> Muh Germany can't lead because of 6 gorillion
> Italian liberals have always good ideas
> Francais socialism superb
> Must lead Europe in future
> Muh must stop right wingers and their ideas
> Muh Germany can't lead because of 6 gorillion
> Italian liberals have always good ideas
> Francais socialism superb
> Must lead Europe in future
> Muh must stop right wingers and their ideas
Other urls found in this thread:
> French economy on very good way
> Will soon be stronger than Germany
Bow down to your new god
Just a reminder that now that Britain has gone, the EU will rapidly turn into an ultra Socialist state
Nah thanks
too much work
Greece and the Netherlands should lead the EU.
BULLSHIT germany just trying to hand over the reigns so they can jump ship too
>France socialism superb
>when our president is 11% popular
>leading anything
>other than pants-around ankles chasing women in stop motion
>and team betrayals
EU is fucked now
France wants out too, so Germany are doing their best to sweet talk them.
If France leaves Germany is completely FUCKED!
we did it angela...finally we became the european union
You faggots want to dine and dash, you're getting stuck with the bill wether you like it or not, thank mutti Merkel.
I haven't grinned like this in years
Germany + Italy went well in the past so I don't see why...
That's probably because today, it has already be admitted bu our shitty political class that a referendum like that is also inevitable in France and will happen in the next years.
If France also leeave, the EU will collapse or just become unexistant when it comes to military, global politic, cultrual or diplomacy, and just become a minor trading zone.
>New EU leading nation
It's not like we're leading it with Germany since the beginning of the EU...
Well who cares. Germans are wogs anyway. Now that Britain is gone who da fuck cares?
I'd love to be enslaved by an italian beauty.
So how can we betray Germany and the EU?
>> Italian liberals
>defending Mussolini a man who hated Italians
He only loved Rome he hated Northern and Southern Italians.
That's not how it is at all, friend. A more pertinent illustration would be two persons, one many flags and one the U.K., holding down a monster of some sort, that is the EU. Then the U.K. leaves, and the other man, the many-flags, cannot hold the beast.
Eurocrats getting desperate.
Shut up stupid leaf
Lazy Fucks.
italians are descendents of arabs. They are shiskins
Germans aren't really white. Africa starts at Denmark. All non-WASPs are shitskins.
You can't stop us.
Why is Dustin Hoffman your prime minister?
don't care, haven't seen a single ugly italian girl yet while I was down there.
Don't worry a Beppe Grillo will make a good world leader as long as he doesn't have to drive anywhere...
>as long as he doesn't have to drive anywhere...
We have the right man for that.
Said the Arab
Cucks and shills on damage control
Those shills are completely insane. France has never been this weak and the future never looked as bleak.
>Francais socialism superb
Brace yourself, eurolads. He's coming.
Let's fix this poll Sup Forums
Do the Italians even trust themselves to run their own economy?
poor germany, acting like a lost puppy
>the Italian economy
That's pretty good though.