Why don't more young voters in Britain support Brexit? I would think the statistics would be reversed, since generally it's the older generation that is more afraid of change.
Why don't more young voters in Britain support Brexit? I would think the statistics would be reversed...
I'd like to see a chart that shows ethnic groups as well. I'm guessing a lot of the "youth" vote would be minorities considering the recent demographic shifts.
youngest generation is most vulnerable to the muh diversity meme that has infected whites
plus olds are more based, have more life experience, and aren't fucking cucked by the media who went full agit-prop apocalypse mode
t. 26 y/o burger
cultural marxism, a hating for Britain and white people and a love of refugees and pan-Europeanism
Because they haven't lived through 40 years of bullshit.
Old people are afraid of foreigners. They have nothing better to do than vote.
Hence Brexit.
Old people are as shit as young ones desu.
Young ones are basically indoctrinated into a certain point of view. Old people still think it's the 1970s and the world has moved far past that point.
Because they've been told not to.
Rape victims are easier to indoctrinate.
Do you think the rape gangs were ignored due to incompetency.
It was their plan all along.
The same reason they hate Trump. They'll blindly vote for empire building, social engineering, signing away their own sovereignty or self-determination, whatever, as long as plebbit and the media says it's not racist.
Also the schools aren't teaching basic logic or critical thinking skills. I constantly hear millenials saying logically inconsistent things, and when I ask them about it (not even to disagree, but because I have no idea what it means when somebody says "X and not X" in the same sentence), they get angry. Similar when I ask what their media is trying to say.
Eventually they'll get older and they'll see things inconsistent with the media narrative enough times in a row, and they'll stop trusting them. But it won't fix the stupid, so who knows what the consequences of this will be.
Young people have no idea what they're doing and want a world government to be their mommy forever
You know, as much bullshit that's being thrown around now, I wouldn't be surprised if these numbers were pretty bullshit themselves.
>These people seriously advocate for a real life iteration of Lord of the Flies
Europe WAS change.
Literally nothing like it ever existed in human history.
The Persian Empire...
The Alexandrian Empire...
The Empire of Rome...
The Byzantine Empire...
The Völkerbund...
Retarded moron.
Universities are a pool of leftish fanatics, the same with media coverage... Also people become more based with more life experience. Easy as that
the older generation saw what happened
the younger doesn't know any better.
because their jewish professors and celebrities tell them they are racist if they support brexit
because most young brits are muslims
People tend to change opinions as they get older. My parents were pro-EU when it was first made, now they hate it.
Nah, it is just the youth being more liberal.
This is the thing that people don't understand when they say "oh britains only 20% non-white" or w/e
It's massively skewed between whites being old, and non-whites being young