leave
Good point.
DIXIT sounds better
Please don't, the US REALLY needs Texas, which IS the US for most people in the world. Christ, look at all those states nobody knows the name of.
Maybe you could pic related for real?
Yes, I'm sure the fact that there are so many niggers there has nothing to do with their financial situations.
I mean look at the empty northeastern states that have similar population densities and similar lack of industrial activity, and yet are still profitable.
Many parts of the red area aren't as traditionally Southern as you might think.
Northern Virginia is heavily influenced by Washnington DC politics. The research triangle of North Carolina is heavily a college, research, and naval base area. Florida is heavily influenced by the Disney corporation and Latinos.
I don't think either the young or old want the South to secede enough to do it.
>South annexes itself
>Need a passport to visit Disney World
Fuck that.
>thinking farms in California would be worth anything if they no longer got subsidies
Nice try.
Never Ivan.
Texas is actually a pretty shitty and over hyped state. The Midwest is the best region in the country by far.
East coast is liberal paradise, south is niggerville, west is hipster faggot central.
Midwest is best.
>Texas would be in an independent country and therefore less Texans would invade Oklahoma.
Murray would have a boner.
compared to sweeden balkans are a really cool place
Please take me out of new york, please. I'll do anything
The south is radically different then there rest of the cucked US
more like Caliphexit
Spotted the butthurt Sherman RPer
>believing subsidizing farms is a luxury and not out of pure necessity
go ahead, call the bluff
yes please
hopefully soon. Globalism is out of fucking control
>Percentage of a county's population identifying as both black or African-American and non-Hispanic
>black and non-Hispanic
What did they mean by this?
Yeah, California and New York and the billions that gets funneled off to you Clampettes and Bodines are worried you might leave. Where will they get their crawdads and possums?
You don't get to keep Texas. We're still trying to recover it slowly by sending our people there :^ )
You can keep the rest of the rednecks though
You have to take new Mexico and Arizona with you. We want a buffer against the spic and it will boost our white percentage. Enjoy living in a white minority country infested with niggers and spics.
Racism in the South has never been about uplifting or purifying the white race as a whole. It was about cottonfags too lazy to pick their own crop, now it's about keeping non-union factory wages low with trailer parks full of beaners ready to scab anywhere anytime.
Basically everybody poor in the south is a different shade of nigger to the mint julip class.
do you include the mountain region when you say midwest?
Okay. If we didn't give them a fuck ton of tax dollars they couldn't afford to make gigantic almond farms that take a gallon of freshwater per nut to produce in the middle of a fucking desert and they'd have to move some place oh, I dunno, in the Midwest or something where it is a lot more viable to grow shit.
Go away, Juan. I hope we build the wall around California as well.
I don't even know what this picture is about but it's about California so I'm posting it.
Hopefully never. My uni gets hunnids of millions of government dollars and I dont want it to collapse
Herpes. What a perfect metaphor
>Thinking the population will survive with no fresh water
The farmers are fucked on subsidies. The population is fucked because we spend money to pump drinkable water to them.
Also, they USE most of what they make over there, because the population of cali is fuckhuge.
then how can you say "west is hipster faggot central." if you're including states like montana, wyoming, idaho and utah?
when you git gud
If you guys leave who is going to rough up the immigrants?
Why the fuck is maryland on that image.
Fuck maryland u stupid niggers i don't want them.
t. maryland refugee
>Implying middle America wouldn't pick up the slack
We definitely don't need all this corn, bud.
won't happen this time. All the northerners pussified beta faggots
sauce on hotties?
I live in ohio.
Don't come here, or if you do, stay away from the big cities. Liberal paradise in all the big cities and around their suburbs.
Idk about best illinois is a pretty big pile of shit
Because nobody lives in Wyoming or Montana or Idaho. I can make exceptions sure but I'm taking the average of the area.
seriously Maryland is basic the EU personified in a state but worse.
We gave the world john wilkes boothe
If the south were to leave, Id immigrate there, and write 50 stories about it telling the leftists why they should kill themselves, bragging about how Im moving there.
>the south
Pick one, faggot.
If Chicago got rid of the niggers it'd be based.
>implying they would still be citizens in the new South
Ever heard of slavery?
ah, ok.
So you know jack shit about the region.
NCR when?
Sorry if I pissed you off flyover state.
You'll continue to be irrelevant, don't worry.
North Turkey is weird
Almonds consume 10% of state water usage. Alfalfa (hay) consumes 15%, used almost exclusively for dairies. Agriculture as a whole is 80% of total usage.
An acre of almonds are worth 5 times as much as an acre of rice. Almonds only consume 29% more water than Rice to produce, according to state usage levels. The economics are pretty damn clear.
The meat/dairy industry consumes water at a rate orders of magnitude greater than the agriculture industry, and CA is an essential part of the supply chain for both in the US. Those tax dollars serve a quantifiable purpose. They can take my burgers from my cold dead hands, but at least get your shit straight, user. The commies still feed you.
The Union is not voluntary. This was already decided in the Civil War.
pls no missouri in this. We're poor and irrelevant as it is.
It makes sense for a fucking massive island with its own infrastructures to be in charge of it's own fate. Not so much for some landlocked woodlands with a liberal enclave for a city.
The Fire Rises Brother
>how to tell if someone has never been to Texas
Texas roads are great you retard. And that "federal funding" includes money spent on military bases in Texas, which - hint - we have A LOT of. And also farming subsidies.
Get fucked.
I hate these modern times we live in.....
No ____ITs!
No #hastag_____
No something-Gates please just use regular English language! Is it so hard?
>The commies still feed you.
I'm saying you could spend less if you didn't pay Juan to do all that shit in the middle of a desert like someone who isn't retarded.
Commiefornians can boast about their yuge economy all they want, it's only possible thanks to the rest of the states through the feds subsidizing them.
westerner here who loves the south
you guys are great, but remember that you tried this before and it didn't go so well
right now isn't a time to do it
we need to stay united and vote trump into office
Good. If we're that bad then the rest of the USA won't miss us...
OK, so clearly culture is more important to you than geography. But then this is Sup Forums so I should have expected as much.
we bled you out before and we will do it again
>I'm saying you could spend less if you didn't pay Juan to do all that shit in the middle of a desert like someone who isn't retarded.
And this is why we have illegal immigration. What US citizen is going to put up doing that kind of work for less than minimum wage?
>pls no missouri in this. We're poor and irrelevant as it is.
Missourian here. Fuck yourself. We'll be southerners to the end. Now go be a Yankee somewhere else.
More like Rednexit.
Weve been thru this once
Want us to burn georgia to the ground again?
Take Illinois with you
t. Wisconsin
Wrong board and thread, t b h f a m
Hey leafy calm down. I could feel the bait before even scrolling.
Mexican immigration caused the fall of the Roman empire? Lolol
Read your constitution user, never.
> 1 post
Sage. Stop shilling this board with your subtle pro globalist message.
Newfags learn how to spot a shitpost.
as a life-long southern redneck, I love it, polandbro.
What is so great about the south? It's hot as dick. I'm not a nigger. I'm white. I like cold weather.
>san angelo made the cut for the map
get fucked midland/odessa