What will you do on the 4th of July? What will Trump be doing? Will there be a happening? Congratulations on Brexit, Britain!
What will you do on the 4th of July? What will Trump be doing? Will there be a happening? Congratulations on Brexit...
Other urls found in this thread:
Holy shit fuck off already
Seriously, all you degenerates need to fuck off and die
Hey barneyfag, how are you?
You missed a stealth last night. Too busy playing games made for children?
Taking these out to the range. I have a red dot I want to site in on the AR.
Which one, faggot?
And I still want all of you degenerates fucking dead.
There is no other way.
Are you still busy watching shitty toddlers' shows?
Seriously, I want all of your fucking shit dead as shit.
How do you know each and every stealth?
But i dont watch MLP. I just like seeing you get angry.
>a fucking leaf
>when a single ID makes up half the thread
Why do you get so triggered about this shit dude? Just watch the show. We all know you're into it.
Yes you do, if you're going to continue making false accusations against me, there's no reason I can't do the same to you, fucking autist.
And I know each stealth from seeing that shit before and reverse-searching.
Do you go on every single board?
Not really, but fuck off anyway.
Are you a neet?
I went in for a job interview yesterday.
And I go to uni.
Now fuck off.
Prove it
Why do you go on every single fucking stealth thread? Why don't you stay on your kiddie video games?
Seriously, I want you degenerates all murdered.
report and move along.
if people happen to like humanized country western ponies and nothing is done about it there is nothing you can do so go become a janitor or something.
Kek wills it
I'm going to spend the entire day at the US Embassy
not kidding, there's no way I'll be on euro soil for the 4th of July
Do you have autism?
I'll probably go out with family and watch fireworks, grill some hamburgers and hotdogs, all that good shit.
[spoiler]/mlpol/ forever[/spoiler]
Enjoy your liberal arts degree.
Are you doing Womens Studies as well?
>Implying they would let an autist like you in
Mods don't like you as much as they don't like posting mlp outside the containment board.
Implying they would ever allow barneyfag to be a janitor.
Not only do you use a proxy which is against the rules, you're also extremely biased in your hate against mlp. You would be a liability
You've been doing this for how long? A year? I've made this thread for 2 days.
How will you find stealth threads at your job?
Is meme magic real?
It's my birthday. I'll probably drink, eat cake, and pop fireworks like normies do because I'm not a faggot
Based Apples
Mods are gods
Fuck off, faggot.
You mean faggots?
Why do you like littlest pet shop?
Wll yoi become a Neet if you dont get the job?
How do you feel about being Barneyfag?
Did you vote Harper or Trudeau
Seriously, fucking fuck off
I jsut wanted to ask you questions
Answer these
I don't like it anymore
I'll probably still stay in uni.
I'm fine the way I am.
I was undecided.
Why do you like splatoon?
I just think it's a fun game. Simple as that.
Ayy it's my birthday too. Happy early birthday, user.
If the weather is nice I'll probably boulder with my friends
And why do you hate MLP?
If its because grown men watch it, how is it different to you playing Splatoon?
Well, it's completely shit-tier, and your shitty fanbase is cancerous enough to the point where your fanbase needed its own containment board because you felt too self-righteous about your shitty show that you had to post your shit everywhere.
Where do you get your proxies?
I'm using my phone right now
Which board do you check for stealths the most?
Stop trying to compile information.
I know you're only using this to plan further attacks against me.
Do you believe in meme magic?
Why do you call horsefuckets Barneyfags, when you're Barneyfag?
How does Barney connect to mlp?
Are you white?
Because your kind is the kind that would watch shitty shows like that
They're the same shit
i dont like mlp
Where did you get the hong kong proxy?
I'm not going to make false accusations against you if you stop doing the same to me
I'm not telling you that
that was pretty cowaii
Why not?
what if i stop posting mlp shit?
in a young girl's heart?
>what if i stop posting mlp shit?
Then I won't be pissed at you anymore.
You only answered the second question
Ok fine, I'll treat you fairly if you treat me fairly as well.
Don't worry bud. I'll help you get over this by desensitizing you with a continual stimulus of pone
Well get through this together senpai
Fuck off barneyfag