You Britons infiltrated here safe space by voting Brexit, I thought you Brits were gentleman's?
Leftist cries over brexit
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She's kinda cute
By American standards maybe.
Leftists crying is one of the most beautiful thing in the world.
>America is full of hate
Good fucking god her tears were tasty. I literally don't need to eat today because this was so filling! hating Americans and looking down your nose at them isn't bigotry
got it
I can fap to this
rightists whinning is kinda funny imo, but leftists crying is top kek
This is awesome - what a clueless fuck. Maybe she should move before border controls are reinstated.
Best day ever. I just wish this erection would go away its been six hours now.
>America full of hate
She's a total sheep.
Why doesn't she move to North Africa or Syria if she loves "diversity" so much?
>I thought America was the one full of hate
the future is bleak because these "young ones" are the future.
absolute babe, would sex
Jesus Christ! Will you guys sort out your people.
"I thought it would be America"
Like American people are fucking evil or something. Yes the US has thrown its weight around and stirred up some ugly shit in the world. That is why people here from both sides of the political divide want to crush our government.
Stop making us you fucking boogeyman.
>I thought America was the one that was so filled with hate, not us.
These tears, W E W
>Muh racism
Immigration fell into the background against the much better reasons we had to leave, yet they never mention these
this is LITERALLY how women react when deprived of easy migrant BBC
take note lads
This is the propaganda they've been feeding us for decades now. America is evil and backwards, they all have guns and shoot each other all day and sue each other for dumb reasons
Europeans have no idea what Americans are really like. It's used to keep us from exploring freedoms and conservative values.
I relish in her tears
For a bitch who's trying to promote "non-racist" behaviour she's one hell of an ageist cow.
Old people are still people too, hence why they have 'people' in the name, unlike this spineless cuck bitch. And they have every right to vote, that's democracy, don't like it? Move to Kazakhstan.
Immigration was a perfect example of the destructive capabilities of free travel in Europe and the Treaty of Lisbon. Since the migration crisis of a year ago now, it was constantly in the public debate, which it was so powerful in getting this referendum going and convincing voters to leave.
The problem is, anything about immigration is incredibly easy to be turned into racism. Not that it's valid, we all know it isn't, but that's just how the left operates.
>Like American people are fucking evil
lel how do you think most of the world sees you? you are the niggers of the world ffs
This is fantastic. Any more like this?
I smiled and downed a shot at that bit too
>I thought America would be the ones to do this
Get rekt bitches
I know it's our fault in many ways.
Our media does its best to make us look like shit.
The talk is always about guns instead of major issues in minority communities.
And too few of us actually travel and interact with all of you to red pill you in who we are.
I do travel a lot. And in every country I have been to people tell me that they refuse to believe that the majority of Americans I know are like me. They thing I am some strange educated rational statistical anomaly.
It sucks. And it's the main reason why I want both my government and media to burn.
>mfw her tears
witnessed and observed
>I know it's our fault in many ways.
>Our media does its best to make us look like shit.
it's da joos m8, for real
they legit control the media the world over
its not a fucking joke and its not your fault
>hate won
>the stirrings of fascism in Europe
>I thought America was the people so filled with hate
I hope she kills herself.
Ok Spain. Your opinion ion has not mattered since the wooden galleon went out of style in modes of transportation.
To be honest I cried too when the vote was called, I realised that for the first time in my life my vote actually mattered and democracy had spoken.
Now I bask in these salty tears from the left.
>I thought America was the one full of hate.
lol. But its true, Americans are full of hate.
Of course I expect a lot of people to be unhappy about Brexit. 48% of the people voted stay. And there are a lot of people who lost money and jobs because of this.
Fucking hell these people are delusional. On the BBC last night, they stated that one of the big issues with a Brexit was going in and unwinding the laws that had been written for the UK by the EU in Brussels, because a whopping 55% of UK laws had been written by the fucking EU. Fucking progressive idiots want unelected bureaucrats dictating how they live.
But no, it's MUH RAYCISM!
I tell ya what, I've been called racist simply for being a white male who was standing in the wrong place. I just don't give a fuck anymore.
Felt kind of bad for her desu, until she started chatting shit about 'Merica.
>"I'm incredibly deflated"
Seems like Tom Brady fucked the bitch
I feel ...
I feel ...
I feel ...
Muh racism ...
This woman epitomises the reasons why this country is heading down the shitter.
All her decisions are made on vague feelings and fashionable causes. If she was to regurgitate the economic shilling that would be one thing, but she makes immature generalisations about those that disagree with her and can't emotionally detach herself from logical decisions.
>hate won
>racism is a bigger problem than i thought it was
>fascist europe again
>never thought it would be us to turn our backs on the rest of the world
>i thought america was the country filled with hate
>majority of people over 75 have no future
>they've seen what division could do to the world they should be ashamed of the world
>we don't embrace europe. it's selfish, thoughtless, callous
Nice reoccurring numbers
>Over 75s don't have a future in this country
>we wouldn't have a fucking country if it wasn't for them
I hope the old people feast on hear tears to gain more power
people want to blame anyone? blame the EU and government leaders for letting it get to this boiling point. and oh look people had the balls to say "yeah nah go fuck yourself."
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength
These people make me sick, I want them to go up to the few surviving WW2 veterans and tell them that they're vote shouldn't matter because they're old.
I'd infiltrate her safe space, if you know what I mean
Not at all.
Well we are a shrinking white majority soon to be minority. I don't see how Euros can't use us a lesson at how non whites can destroy your nation. Then again we didn't use South Africa as a lesson.
>voting for independence means a racist nation
wew lass
I hope she commits sudoku when she gets home.
What did she even mean by that? She thought we'd be the ones to leave the EU?
Candidates represent their people. Look at what you have a sly, vile cunt and an utter pillock. You guys don't even care who's representing you all you care about is Team Magma and Team Aqua. Vote for trump because he's anti-PC and Hillary because she has a birth canal. Everyone makes fun of you because you are worth making fun of. Look how wealthy your state is and poor your people are. FUCK YEA 'MURICA is just a meme no one wants to be America
to become "racist" and "run to the right"
We are but it's glorious hate.
>55% of UK laws had been written by the fucking EU
actually 13%
>not a better candidate than over 90% of European candidates
fuck off m8, Europe isn't any better
Your PM is a literal pigfucker and mine is that nerd you used to beat up in school
The youth will do whatever is rebellious and being right wing right now is rebellious.
Well done, Albion. You absolute madmen. I honestly didn't think you could do it. Your future is your own now. You are free.
>old people did this.
>old people don't have a future
Logans Run, when?
There is a reason why a person should, at a minimum, have to pass a citizenship test in order to vote. At the very least it would eliminate the low information voters.
I thought America was about to default on their debt.
Okay so I'm confused
Did Britain vote to leave the EU or hang a black person on every street corner? Her reaction is only appropriate for one of these
Only niggers are poor because they are subhuman.
what a fucking milf, though. my god.
>Over 75's don't have a future and an investment in this country.
They fucking saved it once and are saving it again.
>racism is bad!
>10 seconds later she generalizes a whole nation as "racists"
Sweet tears of irony. Hope she is one of the ones to jump in front of a train because of this.
holy fuck these tears are good. good...goood let those emotions flow through you!
she looks like a tranny
Since when is America filled with hate?
We love you Britbros and stand by your decision.
This shit makes me so happy
The key thing to note here, is how she says "I feel" about everything. None of her beliefs are grounded in silly things like facts or statistics, oh no, its all based on "feeling" and as we all know that's something that never gets manipulated.
I want to stick my dick down her throat while shes crying screaming "GREATEST GENERATION" for Mr.Moore
>they've seen what war does.
I'd deflate her...with my cock. Nah not really, but it's funny how the left are the ones who are bringing up immigration and race constantly...:/
I know at this point we're just supposed to embrace this idea that we're "hateful" and to deny it makes us cucks or something but I feel bad about how misguided these people are. I can't really enjoy the unhappiness of other people. I wish they could see our side of things. I understand these people would never be sympathetic to us if we had lost but I don't think that means we should do the same thing. I think instead of saying "haha we won you lost!!!" that we should instead take this opportunity to really effectively argue for our cause because at this point they have nothing left to do but listen and embrace it. If there isn't any closure it just sows the seeds for an equally drastic reaction which in less than 24 hours is clearly already happening what with all of the petitions to do another vote, everywhere that isn't England proper wanting to leave the UK, and so on. We've in no sense won the war and acting as though we have is the most foolish thing we could do. This has been a decisive victory in our favor and we should celebrate it, all I'm saying is lets not get carried away. There's a long way to go.
Sweet christ thats good stuff
lefties are fucking mentally ill
Sounds like she needs some rough sex
>interviewing in London.
Thats the problem right there.
You know you have a US flag on your post right? Fucking summer fag, don't you have another place on Sup Forums to make shit with your presence?
Why is Scotland being such a bitch about this whole thing? Has the country just been overrun by leftist cucks and Durkistans?
No but I'm going to Bristol tonight so I'll take my camera. For Satan's trips.
Is it weird that I muted the video and jerked off?
There is something about leftist whores whining that gets me rock hard.
Ok mexi-euro
If you believe all that bull you are just a dull as this chick. Have you payed attention to the common theme in American dialogue regarding our political class? They are not representative of the people. They are paid for puppets and we are given no other options.
Congrats on your Brexit lad.
I won't baselessly bash your people based upon the tools in your media and politics.
Cheers to both of you. I hope we can follow in UK's footsteps here and do something about our degenerate immigration soon.
don't talk shit about america wtf
oh yea?
It truly is
When in doubt call Americans racist.
I forgot about this crying little cutie.
>hate, racism, fascism
I don't think she knows what any of those words mean.
she does have a point though, whether or not you agree with it
when the tides of your country are decided by people who are gonna die soon - you'll be pissed no matter what