What does Sup Forums think of this?
What does Sup Forums think of this?
Indifference. Its meaningless.
Todays "education" is no education
>tfw this proves going to school makes you a cuck
What is the x axis? What does this show exactly? How "much" people are for leaving? How was that even determined?
>Last graph
Migrants and Pols are really smart, wow!
>higher education
You mispelled indoctrination
>being a young middle class twat who went through the leftist indoctrination machine known as university and who has never had to deal with the reality of living in a place that has become overrun by pakis or bydlo makes you more likely to want to remain
what a shock
The problem is that the people who are overwhelmingly impacted by immigration, multiculturalism, "refugees" etc etc are the lowest educated and lowest skilled people in society.
They face the consequences of it day in and day out.
Their daughters gang raped.
Their people displaced.
Their economic prospects reduced.
Their culture destroyed as pubs become madrassas.
Yes. Compare London to Lambeth, they have remain percentages of 75% and 78% respectively. Then look at the maps and find London and Lambeth, youll see that Lambeth is more to the left than London. Kind of irritating that they didnt label it.
This is precisely why the liberal middle class isn't the group to listen to on the topic of immigration. They grew up in nice safe mostly white communities where the token minorities were the rare exceptions to the rule, and then they went off to be educated at a university where diversity and multiculturalism are literally the official religion. You want to know what immigration really does to a country, ask the working class people who are witnessing their own displacement from their native land, the loss of jobs, and the rise of crime.
True, I imagine that the people who want to remain are living in prosperous white suburbs and have never had to deal with problems (them and immigrants themselves of course).
I dont know the demographics of Britain though but this is what its like in Canada, the biggest cucks are usually living in white suburbs and have never had to deal with violent or arrogant minorities.
Today's (((education))) is leftist anti-white brainwashing
>retards killed the UK
that feel
>higher education correlates with remain
>inb4 brexiters are stupid comparatively
Non-white collar workers are more likely to be impacted by the effects of migration so are more likely to vote leave.
It's an interactive map so it doesn't really work as a screenshot. Each of the circles represent a voting bloc, say like Sunderland. The distance from y = 0 is the net point gain for leave or remain from that voting bloc.
It proves that a college education means nothing anymore. That leftists have brainwashed hordes of people who refuse to think independently and just give in to collectivist, statist norms. I'm sure Leave voters have a much wider range of success on all of those factors.
>residents with higher education
>residents not born in the UK
Really makes you think doesn't it?
>coffin dodgers
you must be very proud today, Sup Forums. Not like you cunts need freedom of movenet any either, is it now?
so basically
people born in britain who don't get a proper education compared to immigrants and make less than immigrants and can't get any formal qualifications wanted to leave the EU because they get fucked over by it
wow big surprise
>This is precisely why the liberal middle class isn't the group to listen to on the topic of immigration. They grew up in nice safe mostly white communities where the token minorities were the rare exceptions to the rule, and then they went off to be educated at a university where diversity and multiculturalism are literally the official religion.
Not going to lie, this is pretty much me.
Feels nice to live in rural/suburban Britain. I feel bad for all the dumb poor people, but they are not me and I do not care.
I wanted to remain and maintain the status quo and keep those fucks poor.
can anyone explain to me how the fuck does being in the EU impact migration when Britain was never ever in the Schengen zone
or are you guys clinically insane
>poorly educated people fall for populist rhetoric
No way.
how and who obtained these stats?
Even if you disgust me, at least you're self-aware.
Census data from the electoral areas
>wut EU todo with immigration?
it doesnt, they are fucking retards.
Schengen had fuck all to do with immigration as such, that agreement just dropped border CHECKS between EU memebers. Being an EU member meant you had to allow EU immigration, UK has 800K Poles for instance - works both ways (UK had 3 million EU 'immigrants', 1.2 million brtis live in EU), and again, this has fuck all to do with Syria, etc.
What the NIMBY Brexiters happily forget, France was *stopping* quite a fucking lot of happy refugees from reaching UK, their preferred destination. France is under no obligation whatsoever to continue to do so.
thanks for explaining
I do believe people are losing their shit over something that is so drastic that it barely has a chance of getting done in the short term. Both sides are stupid and getting caught up in what amounts as an internal ousting of Cameron off the Tory party.
Hell, the Johnson guy that seems like the next PM already said they're not gonna rush the exit, and the EU now called him on it. This is a huge bluff from the UK and I don't think you guys have a strong enough hand to follow through.
>ABC1 Social grade
What sort of Orwellian fuckery is that?
The poorly educated need to be taken care of too.
Sadly the educated are generally self-centered and only look to improve a score instead of trying to help those who they actually have a social responsibility to help.
The poor and poorly educated have no responsibility to help those that come from distant lands.
>EU now called then on it
EU has done the only thing possible, basically that was the only course of action they had left.
If you had a high-maintenance GF, one who was always wondering aloud if she'd be better off with Chad, or Boris, or constantly fucking moaning that she didnt really *understand you*, didnt really wannt to be with you at all.. this, for FORTY FUCKING YEARS..
Youd be glad when they finally decided as well - you want to fuck off? good, go ahead and fuck right off - and dont look back, we won't.
looks like bongs want their country back from the foreign hordes.