Hey, muricans, I was wondering. Which state of your country is the worst one?
Hey, muricans, I was wondering. Which state of your country is the worst one?
Hey fuck you!
Ugh, California.
That place is fucking terrible.
West Virginia.
In terms of its inhabitants?
Florida, by a wide margin. Full of the most aggressive, unintelligent low-lifes you could ever hope to come across.
In terms of laws? Well, this guy is probably right.
Mississippi or Alabama
as a New Yorker who's never been to Cali, tell me how your state is worse than my cesspool of communism?
new jersey
i stand by that till the day i die
Mississippi, but all the nigger states are awful.
California. But NJ is east California. With extra jews.
> I know, I'm in nj now.
We dump on California a lot, but desu answer is New Jersey
Missouri. It's got the heat and humidity of the southeast with no mountains. No beaches. Lots of white trash. Lots of nigs.
Name one redeeming quality.
California is a cesspool of communism full of spics.
not even close lol
All of these are valid answers.
Fuck you. Are you a spic or a nigger?
The retarded alt-right wingers on Sup Forums hate our state California, because we're the biggest blue state that would against Trump
Jersian here. Yeah it's a bunch of overpriced properties and the only personality is tons of chain restaurants, but come on dude. Have you been to Mississippi?
>GA is Mecca
>CA is Mexico
This is a hard choice.
LA is 100x worse than NYC
California with a close runner up being Colorado.
I say this because both are full of liberals, homeless people, and shitty beaners.
West virginia by far, its not even hicks its literally incest. Its a disgusting place that nobody ever goes to ever, America Is pretty ashamed of it
definitely California
This imo desu senpai
arkansas. hot swamp
>gator attack
>Youtuber shot
>orlando shooting
And it's always the butt of a joke.
If the answer isn't California, it's New Jersey. California is Brave New World, Jersey is 1984. Same shit, everything's just got a different color.
California, Florida or Illinois
Commiefornia without a doubt
Texas by a long shot. They don't even want to be a part of the country.
NJ is only bad cuz niggers and liberal cucks, but at least we don't have a homeless or beaner problem like fucking commiefornia.
So is NY, So many central american immigrants, there's an entire town dedicated to projects for gangbanging spics
How so? I've never left the east coast
New yorker here, Ask me anything
>INB4 JEW! im irish, roman catholic
I ain't even american and I know this shit
In all statistics it's Mississippi
new jersey or Mississippi depends on personal preference
well, it is the flaccid cock of the country
Maryland is the biggest shithole in the USA. California isn't far behind
All other answers are incorrect.
idk there is the everyone is nicer once you leave California meme
the whole California welfare communist shit
the whole shitty gun laws
the whole liberals gay fags shit
hollywood jews
forever jewish female senators
LA is ghetto as shit
california is like communist antigun mexisreal
NJfag here NY dude, how does it feel knowing we're the shittiest states in the tri-state area and PA is based compared to us
You're just a pussy stfu.
Most of the bad people in florida are not from florida.
My vote goes to Colorado. Hippie fucks.
Is the pizza good as they say they are?
literally in top 5 richest states but ok
Illinois is ok-ish if you have money. Chicago is fucked.
Only been to a few: New York, Vermont, California, Arizona, Hawaii, and Florida.
Love all of them, but I'd say Florida is the worst because of the humidity.
Why anyone would say Illinois is beyond me.
Besides Chicago the state is fill of corn and right wingers. Niggers ruin cities.
mississippi and commiefornia.
Delaware, then California.
>tfw 90% white rural suburbs in nj
>20 minutes from Philly
>hour from the shore
Pine barrens and most of south isnt too bad tbqh. North jersey is jew york junior
Fucking Hawaii.
Too far away from the continent, too full of weirdos even if you get there, shit climate, shit people, sharks, tsunamis, volcanoes
Hawaii deserves to be nuked and swallowed by the sea.
We have Darren Wilson?
Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Louisiana....any southern poverty shithole
Texas has Austin though, which is a refreshing breath of clean air in a rotting cesspool of a beaner filled shit kicking state
Really depends where you are in the state. These "awesome utopian cities" like new York or portland are complete cesspools if you aren't I'm the super rich, sheltered areas. The countryside is often full of bumfucks but it's waaaaay more peaceful. Also small towns are usually nice
If we're talking about the quality of people in the state, Califagnia or Jew York, hands down.
NJ pizza is better IMO
NY is full of degenerate international food, but it's pretty gewd
As a resident of California, I agree that California is the worst state.
The south including Texit
Oklahoma or Missouri
Whats that new Pakistan? Cant hear you under all my freedom.
Southern California is pretty shit yeah, New Jersey is ass. Wisconsin is uncharacteristically backwards for a Northern state, and Florida.
Mississippi here
Half the state is nigger hell holes but the white parts are still good. I'd have to say Florida. There are almost no white parts left there, it is chock full of blacks and Hispanics, the two worst races to love around.
if by California, everyone means the disgusting, hyper-capitalist materialism of republican SoCal, then yeah, it's up there
other nominees: Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Both Carolinas. Pretty much the entire south could fuck off and I wouldn't care
California native here, true our state is filled to the brim with nanny laws, and spics, but...
> Best weather
> Sexiest girls
> Yosemite, Tahoe, The Pacific Coast.
And trust me, Spics are way better than dealing with the ahmeds and somlianiggers up here in Canada. At least the spics are catholic and make good food.
>but at least we don't have a homeless or beaner problem like fucking commiefornia.
I'll give you that. But that's because we have so many cheap rotting cities for them to squat in
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA They're fucking everywhere
I practically trip over them they're so short
This desu. 609 reporting in. The only black people I ever see are when I drive past Camden to go into Philly.
literally want to kill myself, went upstate 3 weeks ago and everyone there was so fucking based, they are also all from PA which made it even worse knowing how shitty the island is and the top 5 counties above nyc are
Its pretty fucking good. I went down to GA to see my cousins and we ordered pizza, almost threw up eating it.
>bastions of right wing thinking
>shall issue carry permits
>manufacturing relocations to get away from shitty unions
>fucking nasa
>apparently bad things
Yankee detected
This guy gets it.
Every school in my hometown here had literally 1 to 3 black kids. And MAYBE 5 beaners. Muzzies were rare as fuck too.
How much can I pay you to stay there, and not come down south and tell us how much we suck. Seriously, why come down here if it sucks so much and is so marvelous in NY, NJ, PA, MA, etc.?
Yea la is even more unfriendly than Chicago. I'd take new York. Still though new York is shit
All counties in Illinois are red...except fucking cook.
Fuck off, Iowa is alright.
I live in the STL area, and I would agree with this, except that when you hit literally ANYWHERE other than the metro east area, it's not that bad. KC is bad too, but still.
>Name one redeeming quality.
You can legally drink and drive.
Fuck you buddy, what the hell did we do?
>hawaii is better
>plasticist girls
>who cares