Why don't we create a voting licence ?
Why don't we create a voting licence ?
I think it would be a good idea. You should be educated in order to vote.
The same silly cunts that didn't want voter id's so illegals could vote now want voter registration because they didn't get their way.
Because someone would have to set the requirements to get that voting licence.
Someone who may be very biased about it.
What sort of education?
The electoral college doesn't work out for us. Why would it for you?
At least 2 years after high school.
This is a good idea, anyone who supports the extinction of their own people would be barred from voting, liberalism would disappear overnight.
If you had to be educated in order to vote brexit would have won by a landslide
So mostly liberals?
That leaves out people who are selfmade and lets in those who went for magic bullshit mayors
There should be education requirements, though not as grand as high school
Then why only unemployed poorfags and old senile undereducated boomers voted for it?
Das rascist
Hmm, I wonder why people who are educated vote liberal...
Self made people can afford to educate themselves.
>a high-school diploma gives you necessary knowledge in politics
Why would they if they got it made already?
Why not let them take a few classes every week or month and then let them make a test on required knowledge?
How about this, you need to pass a test on civics and American and world history created by Academics independent from the gov.
Just only allow people who own propriety and have serve in the military to vote.
It will fix everything.
Agreed. There should be a test where you're presented with several hypothetical jewish schemes. If you recognize and identify the treachery, you get a license to vote.
Government run indoctrin--- I mean education obviously, goyim.
It's called citizenship.
>tfw service will never guarantee citizenship
If we asked every voter a question like "Name 10 ministers and their functions" only 5% of the population would vote
Educated = repeat whatever college professors force you to repeat.
There's people out there who are in 1000000 dollars in debt just so tehy could learn that RACISM= POWER+PRIVILEGE
Good fucking idea
>education isn't valuable because you learn some liberal viewpoints
I guess my K-12 was worthless because we were taught that the civil rights movement was good and that slavery was bad.
Think he's talking about stuff like gender studies
College education is so overate a lot of people who finish College are unemployed or in debt. You are nothing more than an anecdote.
Good point.
Educated as indoctrinated? Nah.
Property and business owners/revenue contributors should have the only say so.
>democracy didn't give them what they want
>let's re-create the card-carrying aristocracy
this will be enjoyable to witness.
Depends of the field
A major in computer science and a major in musicology is not the same thing
Better idea, how about a sterile technocracy with the addition of emotional suppressant drugs so that all political matters are judged on sheer logic and not feelings.
Better yet, we should be ruled by a loving super computer
>have to speak the language at a certain level
>have to have the ability to read and write
>knowledge over every position in the voting matter
>net contributor to society
Any other ideas?
A comp sci major also doesn't have time to take shit like women's studies.
I wish they distinguished the "people with higher education" group into "people who took useful STEM courses" and "daddy said he'd buy me a car if I graduated college!"
Yes, and?
We are talking about just educated people, not specifics like have a job and not be in debt.
The smartest way to give voting rights is to make sure the voters have skin in the game. Propriety is probably the easiest way, though that might not work for all nations.
We would probably have to redo things a bit in that case since many don't own the land or apartment they live in but rent it
A way to fix it is to set the age higher and demand voters have a job. If the nation has a conscription like system, then demand that voters have taken part in it.
Honestly I feel like Starship Troopers had it right, no matter how memey. If you risk your life for your country you're bound to take more of an interest and think about more than yourself.